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I miss...

I thought we could use a post like this. List the things, the people, the whatevers you miss. This could be as simple as saying "I miss my TV show..." or "I miss him/her/it..." I'll start.

I miss traveling. Last year I took two trips and I loved it. I loved going to the different airports, riding on the planes, and arriving at my destination. I always loved airports and their energy...even though last year I had to sleep on the concrete floor. Haha! So yeah, I miss traveling.

no josh, YOU are awesome, so therefore anything you do becomes awesome by default...


Careful! My ego is turning into a one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater!! ;D


that sounds liek fun josh, i miss choir too.

Me tooo.I never thought I'd say this, but what I wouldn't give to rehearse Haydn's Creation cantata. Even the Fifth Day.


I miss...

my dad and all those I love who have passed away

simpler times, you know the ones before everyone had a cell phone growing out of their ears

my sister, who lives on the other side of the country

all my "babies" who have crossed The Rainbow Bridge

real honest to goodness letters and thank you notes, both becoming a lost art

70's and 80's TV

spring weather

the days of being debt free

and I know this isn't from my era, but the days of community gardens and truly helping out your neighbor. I am sure there are communities that still have close ties, but I would like to see it worldwide and in EVERY neighborhood. Wouldn't it be nice to see people helping each other like that and sharing what they have?


abrimmer - I love the whole community and the take care of eachother mentality. I do a lot of this, and always give extras from my garden away, and get together with my friends mom to can tomatos every year. we split the batch and i always give some to my friends and neighbors. I feel like there is that longing for a sense of community like that with people my age around my area, and i hope it contiues to grow. :)


Abrimmer - I too like your thoughts on community/togetherness. Everyone is welcome in my book.  :)

I also like letters, cards, notes, etc.


-A good burger(but not enough too eat one...that's for sure)
-Being a girl scout
-Slumber parties
-Playing Jax
-Eating on my patio
-Hanging up my laundry
-A massage from my hubby
-Being pregnant(mine were by the book and I loved it)


My grandma.  She passed away on Dec 23rd, and we had her memorial service today.


Treklady & GFVegmom - Thank you both for your thoughts.

GFVegmom - I'm sorry for you loss.


My grandma.  She passed away on Dec 23rd, and we had her memorial service today.

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. (((GFVegmom)))


abrimmer - I love the whole community and the take care of eachother mentality. I do a lot of this, and always give extras from my garden away, and get together with my friends mom to can tomatos every year. we split the batch and i always give some to my friends and neighbors. I feel like there is that longing for a sense of community like that with people my age around my area, and i hope it contiues to grow. :)

That's so awesome that you do that Jessi. It sounds like you live in a wonderful and caring community. I wish every community were like that! Keep on sharing the love. You are doing a tremendous thing!! :)


My grandma.  She passed away on Dec 23rd, and we had her memorial service today.

aw man. i'm so sorry!!! <3


abrimmer - I love the whole community and the take care of eachother mentality. I do a lot of this, and always give extras from my garden away, and get together with my friends mom to can tomatos every year. we split the batch and i always give some to my friends and neighbors. I feel like there is that longing for a sense of community like that with people my age around my area, and i hope it contiues to grow. :)

That's so awesome that you do that Jessi. It sounds like you live in a wonderful and caring community. I wish every community were like that! Keep on sharing the love. You are doing a tremendous thing!! :)

(there is also the other side... where bad things are happening too... but we will change their minds :) )


I miss getting real letters in the mail. In the 80s I had 6 or 8 penpals and we wrote voluminous letters back and forth. I even stayed with one once when I went back to the States. Then she got email and I heard from her like twice and that was all. Not even a card anymore.


I miss getting real letters in the mail. In the 80s I had 6 or 8 penpals and we wrote voluminous letters back and forth. I even stayed with one once when I went back to the States. Then she got email and I heard from her like twice and that was all. Not even a card anymore.

+1 Do you want to be penpals, Yabbit? abrimmer loves cards and letters too.


I'm all over that like a rash!  ;)b


Great! Shall I send you my address?


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh can i please join in on the penpalship? i really love giving and recieving letters, i lost touch with my old penpal... i miss it.


I miss Heliamphora. Her posts were always funny or thought provoking or uplifting. And her recipes rock.


I miss summer.



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