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Goals...Our progress thread!

Well, I said I would start this thread today and I just sort of wanted to hide from the computer instead.
I reached some of my goals and not others. 
I did not drink any Diet Coke. (felt totally lethargic today) I am trying to cut out Aspartame, not caffeine.  I drank fruit juice instead.  I also drank lots of water but I always do.
I did eat more fruits and veggies.  More then I normally do at least. Had about 6 servings in total.
I did however smoke but instead of my normal 25 cigarettes a day, I had about 7.
Didn't exercise other than walking Cali.  Not even a long walk as she is really sore today.
I truly feel exhausted. Was my first day back at work after being off for two weeks.
None the less, it is a beginning......  There would be no point me saying I didn't smoke or that I exercised because that would be lying to all of you and to myself.

Hope you all did well today and welcome to all of you who joined the goals thread.  Some of my goals are going to be way harder than my other goals.
For the people trying to gain weight, you probably get all the time...must be nice!  I know friends that also have or had to gain weight and I often think it is easier to lose weight than to gain weight when that is your issue.  One of my friends could eat and eat and eat and wouldn't gain an ounce.  She was about 15 pounds underweight.

Good luck all!

P.S.  I did see the news story about soft drinks today and it was all over the news on TV tonight.

Hello all.  :)

We are trying to get ready to conceive our first child and we want to be in better shape. 

I'm quitting diet soda and caffeine over the next few weeks (I am not good at cold turkey) and am revamping my diet to include more raw food and a better balance (less sodium, less sugars).

Also, I plan to get my sorry butt into the gym three times a week... I was doing WELL for a while but I've been naughty for several weeks and only gone about once per week.


Hello all.  :)

We are trying to get ready to conceive our first child and we want to be in better shape. 

I'm quitting diet soda and caffeine over the next few weeks (I am not good at cold turkey) and am revamping my diet to include more raw food and a better balance (less sodium, less sugars).

Also, I plan to get my sorry butt into the gym three times a week... I was doing WELL for a while but I've been naughty for several weeks and only gone about once per week.

First of all, congrats on trying to conceive your first child! :-)

Secondly, welcome to the thread.  We will all cheer you on!!!!!!


Thanks Di... don't know why I hadn't wandered in before.  8)


I did a no-no yesterday, got cocky and drank a STRONG cup of tea about noon. Therefore insomnia! It was midnight when I broke down and took a Unisom to get some sleep. But to day I feel less "dead" than usual after that.
One brick doesn't make a wall. No tea today, no caffiene--and no sleeping pill.
Only when you trip up do you realise how well you were doing.
In the days before I discovered my stress-related mental disorder I used to seem to go along fine and then--crisis. I used to say my epitaph would read, "But I was doing so well!"  ;D ;D


It's hard to be raw when your friends want to go out for a meal with you.

Then I ate the rest of my expensive free-of-everything like yeast, gluten, wheat, etc bread with Earth Balance.  Mmmmmm.  But so not raw.  I've been to the grocery store every day for the past four days- people think I'm weird.  I just don't buy a lot because I have no idea what I'm going to be in the mood for- I think it's better than buying a bunch and throwing it away.

So, you're right, yabbit.  In so many areas of my life, the "one brick doesn't make a wall" idea applies.  So do the "one day at a time" and "easy does it" cliches.

Oh, cliches...


I've hit a bit of a wall. I'm trying to make food - meals, baking etc. - and I'm trying to get to bed at a decent hour. but my body won't fall asleep until 1 am. and then I wake up with the sun! I'm exhausted...

just venting.  :-\


just thought I'd bump this up. how's everyone doing?


i still dont think Ive done anything I planned on

lately the two big ones are taking my car in to get worked on, and cleaning the hell out of my horrible messy room


I haven't had a cigarette since August 4!  :)


I haven't had a cigarette since August 4!  :)


me, well things are ok. I haven't been writing or doing much yoga lately - I've mostly been focusing on food. I'm trying to get better at cooking/baking (so I can be more self-sufficient), and I'm trying to eat properly. good luck on that one...


I didn't weigh in today, frankly I was too scared. I had a severe case of the "fat and uglies" and I didn't want to see it confirmed. But the thyroxin is helping, I feel better and walk better. I realised that I have been shortening my stride when I walk with DH, who as a city-bred boy is used to strolling and windowshopping more than actually walking for the aerobic exercise. So I've begun to lengthen my stride to what it was (tho not at my old speed, yet) and I find it less tiring.


I haven't had a cigarette since August 4!  :)

Excellent!  Keep it up!!!!!!!!


I haven't had a cigarette since August 4!  :)


me, well things are ok. I haven't been writing or doing much yoga lately - I've mostly been focusing on food. I'm trying to get better at cooking/baking (so I can be more self-sufficient), and I'm trying to eat properly. good luck on that one...

That is excellent too!  One thing at a time.  Everything will fall into place! :-)


I didn't weigh in today, frankly I was too scared. I had a severe case of the "fat and uglies" and I didn't want to see it confirmed. But the thyroxin is helping, I feel better and walk better. I realised that I have been shortening my stride when I walk with DH, who as a city-bred boy is used to strolling and windowshopping more than actually walking for the aerobic exercise. So I've begun to lengthen my stride to what it was (tho not at my old speed, yet) and I find it less tiring.

Keep it up and remember, Cali likes to walk at a brisk pace even when covered in blood and pus!  :)


I am now in my fourth week without Diet Coke.  Still haven't had a soft drink or coffee since quitting Diet Coke.  Something interesting that I found is my nails are harder.  They were soft and broke easily. They are getting stronger now. 

Might not be on the board for a few days.  Cali is taking up most of my free time.  I am stressed and frustrated.

I also never thought I was the type of person to go through BF withdrawals but I am!  My BF is in a place where his cell phone doesn't work.  I miss hearing his voice although he left me a message on my cell and my work phone the morning he left so I listen to both a few times a day.  What's with that?  ::)


I am now in my fourth week without Diet Coke.  Still haven't had a soft drink or coffee since quitting Diet Coke.  Something interesting that I found is my nails are harder.  They were soft and broke easily. They are getting stronger now. 

Di, it's good that you are working on your addictions, and it IS wise to work on one at a time. I am still getting up early and very seldom take any OTC "help" at all--maybe once a week instead of every day "just in case I can't sleep." It helps that the weather has been somewhat cooler, for both walking AND sleeping. But I think the thyroxin is also getting my metabolism back in shape. This AM I woke up at 6.15 when DH's alarm went and I just stayed awake (have to take the pill half an hr before eating). And I don't feel "dead."

We can do this, Di...beat our addictions and get in shape.
Tell Cali I'm still on her side, over here. God spelled backward is dog. :-*


With apologies to the men in the room - this is a carry-over from another discussion.  I will visit an ob/gyn.  I've been making excuses and cancelling appointments for five years.  Why go now?  Because I've joined Stuart Smalley's school of daily affirmations:  I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!  (That and OperaChic told me to go already.  :) )


  Why go now?  Because I've joined Stuart Smalley's school of daily affirmations:  I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me! 

I LOVED Stuart Smalley!!!  ;D


With apologies to the men in the room - this is a carry-over from another discussion.  I will visit an ob/gyn.  I've been making excuses and cancelling appointments for five years.  Why go now?  Because I've joined Stuart Smalley's school of daily affirmations:  I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!  (That and OperaChic told me to go already.  :) )

Girl, it's been three years since I've gone. I'm so embarrassed to admit that. We really need to stop stalling.  :)


With apologies to the men in the room - this is a carry-over from another discussion.  I will visit an ob/gyn.  I've been making excuses and cancelling appointments for five years.  Why go now?  Because I've joined Stuart Smalley's school of daily affirmations:  I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!  (That and OperaChic told me to go already.  :) )

Girl, it's been three years since I've gone. I'm so embarrassed to admit that. We really need to stop stalling.  :)

Yeah!  Now you are accountable! 



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