Family time
Ok, after telling my first ever driving-in-the-winter-horror-story, I should tell you about my trip at my parent's house. I couldn't go for Christmas because of work, but I still managed to go for my father's 48 year old birthday. I made them lunch and supper all weekend long, and even though I doubt they'll turn vegan or even veg soon, they did like the food I made : chocolate-chip brownie waffles (from V'Con), two vegan pizze : Margherita and spinach and mushrooms. I made them a salad with a mustard dressing. The mustard IMO was not very good, but my parents will just about eat anything, so the salad was gone in no time (they had guests in the house, so it's not like they ate it alone). I made them a "mexican lasagna" with tortilla bread instead of lasagna pasta. That went well too. I am lucky that I have parents are not picky, my mom was just happy to eat something new. And my dad, well, he didn't get to his current weight by eating celery and carrots, that's all I will say.
However, I am a little worried about my mom. She has had kidney stones blown out (or whatever you call breaking the stones in English) and she still has some. She was telling me and her friends that the doctor would probably put her on "a special diet with no fat and not too much salt" (her words, translated). I told her, why wait for the doctor to tell you, why don't YOU start today eating better and having more variety in your diet. I wrote her a few recipes to try out. I even made her hummus, which she loved to put on her toasts (white bread, but she said she will start buying whole wheat bread after this one bag is done. Which is funny, because when my brother and I were young, she always bought whole wheat bread and pastas...)
Also, I'm worried about my godmother, who at 40 years, developed what I believe to be an eating disorder. She was always chubby, but the kind of chubby you don't really notice because she always stood well. Anyways, she decided to lose some weight, which is good, but she got on Weight Watchers and all hell broke loose after this. I don't go home very often, but last time I saw her, she had lost 60 pounds in a few months and she was too skinny, and she still wasn't happy with her weight. My mom told me that my godmother made herself throw up at some point, because instead of diet coke, she drank regular coke, and she didn't respect the number of points she had to take that day... (?!?!?!?) Anyways, that was two years ago, this time I saw her and she gained back some of her lost weight on again, which is normal I believe, since she lost the weight too quickly, and on a diet. She wants to go back on Weight watchers, but I told her that she should just eat healthy and exercice on a regular basis, and love herself!!! I don't know where that sudden obsession with losing weight came from. Maybe it was the hitting 40 mark, I don't know. I am currrently looking for a book that will help her understand healthy eating without dieting. But it still has to look as if it was a diet book, otherwise, she wouldn't follow it. And it has to be either in French, or a translation, because she no habla inglés.
I also got to see my nephews and witness the drama that is the Alain (my brother) and Stephanie (his ex-wife) saga. All I can say is that I feel bad for the kids.
That was my weekend at my parents. I had a lot to say! :D
I think, in retrospect, that my godmother always had a latent ED. When I was younger, she used to babysit us during the day while my parents worked and I remember that she would always make dinner for my brother and I, but she wouldn't eat. She was a chubby kid that lost a lot of weight as a teenager and gained it as she turned into an adult. She has terrible eating habits, just because she follows the points system, doesn't mean she's eating well. I am just looking for great articles or great books to show her how to eat well. She's not Internet savvy, so that's why I'm trying to find a book for her. I just worry, you know?
I'd recommend Debra Waterhouse, she's the author of "Why Women Need Chocolate", a book that I love, but I'd recommend her other book, "Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell" or "Like Mother, Like Daughter: How Women are Influenced By Their Mother's Relationship with Food--and How to Break the Pattern". Her philosophy is to listen to your cravings. I'm not sure if she's printed in French, but I think she is. Definitely look her up.
Wow. What a weekend....all this and the Rental Car From Hell, too!
Your dad is 48? I feel old...I'm just 2 years behind him...
But then, I'm old enough to be most Vegwebbers' mother... :-\
If it's any consolation, my parents had me young. :D
Tell me more about this margherita pizza - did you use vegan cheese cut into chunks? I've thought of making it with Italian marinated tofu instead of the cheese, but I've never gotten around to it.
Actually, since I was back home and uncheeseless, I didn't put anything cheeselike. I'm not sure if I can still call it margherita, but I did cover it with tomatoes, basil, homemade pesto. This was still awesome! ;)b