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The most morbid thread Ever

I have good reason for posting this. I am writing a book on Veganism and I am trying to do my homework (I spent 3 days looking for an article called "the cadillac that moo's"  TIME, April 1, 1996,  By: ROD USHER. I believe it to be the echo effect). 
Can any one name High Profile killers that abused animals as children?
I have on the list
Gary Ridgway "Green River Killer"
Henry Lee Lucas
David Berkowitz "Son of Sam"
Those are the only three found after spending 5 hours watching serial killer documentaries (I think I've done irreversible damage to my brain).
Making a good effort to back what is put in print so please attach a link with it.
Thank you,
J.D. Slaughter

For some reason, Dahmer comes to mind.....would Manson count?


I watched a documentary on Jonestown once, and near the beginning I believe they talked about Jim Jones killing a cat just so he could have a funeral thing for it. Would that count? Not necessarily a serial killer...

Here's the documentary:

I found it on one of those "watch tv online" sites too, but I don't recall which one.


There's not much to this one, but Animal Cruelty: The Key to Serial Minds mentions:

Jeffrey Dahmer
Ted Bundy
Andrew Cunanan
David 'Son of Sam' Berkowitz
Albert 'Boston Strangler' DeSalvo


am writing a book on Veganism (...) Can any one name High Profile killers that abused animals as children?

how, specifically, if one might ask, are you linking veganism to ?

case histories exist but may be sealed / protected by client confidentiality rights.

~ fr


i can  help!
Ivan the Terrible would drop boxes of kittens out of his tower windows when he was but a boy.
I know this because I did a report on him in the fourth grade. Im sure you can dig up more stuff on him if you try, but that particular story sticks in my mind.
Good luck with your book, sound interesting.


Dennis Rader, the BTK killer, claims that all his problems started when working on his grandparents chicken farms and he watched all the baby chicks die.  I used to be obsessed with the btk killer. The Wichita Eagle has a lot of information about him and you can find it on their website at


I watched a documentary on Jonestown once, and near the beginning I believe they talked about Jim Jones killing a cat just so he could have a funeral thing for it. Would that count? Not necessarily a serial killer...

Here's the documentary:

I found it on one of those "watch tv online" sites too, but I don't recall which one.

Oh! I watched that too! Wasn't it good???

You might also be interested in Jason Moss' "The Last Victim" it details his encounters w/ Bundy while he was researching for his book--it might give you a unique insight into serial killers from a different perspective--saddly, Jason committed Sucide just a few years ago--but I kwo he was researching other killers as well--Daumer, etc. anyways..hope that helped a bit!


the tv show "Most Evil" has lots of info about different serial killers and their histories...not sure if you can get that show online.  It is extremely interesting.


I read a book on Gary Heidnik called Cellar of Horrors and I believe it said something about this but I honestly cant remember. Check it out, it may help!


Never mind, I just looked it up and it doesn't look like he tortured animals but he was a chronic bed wetter throughout his life....


Not sure if this is useful to you or not....since he's not "officially" deemed a serial killer (yet?)....but I went to school from 7-12 grades w/ a kid who did torture animals (not rumors....I saw it), by freshman year, he was one of the top five drug dealers in the area. Two years after graduating (2002) I heard that he was in prison (with the potential to serve life) for murder. His name is Steve Corielle (I THINK that is how you spell his last name).....and I believe the assault he was found guilty of happened in either Los Angeles or Orange counties in California. Maybe you can find records by searching.


Apparently three signs profilers look for in the history of a serial killer/psychopath are:
Cruelty to animals
Persistent bedwetting long after the normal age
Fascination with fire

Which upset me when I learned this because...that's my brother. Fortunately I live here and he lives there. 7000 miles is a comfortable distance. For me.

(Excuse me. I have a fever. I'll go to bed now.)


Food for thought:

If torturing animals is a warning sign of socciopathy, being a killer and more, what does it say about a society that tacitly supports wide scale torture of animals?


Food for thought:

If torturing animals is a warning sign of socciopathy, being a killer and more, what does it say about a society that tacitly supports wide scale torture of animals?

Thank you. Now lets pose this to all the meat eaters we know. I really think this is a ligitimate question people MUST answer!!!


Have a look at this, it seems to be a discussion thread. There are some names and details at the top part of thread in first three sections >


Food for thought:

If torturing animals is a warning sign of socciopathy, being a killer and more, what does it say about a society that tacitly supports wide scale torture of animals?

a lot of people have made that point before, its a good one. But why do you think we are always at war all the time? among many reasons, i think our society's propensity for violence and tolerance of violence is one of them.

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