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Kicking cravings. . .

Right now I'm trying to give up any and all refined sugars (namely in the form of cookies, cupcakes, cake, candy, and the like) but I literally have the jitters because the craving is so bad.

Has anyone gone through this before? If so, how did you deal with it?

I want to stray away from fruit sugars as well, just in case that totally breaks the camel's back.

well, I did that last summer for a month....and let me tell was NOT fun. I did allow myself fruit throughout and evaporated cane juice after the first week, because I could tell my body needed a 'little more help'.

After 28 days of doing this, I was a body was a mess, my moods/hormonal chemistry were a mess as well....after being 3 weeks late, the day after I broke my sugar fast, my period started!!

Maple syrup (Grade B) is a good one, as is black strap molasses (also gives you vitamins!)....not too sure if you want agave nectar, as it seems to be pretty refined....raw sugar is also good, you can sub either that or evaporated cane juice on a 1:1 ratio for refined sugar in any recipes.... Just things to consider. Remember your body does need SOME amount of sugar to run....I'd say allow yourself three to five pieces of fruit a day and see if that helps.


I ate fruit, though I had to limit myself was very surreal for me as well, I could taste the sweetness in EVERYTHING....even tofu!!

If you want more 'details' about what/how I experience things, check out the beginning of the Boot Camp thread:

I was pretty active in it during that time, reporting with my experiences/results, seeking support, etc. (You may want to pop in and say hi yourself!)


I stopped eating all refined sugars (still ate fruit though) for several months and have to say, I felt better than ever... better skin and less moody and I lost weight... but after a few months I just wanted some chocolate! LOL.


i did this when i went on a candida diet, no sugar, no flour (because it turns into sugar) no fruit.  the first week sucked, the next 2 months i felt awesome, but socially it sucked.  my boyfriend is vegan and he would make some yummy looking pasta dishes that i couldnt eat and seitan stuff.  but once you get over the initial cravings, its worth it.

to say no, realize how hard you've worked to go so long.  Like the second day, I would think, i cant eat any sugar, I've already spent a whole day not eating sugar, I dont want to waste all of the hard work i put into it".  or even after an hour "i've gone an hour, dont ruin it!"  don't give in.  dont say welllll i'll just have one banana, how much can it hurt, and then the next day you'll say, well i had a banana yesterday and i'm fine, maybe i'll have a muffin today.  no.  no noo nonono.  bad.  dont give in even a little if thats what you want to do.


I gave up refined sugar.  I still eat fruit.  I'm totally not worried about fruit sugar because it's tied up with so many good things. 

My mind used to try and make bargains with me, like:  you really need to get x done and you can't concentrate.  If you have just a little bit of sugar, you'll be able to concentrate.  Once I learned to tell my body and mind (they gang up on you in tandem) that I was onto them and they were just trying to play me, my craving settled down.  And sometimes I just outlast the headache.

That worked when I gave up refined sugar, caffeine, soda, and products made with flour.  Soda is strictly off-limits because I'd go straight back on it if I had any.  I sometimes have a desert with sugar and flour or coffee (if I'm driving a long distance).  I don't get a withdrawl headache the next day if I drink caffiene, but I still get one after eating refined sugar. 


perhaps practicing some positive affirmations could help with this...


wow this is really interesting. I've tried just to give up candy and even that's hard for me. Then I started eating lots of soy ice cream instead. I eat too much sugar and I really know I need to reduce it. I think i'm better than I used to be and I've been eating more fruit for sweetness than I used to, but oy, I can't imagine not eating sugar. I wonder how long I'd last.

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