Help me find my next tattoo!!
Posted by hanashi on Mar 23, 2010 · Member since Nov 2007 · 2533 posts
Okay this is a cross over from the tattoo thread.
I need help finding pics of terradactyls/pterodactyls.
I want a tattoo of a hatching pterodactyl on the base of my spine.
I'm looking for ideas for my next tattoo as well. If you don't mind me
asking, what does terrodactyl hatching tattoo mean to you? That sounds like a kickass idea if I'm picturing it correctly..
this one is kind of cute...the artist will just have to draw it coming out of an egg and maybe minus the lady bug.
another meaner looking one already in its egg
I have extremely unique/occasionally violent chronic family's explanation for them is I swallowed a pterodactyl. ;)b