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NVR - haunted houses

What are some of the sights you've seen in a haunted house?

(For the people who are not familiar with them. There are some companies (fire departments, farms etc etc ) who set up their places as spooky haunted houses around Halloween and they charge the public admission to get in. I've also seen it in one private home that they did that.

They have stuff to scare you like ghosts coming out at you- it's just things to scare you really

there is one about a half an hour away,its called the haunted schoolhouse and laboritorium

its pretty cool, they even have a "haunted" bus that takes you in between the two places

I remember going to one they had this gigantic witch standing outside. It was a guy on stilts though. Imagine seeing that on Halloween at

The bus ride sounds awesome.


  I once frequented an internet forum that seemed to be haunted by an offtopicgeist. You've received this warning for not being civil.

  I once frequented an internet forum that seemed to be haunted by an offtopicgeist. You've received this warning for not being civil.

I didn't think this comment was rude.  No specific forum was mentioned, no specific names were used, no specific off-topic subjects were mentioned.  This comment was not  discriminatory, discourteous  or insulting in any way.  I understand that admin is just trying to keep the peace in light of past threads.  But in this case, I don't think the warning given was necessary.

*Not trying to be difficult, just saying what I thought.*


  I once frequented an internet forum that seemed to be haunted by an offtopicgeist. You've received this warning for not being civil.

I didn't think this comment was rude.  No specific forum was mentioned, no specific names were used, no specific off-topic subjects were mentioned.  This comment was not  discriminatory, discourteous  or insulting in any way.  I understand that admin is just trying to keep the peace in light of past threads.  But in this case, I don't think the warning given was necessary.

*Not trying to be difficult, just saying what I thought.*

I agree that the warning was premature.  If more comments were later added to show aggression or rudeness then it would be clear the author means to antagonize and a warning would be obviously called for, but I thought the comment was just funny.  Now  I'm wondering if we can't show slight sarcasm on Vegweb at all in the name of humor.  :-\       


The scariest thing I ever saw in a haunted house, I was in this dark maze and couldn't find my way out, then suddenly around the corner came this guy on stilts dressed in a black cloak.  That scared the tar out of me, but I think it's funny now.


  I once frequented an internet forum that seemed to be haunted by an offtopicgeist. You've received this warning for not being civil.

I really don't want to get into the right/wrong, appropriate/inappropriate aspect  of this discussion, but I would like to point out that the warning makes this post even funnier.

In the seeing the kid cleaning the wall you know he defaced kind of way.

OR maybe I'm just weird.


Tkitty and Firefightress,

 Thank you both. I have sent a polite email to the admin (I was warned twice- once more for the telemarketer thread posting I made before I saw the first warning) explaining that I was unaware of what I consider to be a very low threshold of tolerance for what are basically tongue and cheek remarks and asking that at least the second warning be removed. I want to be cooperative and really didn't think I was being uncivil. I am hoping, as you both apparently are as well, that this new system of warnings might not be so stringent as to disallow even a little good natured humor which was all I intended.

 Thanks again for speaking up.


In Kansas City here, we have about 5-6 haunted "houses" that are old, (abandoned) unused for by business anymore, brick, mutil-story buildings in the downtown, innercity section.  Every Septmeber through November they fix them into pretty scary haunted houses with rooms, tunnels, mazes, slides, and of course monsters, ghouls, zombies, and ghosts grabbing you, screaming, jumping out at you, etc.  Costs around $20 though, so I don't ever go.  But they're pretty popular here.  Pretty scary but fun from what all I've heard.  One even has a big blow-up slide from the second story down to the ground at the end.            


  I once frequented an internet forum that seemed to be haunted by an offtopicgeist. You've received this warning for not being civil.

I laughed out loud when i read this. I love reading your posts kbone! ;D


I love "offtopicgeist"  ;D

Anyone experienced an actual haunted house?  :o


  I once frequented an internet forum that seemed to be haunted by an offtopicgeist. You've received this warning for not being civil.

I didn't think this comment was rude.  No specific forum was mentioned, no specific names were used, no specific off-topic subjects were mentioned.  This comment was not  discriminatory, discourteous  or insulting in any way.  I understand that admin is just trying to keep the peace in light of past threads.  But in this case, I don't think the warning given was necessary.

*Not trying to be difficult, just saying what I thought.*

Thank you Tkitty for saying what I so wanted to say. I tried holding my tongue since I've been such a proponent against censorship the past few weeks that I just didn't want to start any kind of trouble.

I thought it was funny, too.

Anyway, I've written much worse. Just today in fact.  ::)


Kbone...I have to say I didn't understand your warnings either.  Neither one was even remotely offensive.  ???

I thought the offtopicgeist remark was funny. 


  Thanks to everyone for your thoughtful support.

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