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Is it insanely hot where you are? NVR

Please tell me I'm not the only one suffering really hot temps and unusual humidity. It should be a dry heat, which I have coping strategies for.....not this!!!
My hamsters and mice are really hot and sad. They look really pathetic and I feel sorry for them.(Each has their own fan) :(

I really feel sorry for some of you guys

Aw shucks, I can't really complain -more bugs means more birds, the water is warm and clear, the beach is empty, the sky is blue and I have plenty of books to read.  :) It isn't always this hot.  There's only about an hour a day when the house feels like a terrarium.


It was hot but not the kind where you feel like your in a frying pan and the heat is just pounding on your head. I hate that kind of weather. I love the kind where it's hot but still there's a breeze.


I retract my last post.  The power was out for about 20 minutes today...which means no ceiling fans.  I think my eyeballs may have boiled.



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