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More reasons to not buy from China

WHICH is almost impossible since most companies bubt factories there since it's so cheap.
But I found this list of links about facotry conditions on a colleage's site:

Tainted food exposes Chinese import woes:
What few contaminated products FDA discovers are often shipped again

The below info is originally taken from here:
Please visit that site for all the imbedded direct links to the ariclces about the products.
Those didn't copy over here.

Some US companies who make things in China:
# Timberland shoes

# Wal-Mart / Kathie Lee handbags

# Labor Law in China

# Huffy bicycles

# Cost of Living: Trying to live on 25 cents an hour

# Visiting a company dorm

# Alpine car stereos

# New Balance sneakers

- Freetrend factory

-<> Lizhan factory

- Pou Yen factory

Looking for Fubu and Deep E in China

# Where Keds are made in China

# Nike in China and proud of it

-<> Sewon factory

-<> Hung Wah and Hung Yi factories

-<> Keng Tau factory

-<> Tong Ji factory

-Wei Li Textile, Ltd.


# Finding Spiegel in China

Foods made in China:

Asparagus Vitamin D3 oil Titanium Dioxide Jasmine Tea Green Tea Powder

Infant food:

Baby food:

Rice cereal with bone powder???

Canned baby corn:
Infant Milk Powder

Infant Milk Powder
Infant Milk Powder

Product Description »

Offer 400gr tin packing, 400gr alminumum foil bag packing, 900gr per tin packing.

The products was awarded iso, haccp, china product exemption from quality surveillance inspection certifications.
Packet Noodles
High Quality Corn Starch
Vegetable Powder

Product Description
Various of vegetabel powder

1. Spinach powder
2. Broccoli powder
3. Celery powder
4. Carrot powder
5. Tomato powder
6. Pumpkin powder
7. Garlic powder
8. Onion powder
9. Potato powder
10. Red bell pepper powder
11. Cactus powder

An interesting article about China and regulation:

An excerpt:
"This is a country, after all, where lax regulation and a weak legal system have allowed unscrupulous entrepreneurs to blend industrial fluids into alcoholic beverages, to sell fake baby formula and to form counterfeiting factories that pump out everything from fake car parts to copycat cigarettes.

Few things, though, are as dangerous as fake food and drugs. In Panama, more than 100 people have died in recent years by consuming counterfeit drug ingredients that were manufactured in a Chinese factory."

I've often said CHina is a scary place.  Maybe more people will wake up to that now.

Ferret Research:
Ferret Resources:
Mahatma Gandhi:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

never be rascit with a country many friends of mine are chinease. China isn't a scary place it's goverment is scary for making it like that.

I wasn't. If you notice I said "china" not "chinese people".
If you had a problem with the wording, you could have said that instead of falsely accusing me of being a racist right off the bat.  I have relatives that are Chinese.  One woman's parents died in work camps.

Thank you.
Ferret Research:
Ferret Resources:
Mahatma Gandhi:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."


never be rascit with a country many friends of mine are chinease. China isn't a scary place it's goverment is scary for making it like that.

??? I didn't read the post as racist.  I think that's a strong reaction.

There are real issues with work conditions.  There was a story on NPR a few months back about how contracts with Chinese firms are viewed as approximate contracts by Chinese companies.  If a company contracts with them, there's no saying if the ingredients will by 95% correct or 100% correct.  The links to articles posted here about the pet food recall are similar.  Companies were contracted to provide a pet food ingredients, which they mostly did, but on their own decided to change it around a bit without disclosure.

Avoiding products from China until working conditions improve isn't racist.  It's compassionate.  It's a market economy - if we demand that working conditions improve with our dollars, then there's more incentive than if we buy products anyway and talk about how things should be.


Also, any money that goes towards China indirectly supports the oppression of the Tibetan people.

And I have Chinese friends and acquaintances and teachers. I have nothing against the Chinese, I have something against what's happening in China due to its government structure.


I, too, did not see gotskates post as accusatory, I thought it was more sympathetic - that when you have hungry people sometimes you have to make tough decisions.

What does concern me about buying from China is their human rights record. Jay Leno had a Chinese guest on a few years back who talked about the manufacturing done there by unpaid, unwilling political prisoners in prison-run factories. I try to buy from poor countries whose people I know will get at least some pay for their labour- Mexico, Philippines, etc. But, it is nearly impossible to avoid Chinese-made products. I do wish that the human rights situation in China was better.  :-\


I, too, did not see gotskates post as accusatory, I thought it was more sympathetic - that when you have hungry people sometimes you have to make tough decisions.

Her post has been edited.  We all get tired, or stressed out by life, and sometimes have a larger reaction to things than we would if we lived in utopia.  I know I've been there and later wished I could have edited myself.  Luckily, here, you can.  If only all of life followed the VegWeb format!


Thanks for posting!

I visited China last year, and let me just say that from what I heard from my relatives, the work conditions in factories are horrible, workers are mistreated.


Thanks for posting!
I visited China last year, and let me just say that from what I heard from my relatives, the work conditions in factories are horrible, workers are mistreated.

It is. :(  And it's not just the workers, but many factories dump their waste right into the streets and sewer systems poisoning the citizens.  They even had a report on that....last year?  60 minutes I believe it was.  In one town there was skyrocketing records of asthma in children and the water was so bad, no one could use it.

I'm glad someone brought up Tibet.  I completely forgot about that.  usually the first thing that comes to mind is the situation with Taiwan.  They're trying so hard to escape from China.  But even in Japan they refer to it is "Island China"  :o

Ferret Research:
Ferret Resources:
Mahatma Gandhi:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

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