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Help with Co-worker...need advice! (long)

Hello there my super intelligent and more socially-competent than I-vegwebbers...

I am having a problem with my co-worker and I need advice.

A little back ground: I started an after school art program last year and asked another woman to join me. We rent a space and split everything we make equally. She has not turned out to be a great partner. She is really nice and means well, but honestly, I do not feel that I have done any less work than I would have if I was doing it alone. Really, all she has had to do is show up. There are SOOOO many instances I could tell you about, but the only problem I want to address at this time is the MESS!

We used to work together each day 3-6, but a couple months ago we started splitting the time into 2 shifts: 3-4:30 or 4:30-6. We take turns coming in early and late. I am a little anal about supplies and putting them where they belong (I have boxes and shelves labeled so its pretty simple to do). Our floor is always a mess and I asked her a while back if we could rotate sweeping. I posted a sign and we are each supposed to sweep once per week. I don't think she has done it once.

Anyway, when I get there for the first shift, I can never find anything....I spend the first 10 min. reorganizing and looking for things.  A lot of the things I have brought in that belong to ME personally are on the floor (tinker toys, plastic bugs, pieces from Operation, etc...). Also, some of my things have been lost while in her care.

When I get there for the second shift, she has not cleaned up from her lesson, and there is stuff everywhere! I have created a folder for each student, and that is where I put their work. Hers in just in piles and most of it doesn't even have a name on it! I hardly have time to do my own lesson because I have to clean up hers, set up mine, and then clean up mine.

I am the only one who does things like fill up the glue, replenish the paper, sharpen pencils, etc....I wouldn't mind doing it as much maybe if I was making more than 50% of the money!  But if I don't do it, it won't get done.

I am REALLY awful at confronting people in person. I just don't have the guts to do it. For weeks I have been wanting to say something, but I always get scared and don't do it! It can't be done, I've realized.
So, I decided to send her an email. I want you to read it and tell me if you think it sounds OK>

Here it is!

Dear (art teacher),

I hope this doesn't sound bitchy, because that is really not my intent, but I just feel I have to make a request.

I often feel like when I come in I have to spend a lot of time searching for supplies, cleaning,  and putting things away. I am just asking that you put the supplies back where they go so I don't have to search so much and re-organize, and also just to clean up the supplies after the A lesson. I know messes don't bother you like they bother me, but I just find it really hard to function when things get out of control messy.  I think the only fair way to do it is for each of us to clean up after herself. Since we're not there together anymore, I feel we need to put things back in the same place each time so the next person will know where to find them. It will just make things easier for everyone. I usually do it during snack so that when we come in from outside, its already done.

I'm not sure what else to do about the floor. I tried to divide up the responsibility, but its not working. Do you have any suggestions?

I'm really sorry if this sounds petty or silly, but I figured it would be better to get it off of my chest than to keep it inside and let it get to me until I explode! :) just kidding.
I really want this to work out.

Thanks...and please let me know if there is anything I can do differently to make your time there easier. I really try to leave things in good shape for you, but maybe you see it differently.

If you have made it this far, I thank you deeply. I feel like such a sorry ass right now.  :-\
I wish I could communicate better.

thanks, L2A

Ha! I forgot about this but was going a search on something else and this came up. This partner ended up quitting, I hired someone else, and then the first partner wanted to come back (too late!).
My second partner is MUCH better. Not perfect, but MUCH better!  I sort of outlined things out at the beginning so she would know what I expected of her, and it's more like she is my employee rather than equal partner.

I still have problems communicating with adults and telling them what to do because I expect them to have a sense of right and wrong, and not need to be told, but I'm getting better! I know I could never be the boss of a big corporation.



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