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HELP - I seen it yesterday...

Yesterday there was a recipe with a picture on the home page of a broccoli and rice dish that looked delish...I thought I added it to my recipe box but its not there and I cant find it anywhere :-\...ive been searching for the past 1/2 hour. Wanted to make it for dinner tonight, but will have to wait. If you know what recipe I am talking about please tell me. Thank you!

Yesterday being Monday August 6th.


Thank you, this is not the one I was looking for, but it looks really good too. It will do till the other one crosses my path again.  Thank you!!!


Try searching recipes "by catagories" then go to "vegetables"-> then to "broccoli" and look for the picture you saw


wooohoooo, I found it!!! I'm ashamed to say how long it took me. I looked under broccoli,  every quick N easy recipe, every rice recipe, and much much more. then it was the pic with recipe on the left hand side (they change with each page)

Any way the recipe is: Julies Broccoli with Garlic Sauce

and it was under Regional recipes/Chinese

Sometimes it is hard to know where to look for a certain recipe, there are so many categories it can fall under.

Thanks for your help.

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