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I shouldn't be giggling like this...

Well, DH finally went for his age-65 complete physical, which he had been refusing to do, because it turns out 2 of his best friends have early signs of prostate cancer. Everything's fine, all the indicators are excellent particularly considering how little actual fruit and veg he eats...he's disgustingly healthy. So then he suggests I ought to get my prostate checked!

I had to explain to him (to my stupefaction) that, uhhh...we ladies don't have one. So it doesn't to speak.

But then this is the same man who came to me all worried because he knows I have trouble with my neck vertebrae and he had heard of a cancer that attacks just those vertebrae but only in women! It occurred to me to ask him where he had heard this and he responded, "The BBC." I back-translated it into Spanish in my head and realised he had confused cervical vertebrae with cervical cancer.

I know. It's unkind. But I can't stop giggling.

Lord love him.

how cute! 


that made me giggle too.  he is concerned about your cervical something!


I can never giggle at stuff like that, it would hurt my bf's feelings to much. but i can giggle on the inside - bwahahahaha!

(ok, that's more maniacal cackle than giggle, but whatever).

i have heard the prostate thing, but not the cervical thing. that's cute.

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