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First Protest Any Advice? Update-Here's How it Went!

Hi Again!

I'm just going to type this on top of the orginal post! So my first protest was awesome! There was only 5 of us, but we had really big signs and one of the PETA orginizer wore a yellow bikini so whe drew lots of attention!Enerything went really well, the weather cooperated and people responded really positively! We had tons of people drive by honking and waving--some people even yelled out thank you's and other encouraging words to us--we even had KFC workers come out and get info! While we were there the parking lot stayed empty and only a few people went through the drive through. Most people that pulled in got info then left! It felt so good to see that kind of response! We only had two negative remarks--one old lady gave us the finger and another women yelled something like "the chicken looks better" to the PETA girl in the bikini. So all in all it was really awesome! I'm so gald that I did it and I can't wait for the next--and to add to the day, I was able to take over the office of vice president for my animal rights group! I ure anyone who can, to go to one of these protests--or run your own-it was a really awesome experience!


Hi Everyone!

Well! After months of talking about it, I am finally going to my first KFC protest! This one is being held by a PETA member so I am not responsible for any of the major components, so that's a relief--I have no idea how I would even talk to the media so I'm glad I just get to be a warm body for the cause! Anyways, I was wondering if any of you have been to a KFC protest, or any other animal rights type ralley--I could use any advice on protocol and what not!


I saw this was updated but I didn't see the "how it went" part ??


Yeah... So, how'd it go?


Sorry ladies--I added the update part onto the orginal post--I'll go copy paste it to the back so people don't get confused!  :P


OK! here is the update copied from the front to the back! Hope that makes it more visible!  :P

So my first protest was awesome! There was only 5 of us, but we had really big signs and one of the PETA orginizer wore a yellow bikini so she drew lots of attention! Enerything went really well, the weather cooperated and people responded really positively! We had tons of people drive by honking and waving--some people even yelled out thank you's and other encouraging words to us--we even had KFC workers come out and get info! While we were there the parking lot stayed empty and only a few people went through the drive through. Most people that pulled in got info then left! It felt so good to see that kind of response! We only had two negative remarks--one old lady gave us the finger and another women yelled something like "the chicken looks better" to the PETA girl in the bikini. So all in all it was really awesome! I'm so gald that I did it and I can't wait for the next--and to add to the day, I was able to take over the office of vice president for my animal rights group! I urge anyone who can, to go to one of these protests--or run your own-it was a really awesome experience!


That's good that all went well.


I'm glad it went well for you, Capture!

I may be going to a KFC protest myself in the near future - I'll post a report if I do. :)

Maybe we should start an Animal Activism thread for reports on protests and such.


Good!!! great that it went so well!!!!

The activism thread is a good idea.


Everything should go pretty good-the protest is being organized by a PETA rep so they will defentely have someone to handle any media--so I won't have to do that!

I think what everyone was saying is that the meda will ask anyone questions not just the organizer. You can always decline, but should be prepared. Because they will ask "that girl in the back" not the PETA people.
I'm a protesting guru, I'm not an organizer but I always manage to get interviewed for some reason. Not trying, I swear! I think it's because I'm not the fanatic but very focused on and passionate about the cause. I learned you DO need to have something concise and clear (and not fanatic) to say when a reporter asks, "Why are you here today?" If you just think about it in advance you'll be glad you did. Trust me.
I've had nightmares from years ago about answering a reporter's question about why I'm an American in London protesting GW with, "You know, because he's terrible and Kyoto and stuff." What a ridiculous answer! LOL  :-[

I've discussed this (singling out someone for the interview) with other activists... we generally agree the press goes for the cute one. Of course, the cute one who is of age  ::) I suppose they're more "TV-friendly" or something. It's a pretty lucky day if the cute one among us is actually experienced and knowledgeable; a lot of the time, I've seen 20-something first-timers get interviewed and stumble all of their words, and eventually muster something like a "um, because, cruelty is bad, and , uh... fur is cruel. Fur is bad." So much for me and my Toastmasters. (Congratulations: you're cute!)


Trust me--no one is going to interview me (the chunky girl) when there is a skinny babe in a bikini! But that's OK--protests need back ground people to fill in--and that's what I'm good for  :P

I think an animal activist thread would be great! Know that I'm "second in command" of my campus group I could you lots of help and advice--not to mention stealing everyone elses good ideas!  :D

Thanks for all the encourgement guys and gals!


The KFC protest may have already passed, but I offer up the following, in the event that other vegwebbers participate in future protests:

--Eat a hearty breakfast and/or lunch and carry healthy snacks with you. You may be out there awhile and you will likely be very limited in your eating choices, even if you are able able to break away to a restaurant nearby.

--Notify at least a couple friends or family members just in case the demonstration turns into a long march and you need a ride back to your car from the other end of town.

--Wear comfortable shoes, preferably ones without shoelaces or any metal in them. (Tough security inspections if you get arrested. Shoelaces, belts, etc. could be seen as possible weapons, and  could be taken away from you, hard to get back when released.).

--Wear, or bring layered clothes in case it gets too hot or too cold. You won't have time to rush back and forth to your vehicle.

--But don't carry too many things with you. Just what you need. You don't want to lug all your stuff during the whole protest or lose anything.

--There will likely be folks trying to provoke you, trigger anger or debate. Smile and remain compassionate at all times. They will go away.

--If approached by news media, be ready to deliver a quick soundbite that is educational, not one that sounds angry or militant.

--If you do get arrested, the food options in jail are very limited for vegans. Don't drink the fruit juice they offer because, even though it might be vegan, your bladder will be ready to burst and you definitely don't want to use a jail bathroom stall. (Icky toilets, many without doors)

--Don't follow the herd, especially if they bring anger with them to the demonstration. (At one PETA protest, I saw a few adults shoving graphic pictures of slaughtered animals before the eyes of small children walking by with their parents. Targeting innocent young children, who must have been in 2nd or 3rd grade, was really insensitive and confrontational.) Not how I want to communicate a message of peace.

--Show peace. Be peace.

This is a great outline for protests! Do you mind if I print this out and share it with my group when we  do our own? That would be awesome!

Not at all, Capture. :)


Not at all, Capture. :)

Thanks Saskia! You're awesome!



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