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New Years Resolutions

Don't usually go in for those as when I did I never kept them up and things I have given up,  I gave up out of the blue and kept to them. But his year I am going to give myself a few and see how we go, so here they are:

1. Make a new recipe once a week.
2. Buy nothing new (aside from food and fuel, and grundies (if I need new ones next year)).
3. Make (and use) at least one raised vegetable plot.
4. Volunteer at the local dog shelter after I take my GMAT exam at the end of January.
5. Get out and about more and meet more people (have seen a hiking club I am going to join in the New Year).
6. Read 25 books of least which 10 are thought provoking and not just a fun thriller or mystery.
7. Reduce liquor consumption to a case of Heineken or 6 bottles of wine a month (or a combination of both).

#2 is the one I am keenest to achieve and will track the closest, #1 is the one I think will be the hardest.

Anyone else got any?

I usually painstakingly write out New Year's resolutions, and then lose/forget about the piece of paper by February. But just generally:

1. Do well in my degree.
2. Not strangle my flatmate.
3. Keep cutting down on the dairy.


I would like to go vegan and get into shape.  Like, into hardcore shape.  Like Edward Norton or Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

Is Katie ready for that?  ???

I guess that depends on how you mean...

I mean, all the attention you're going to get. She's going to have to fight the women off.

Haha, yeah right.

ETA:  I will say thank you for the compliment. :)


I love New Year's Resolutions. It's a great reminder to work at self-improvement.

Here are some of mine so far:

- have something to look forward to every month (race, weekend getaway etc)
- get in better shape
- challenge my brain every week (with puzzles, math or whatever) Have you seen this?
- get more organized
- read more, use computer less (ever since I go this new computer...)

After I write out my resolutions I go into greater detail with each one; like break them down into workable steps.


Let's see:

1.  I will find a new job.  A job more suited to my interests.
2.  I will add more veggies and fruit to my diet.  At least one more serving of each.
3.  I will refrain from grabbing the jar of peanut butter whenever I am hungry.
4.  I will make an effort to do more fun things...something besides work and school...get involved with some social activities.


Just out of curiosity, what's in the video? It says it's not available in my country or domain.

my resolutions eta: I will get in amazingly awesome sexy shape.
(I just went through a bunch of pictures from when I was 19, and am now determined to do so)


Yay!  I'm so glad this thread exists.  It's been really interesting reading other peoples resolutions.

So mine are.....
1) Get more fit and lose weight.  Not sure how much as I've not weighed myself in a while - I just wanna fit into my clothes again, so a couple of inches round my waist.
2) Stop baking
3) Have smaller portions for dinner
4) Do more diploma work
5) Do locum work once a month
6) Save £500 a month min.
7) Take and pass the NZ pharmacy exam
8) Get a job in NZ and move there
9) Spend less time on vegweb but post more

eta: I love the way my 8 has come out.  I forgot the 8 followed by ) gave the cool smiley 8)


Just out of curiosity, what's in the video? It says it's not available in my country or domain.

Ooops. I guess it's for Canadian viewing only? It's about Neuroplasticity, by the Nature of Things. I found it interesting and inspiring because it realy drives home the message to always keep on learning new things.


1) Get more fit and lose weight.  Not sure how much as I've not weighed myself in a while - I just wanna fit into my clothes again, so a couple of inches round my waist.
2) Stop baking
3) Have smaller portions for dinner

I figure these three are related.  Flour isn't healthy for lots of people, so I'm in full support of not baking, but I think you shouldn't reduce your portion size at dinner.  Digesting food keeps your metabolism going.  I'm not sure what you eat, but I have a slow metabolism and I limit grains.

So, during the winter when I actually cook as self-defense against the cold, I'll saute vegetables like this (they keep in the refrigerator for a couple of days) and have that with a cup of legumes (like Delicious Pakistani Dhal) over a half cup of cooked spelt or oat groats or other grain.  That's actually my lunch since I get home too late to eat dinner, but that's a TON of food for about 500 calories.

In terms of convenience food, you can make a couple days supply of sauted vegetables, and I make a double batch of beans and grains and freeze them in portion size containers.  It makes lunch or dinner super fast.


thanks hh, that's really useful.  However, my portion sizes for dinner have gradually increased over the past couple of years....they are definitely on the large size, hence me wanting to cut them down a bit.  We bought a set of plates a couple of years ago and they are quite big compared to most plates - therefore I have bigger meals!!  I don't want to reduce portion sizes by much, in fact not even by as much as I would notice.....does that make sense?

It really does hurt to say that I'm going to stop baking, but Niall doesn't really eat much of what I bake so guess who eats it all ::)


I usually only have one resolution, and its the famous :i will loose weight.  And i never acheive it.  So this year, I really put some thought into it and this I what I came up with...

1.  Be more "Eco-friendly' (like planting a garden, stop forgetting my cloth bags when I go to the store, that kinda thing)
2.  Save 10% out of evey paycheck (for a downpayment of a house hopefully in 2 years)
3.  Eat mindfuly.
4.  Start painting again and do more photography like i used to
5.  Stop yelling at the kids when I have a bad day, its not their fault
6.  Play more with my kids.  (get on the floor and into those lego blocks, lol.)
7.  Be more organized.
8.  Read more books.


ugh i hate new years resolutions.....
i always try and make my resolutions at a non new years time just to be defiant...

but THIS YEAR my resolution FELL on new years..dammit....

1. go to the gym. I am by no means fat or overweight but I am unmuscled and it bugs the hell out of me.
2. quit smoking. OMG this one terrifies me to no end. But I REALLY can't promoted healthy lifestyle choices if I also smoke. I just look like a damn hypocrite


I would like to get back to training and racing, cycling that is.

Cyclocross  :)>>>


i'm totally on board with "bake less".  ;D  my tummy doesn't need all of those yummies!

i tend to write down resolutions and forget about them, too, so i haven't made any in a few years.  this time, i think i'll post them on my fridge, tho'!  i WILL make 2008 better than 2009. 

here goes...

health/weight goals:

* eat more veggies/fruits and less carbs/sweets
* bake less; cook more! 
* drink more water
* walk more
* walk/bike to work when the weather's decent
* buy/find a bike!
* drop about... gulp... thirty pounds (hopefully all of the above will help with this!)

other goals:

* buy in bulk more often; cook more meals ahead of time for work lunches
* remember my cloth/reusable bags and travel coffee mugs more often - keep them by the door and in car
* make stuff with all of my collected crafty supplies and what's-its
* get organized!
* work on procrastination issues
* get more involved in my community; find like-minded people to hang out with



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