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Oi! People are stupid...

So I was watching the new episode of "To Catch a Perdator" and one of the guys showed up carrying a PETA tote and a whole foods bag...just what we needed, health eating and PETA linked with pedophiles! *blarg*

hahahaha... i just saw that too. i think its maybe the case that the guy was trying to appeal/relate to a teen- he also had a cuddly koala with him, which isn't generally the kinda thing sported by men in their thirties and forties.

i'm thinking might have been part of a cunning plan on his part- the fake teen he was chatting to online might have said she was really into that kind of thing- i think some shady guys will do almost anything to get ino someones pants- carrying a peta bag and wearing a purple striped hemp shirt isn't a far stretch.

as a plus, he's the first i've seen so far who looked remotely like that... most of the guys on that show seem way more shady and less environmentally minded- so even if it was his normal dress, hopefully one bad hippy won't taint us all in the eyes of the masses.

i reckon most peoples memories of that show will be the icky guy in his 60's, or the dude who passed out from stress, and headbutted the min-bar on his way down.

but i guess its a good thing to consider and be aware that sexual deviants come in all shapes, sizes and persuasions- we shouldn't have a stereotype of them in our minds, for everyones safety.


I was totally watching that too and spotted the PETA bag!! Damn that is some sick, sad stuff. I remember being in the predicament of verbal sexual harrassment constantly when I was 9 years old and excitedly discovering chatlines. The more you firmly state your age, the more the pervs keep at you! I'm glad they're embarrassing them on national television. Move to Japan if you want the consent age to be 13!


Yea..people are sick and stupid! Every time I watch TCAP I am awed by how many guys show up! I mean, come on people! This is the 11th show and you're still showing up??? A couple shows ago they even had a guy that showed up for the second time! *yuck*


So I was watching the new episode of "To Catch a Perdator" and one of the guys showed up carrying a PETA tote and a whole foods bag...just what we needed, health eating and PETA linked with pedophiles! *blarg*

I like the hamtaro pic!!!! :D
(Sorry off topic)


Yea..people are sick and stupid! Every time I watch TCAP I am awed by how many guys show up! I mean, come on people! This is the 11th show and you're still showing up??? A couple shows ago they even had a guy that showed up for the second time! *yuck*

I saw that one.  People can be so dumb and sickly disturbed at the same time.  I hope they all get the help they need.


Did you guys see the episode where one of the guys went to the house got caught and arrested and theeeeen after he got out he AGAIN tried to meet another girl where he got arrested again!!!!  I mean come on, I know these guys are effen pervs, but I didn't think they were complete morons.  It was great seeing him get caught twice though, people can be so disgusting.


As a survivor of systematic abuse myself, I'm afraid I get Veeerry "Old Testament" when faced with repeat offenders of this type...the removal of certain vital organs (or at least glands) springs to mind...
Some of these humanoids are seriously ill and need culling, IMHO.


So I was watching the new episode of "To Catch a Perdator" and one of the guys showed up carrying a PETA tote and a whole foods bag...just what we needed, health eating and PETA linked with pedophiles! *blarg*

That is really funny that you spotted the same thing! I happened to catch that show last night, too, and when that guy started pulling his "goodies" out of the PETA bag, I turned to my boyfriend & said, "Wow, I'm sure PETA's glad to have him representing their team..."

Of course, it's not like this one guy shows what kind of people PETA members are in general OR if he is even involved with PETA... It was just weird to see a supposedly compassionate, humane individual show up trying to have sex with a 12-year-old. Yuck.


So I was watching the new episode of "To Catch a Perdator" and one of the guys showed up carrying a PETA tote and a whole foods bag...just what we needed, health eating and PETA linked with pedophiles! *blarg*

That is really funny that you spotted the same thing! I happened to catch that show last night, too, and when that guy started pulling his "goodies" out of the PETA bag, I turned to my boyfriend & said, "Wow, I'm sure PETA's glad to have him representing their team..."

Of course, it's not like this one guy shows what kind of people PETA members are in general OR if he is even involved with PETA... It was just weird to see a supposedly compassionate, humane individual show up trying to have sex with a 12-year-old. Yuck.

Yeah...I defintly did the *sigh* why did you have to drag PETA into this?? Kind of thing! I remeber on one of the show they were at a house with the TV on and they had Conan O'Brian on and Conan made a big deal about being on the show...see even the little things don't get missed in shows like this!

Poor PETA...and they ahve been working so hard to change their image...I don't think this is what they were looking for!

So I was watching the new episode of "To Catch a Perdator" and one of the guys showed up carrying a PETA tote and a whole foods bag...just what we needed, health eating and PETA linked with pedophiles! *blarg*

I like the hamtaro pic!!!! :D
(Sorry off topic)

*Tee hee hee* I love him too! ( not that i have even seen one of those cartoons..but he's sooooo cute *squee*)

As a survivor of systematic abuse myself, I'm afraid I get Veeerry "Old Testament" when faced with repeat offenders of this type...the removal of certain vital organs (or at least glands) springs to mind...
Some of these humanoids are seriously ill and need culling, IMHO.

Right on Yabbitgirl! I defintly agree with you that repeat offenders need to have more "sniping" then counseling at this point...


I saw this episode of Law and Order SVU, and the girl that was a bit crazy was an animal rights activist, and she worked at a co-op and was into organic and veggie eating and stuff like that....then she had to go and try to blow up a building....ugh, that's what makes others think that we're all a bit wacko...


I saw this episode of Law and Order SVU, and the girl that was a bit crazy was an animal rights activist, and she worked at a co-op and was into organic and veggie eating and stuff like that....then she had to go and try to blow up a building....ugh, that's what makes others think that we're all a bit wacko...

Ugh. I saw that too.  It was terrible.


Wow a lot of us veggies were watching that show, because I saw that too!  I rarely watch that show but just happened to catch it to see that guy show up.  Grr...  Why didn't he stop at wal-mart or the dollar store on his way?  lol...


I saw this episode of Law and Order SVU, and the girl that was a bit crazy was an animal rights activist, and she worked at a co-op and was into organic and veggie eating and stuff like that....then she had to go and try to blow up a building....ugh, that's what makes others think that we're all a bit wacko...

Ugh. I saw that too.  It was terrible.

OMG! I saw that one too! And there was a whole story line where Livia went under cover for the FBI with "urban terrorist" and they turned out to be 100% peacefull! That story line eventually did make actvists seem more like they are just trying to help the earth then crazy vegans looking for trouble or whatever the FBI thinks were up too... *blarg*

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