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Goals...Our progress thread!

Well, I said I would start this thread today and I just sort of wanted to hide from the computer instead.
I reached some of my goals and not others. 
I did not drink any Diet Coke. (felt totally lethargic today) I am trying to cut out Aspartame, not caffeine.  I drank fruit juice instead.  I also drank lots of water but I always do.
I did eat more fruits and veggies.  More then I normally do at least. Had about 6 servings in total.
I did however smoke but instead of my normal 25 cigarettes a day, I had about 7.
Didn't exercise other than walking Cali.  Not even a long walk as she is really sore today.
I truly feel exhausted. Was my first day back at work after being off for two weeks.
None the less, it is a beginning......  There would be no point me saying I didn't smoke or that I exercised because that would be lying to all of you and to myself.

Hope you all did well today and welcome to all of you who joined the goals thread.  Some of my goals are going to be way harder than my other goals.
For the people trying to gain weight, you probably get all the time...must be nice!  I know friends that also have or had to gain weight and I often think it is easier to lose weight than to gain weight when that is your issue.  One of my friends could eat and eat and eat and wouldn't gain an ounce.  She was about 15 pounds underweight.

Good luck all!

P.S.  I did see the news story about soft drinks today and it was all over the news on TV tonight.

ND, at least you're aware of the drinking being a potential problem. Let them stare; I used to order orange juice with club soda--on Twofer day! They'll get over it. Ask for a Shirley Temple if you have to, as far as I know it's only ginger ale with a fruit garnish.

Also--try stuffing your case partially with wadded paper, to take the place of a few of those coffin nails; start by carrying only say 8, then down to 6, and like that.

If you're aware of the potential problem, and also not finishing your alloted ciggies, I'd say it's a dern good week!!



well I was on vacay in Florida to visit my Dad and I ate like crapola. Greasy, fatty, yucky yucky foods. My poor body was like PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FEED ME SOMETHHING HEALTHY!! Thankfully it was only a few days.

Now back to eating healthy!!  I did OK today. Still have to get thru tonite...I think Ill stop at the grocery and pick up some fruit.


Well, I haven't done well on the smoking issue.  None the less, I want to quit and will continue to try.

I am still off Diet Coke and haven't had any soft drinks since a week ago Monday.  I have added more fruits to my life.

Exercise hasn't happened yet.

Continued success to everyone trying to reach their goals!

P.S.  Cali is going through a really bad time and once again, I am putting most of my energy to trying to make her immune system healthy.


Di, If your not against using any medications to help you quit, seriously try Chantix.  It's what I used and it really worked. My friend's husband used it too and it worked for him.  I'm usually against using meds for stuff, but quitting on my own just wasn't DR. said better I take this stuff temporarily and stop smoking than continue smoking.. ok point taken.  ;D


Congrats to everyone, sorry I haven't posted... I wasn't doing so well.
I'm resenting the fact that I have to walk my dogs (two huge labs; no more fenced in back yard) so I was walking them less, but today I made it 70 mins.  It was great.  Really helps when you've got someone to walk with- I ran into a friend walking her dog about midway through my walk.

I'm going on a raw food "fast" for the next couple of days.  Ideally 100% raw, but realistically I'll try for 95%.  I donated more stuff to Goodwill.  I finished my financial aid  papers and overnighted them so they get done faster.  Just need to study daily for the GRE and work on a damned resume... Oh, and I confess- this coming Sunday will mark two full weeks of NO GYM- I feel horribly guilty. 


things are looking good... I've been in contact with an online veg mag publisher, and I'm pitching some ideas to him. woo hoo!

I'm pretty excited!


things are looking good... I've been in contact with an online veg mag publisher, and I'm pitching some ideas to him. woo hoo!

I'm pretty excited!

Excellent!  You go girl!!!!!!


Congrats to everyone, sorry I haven't posted... I wasn't doing so well.
I'm resenting the fact that I have to walk my dogs (two huge labs; no more fenced in back yard) so I was walking them less, but today I made it 70 mins.  It was great.  Really helps when you've got someone to walk with- I ran into a friend walking her dog about midway through my walk.

I'm going on a raw food "fast" for the next couple of days.  Ideally 100% raw, but realistically I'll try for 95%.  I donated more stuff to Goodwill.  I finished my financial aid  papers and overnighted them so they get done faster.  Just need to study daily for the GRE and work on a damned resume... Oh, and I confess- this coming Sunday will mark two full weeks of NO GYM- I feel horribly guilty. 

Meggs, you are doing great!  You have more ups than downs!!!! Continue the good work!!!!!!
I don't have a yard at all and there are often times I resent the fact that just to let Cali pee, I have to get dressed and take her for a walk.


OK, I am adding a goal.  While my sweet BF is away the week of August 11th.  I am going to attempt an 8 or 9 day juice fast.  That smokes, no booze, no cheese, no food!
If I could do a 32 day one a few years ago, I can certainly do a short one. 

If anyone does do a juice fast or any sort of fast, it would be great if possible to report day by day, how you felt and what you ate or drank.


OK, I am adding a goal.  While my sweet BF is away the week of August 11th.  I am going to attempt an 8 or 9 day juice fast.  That smokes, no booze, no cheese, no food!
If I could do a 32 day one a few years ago, I can certainly do a short one. 

If anyone does do a juice fast or any sort of fast, it would be great if possible to report day by day, how you felt and what you ate or drank.

Meggs, you are doing great!  You have more ups than downs!!!! Continue the good work!!!!!!
I don't have a yard at all and there are often times I resent the fact that just to let Cali pee, I have to get dressed and take her for a walk.

Thank you.  I appreciate any positive feedback- I'm way too hard on myself!
Getting dressed to take dogs for a walk stinks, I agree.
In "Skinny Bitch" they talk about raw food fasting, which I'm not sure if it's a "fast" or not.  Certainly nothing like a juice or water fast, but it is something that seems attainable to me, moreso than eliminating all food.  It would also probably be unhealthy for me to do a juice fast, as I have an ED past and am working hard on "eating to stay healthy" or something to that effect.  Anyway, I have done quite well with raw today- I ate a cookie.  Just one so far, but it will probably end up being two or three total by the time I go to sleep.  Maybe not, but I'll give myself that.
Other than the cookie, just veg/juice smoothies, raw tacos, and lots of fruit. YAY!
Good luck, Di- you can do it!!!


gah ahh..still eating kinda crappily. I really really need to go food shopping this weekend and get some more healthy fruits and veggies into my house.

I picked up yogurt, grapes, strawberries and light 100 cal. packs of crackers last night.

I had grapes w/ lunch today instead of junk...but then I couldn't help myself and had a cookie. At least it was only ONE cookie.  ;D


OK, I am adding a goal.  While my sweet BF is away the week of August 11th.  I am going to attempt an 8 or 9 day juice fast.  That smokes, no booze, no cheese, no food!
If I could do a 32 day one a few years ago, I can certainly do a short one. 

If anyone does do a juice fast or any sort of fast, it would be great if possible to report day by day, how you felt and what you ate or drank.

Meggs, you are doing great!  You have more ups than downs!!!! Continue the good work!!!!!!
I don't have a yard at all and there are often times I resent the fact that just to let Cali pee, I have to get dressed and take her for a walk.

Thank you.  I appreciate any positive feedback- I'm way too hard on myself!
Getting dressed to take dogs for a walk stinks, I agree.
In "Skinny Bitch" they talk about raw food fasting, which I'm not sure if it's a "fast" or not.  Certainly nothing like a juice or water fast, but it is something that seems attainable to me, moreso than eliminating all food.  It would also probably be unhealthy for me to do a juice fast, as I have an ED past and am working hard on "eating to stay healthy" or something to that effect.  Anyway, I have done quite well with raw today- I ate a cookie.  Just one so far, but it will probably end up being two or three total by the time I go to sleep.  Maybe not, but I'll give myself that.
Other than the cookie, just veg/juice smoothies, raw tacos, and lots of fruit. YAY!
Good luck, Di- you can do it!!!

You are too hard on yourself!  :)
I so loved Skinny Bitch and I will be reading it again soon.  They were the ones that finally made me realize how bad Diet Coke was.  I knew it but they made it hit home.
Thanks for the well wishes and you can do it too Meggs!


gah ahh..still eating kinda crappily. I really really need to go food shopping this weekend and get some more healthy fruits and veggies into my house.

I picked up yogurt, grapes, strawberries and light 100 cal. packs of crackers last night.

I had grapes w/ lunch today instead of junk...but then I couldn't help myself and had a cookie. At least it was only ONE cookie.  ;D

Way to go!!!!! ONE cookie is better than two or ten!  You are doing great!!! Keep it up!!!
If I can't quit smoking on my own, I will talk to my doctor about Chantix.  I am hoping I can do it on my own because I really don't want to take anything to help me quit.  None the less, great to know about it.  Thanks!


Ok, it ended up being 5 cookies total.  Gah!  They were good.  Darn good cookies.

So maybe I was 90% raw yesterday... start again today!  Kale smoothie here i come!

Good luck to everyone else today as well.

Honestly though, I really want to start the day off with cookies.  :)


Bumped to the top.


OK  I've been eating less and better, but i caught some sort of yucky cold, and I'm taking cold meds..cold meds=makes me not very hungry.

I did go food shopping yesterday and made a lot more healthy choices vs junk. I'm still refusing to step on the scale. Ill do that the end of the week.

How's the no smoking going Di?


OK  I've been eating less and better, but i caught some sort of yucky cold, and I'm taking cold meds..cold meds=makes me not very hungry.

I did go food shopping yesterday and made a lot more healthy choices vs junk. I'm still refusing to step on the scale. Ill do that the end of the week.

How's the no smoking going Di?

Hope you feel better soon!
Still smoking.  :(  But, I am starting a juice fast on Saturday so can not smoke.  I will try this week to quit so I have a couple of days smoke free before the fast.

Thanks for asking.


Di, you will get there. With each attempt it will become easier.


Di, you will get there. With each attempt it will become easier.

Thanks so much majicka!


She's right Di, you can do it!  :)



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