My sister got a job with PETA
:D yay. My dad was telling me (rather regretfully) that my sister has a job with PETA. Shes just doing some receptionist sort things, BUT maybe she will be effected by all the animal rights folks there and jump on the band wagon...Maybe she'll even go veg! I know its a lot to hope for answering phones- but you know...I kinda envy her. ;D She always claims to be an animal lover, but she still eats them ??? Seems my dad thinks PETA is too militant for his daughters though...he was none to happy to hear how thrilled I got...says he could never kill an animal (He's come a long way from the hunting boy of his youth...seems having children can do that to a man...I'm sure it doesn't help when half his kids turned out to be freak animal rights activist vegans!) but that PETA is too extream. I tried to convince him that PETA has a new face but...I dunno if he bought lets all send happy vegan dust my sister way.... 8)
Congratulations to your sister. Even if her food choices aren't affected, it has a chance to be more interesting than other jobs.
If PETA is in transition, it will take many number of years for society to trust they've changed. I don't think your dad will ever trust PETA. It was like that for Earth First in Humboldt. They made a move to stop spiking trees in 1990 and now do more benign things like block roads and tree sit. It took a number of years for people to believe the change. If you say Earth First now, 17 years later, some people will think the organization is still destructive.
I didn't know that PETA changed...I thought they were still the good ol' extreamist they always have been...hmmm, guess I pay less attention then I thought!
That's great your sis got a job with them! I bet she will go veggie within a month! ;)