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I help rescue today

As I'm walking back to my shop with a friend of mine at work, we see 2 guys on a golf cart holding something away from them with a glove on.  Upon further inspection we found out it was a scared little kitten.  Apparently, they found it in their shop (onbase on an island...weird)!  They said their Chief told them to kill or get rid of it!!!  WTF?!?  >:(  They couldn't kill it so they were just going to toss it off base!  With tons of cars around and no food or anything.  We couldn't let that happen!  So, my friend and I tool the kitty.  It has now been to the vet and has a wonderful loving home with my friend.  :)  The kitten has these HUGE ears that kind of dwarf her head (like a linx) and we had her fed and purring within 30mins.  ;D

OMG!  I'm so glad you were there.  What a lucky kitty!


Big ears they say are a sign of a good mouser, so if your friend had any mouse problems she won't now! What a lucky kitty and what a lucky friend. Long life to them both!!


Thanks for taking the time, the effort, and having a heart...... :)


Thanks guys!  I knew all of you would appreciate a happy animal story.  All too often we hear about the bad stuff.  I'm just glad that we were in the right place at the right time.  ;D


Well Lauren either you were that kitty's angels, or you ramped up your positive karma a healthy notch--take your pick, either way, ya done good!  :-*


right place ,  right time...........................big X for you


It makes me happy that the two men couldn't bring themselves to kill the kitten.  That's a step in the right direction.  It's awesome you rescued the Kitty and placed it in a home where people can admire its ears.  I especially love disproportionately large ears on a cat - I'm smitten with your rescue.  :)


...I'm smitten with your rescue.  :)...

Smitten with the kitten. ;)


What a lucky kitty!!!  I love happy endings!  Way to go, laurenmisplaced!  :)


...I'm smitten with your rescue.  :)...

Smitten with the kitten. ;)

Well, see, I had already used cat, kitten, and kitty.  I don't like repeated nouns, so I had to come up with something else and "feline" seemed wrong.  Now you know one of the ways I'm neurotic.


...I'm smitten with your rescue.  :)...

Smitten with the kitten. ;)

Well, see, I had already used cat, kitten, and kitty.  I don't like repeated nouns, so I had to come up with something else and "feline" seemed wrong.  Now you know one of the ways I'm neurotic.

So I did it for you!  ;)


Heh - that's how I got all my cats throughout high school. Actually, let me re-phrase, that's how my mom wound up with cats when I was in high school.  ;D

When I see a stray - I have to take it home. I go out of the house, hoping that I won't run into a stray because then I'll be stuck taking it home and finding a good home for the animal.


Congrats!  That is amazing and wonderful, and you were truly the right person in the right place at the right time for that lil kitten!

I work with two labrador rescue organizations, and it was really sad; I took on fostering a little 6 month old pup (black lab mix) because the original foster parent's dog wasn't nice to the pup.  I was not supposed to be a foster, but I digress- about six months later, the rescue didn't like some of the behavior problems that I told them about (the pup had been loose in a trailer park, was terribly frightened of everything) even though the "aggression" was due to straight-up FEAR they basically not in these words said that if I didn't keep her, it would be cheaper to put her down. 

No way.

Star will turn 2 on the fourth of July and while she's still horribly fearful (even of us and we have never laid a hand on her) she is a sweet and loving little girl.  Much patience is required with her, but after about a year of having her she had started going into her "house" (crate, which is so huge I call it a penthouse) whenever she is scared and it makes her feel secure. I still feel horrible because she is so fearful (even though it's not my fault), but I am grateful every day that I helped keep a loving animal on earth rather than give in to the "easier" way and give her back to the rescue.

Anyway, sorry for rambling.  Amazing story!  That kitten is so lucky!!

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