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I got a Pashmina shawl for Chrismas ... what should I do with it?

My sweet aunt got me a pashmina shawl for Christmas. What should I do with it?

I stopped buying leather, silk and wool. I can't exchange or return it because she got it in New York.

It is up to you. If you're going to feel weird wearing it, thus causing it to gather dust in your closet, I say you either regift/donate it. Give it to someone you think/know can appreciate it and put it too good use. Even if it wasn't originally bought for them in mind, they will still feel the love and thoughtfulness your aunt had in it when she sent it to you.


But if you do regift it, don't feel bound to tell her because you might (and probably will) hurt her feelings.

Wish you lived here, there are beautiful things sold as "pashminas" that are cotton and viscose. One of my students bought me one and it's gorgeous.


I'm all for regifting it to someone who 1) otherwise may not be able to afford one, but would appreciate the pashmina-ness of it, and 2) doesn't hate cats/dogs.  I don't think someone who doesn't like animals should benefit.

Or, sell it on craigslist and donate the money to an organization.


2) doesn't hate cats/dogs.  I don't think someone who doesn't like animals should benefit.



I received one once from a student's family and I wore it once and felt weird about it. I ended up giving it to my sister, not as a gift, but I just explained why I didn't want it. She wears animal products so she was happy to have it.


Thank you for your compassionate suggestions. It's a very pretty pashmina, but I just don't think I could ever wear and feel good about it. I won't tell my sweet aunt who is so thoughtful and generous year-round.

I plan to give it away, although I do like the idea to sell it, and other non-vegan gift items, on Craigslist and donate the money to a worthy cause. I would feel much better in my heart and in my mind.

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