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experience with earth-friendly paints?

I have a small spare bedroom that needs to be painted, and I thought this would be the perfect time to try an eco-friendly paint.  Anybody have experience with these products?  I've been googling around this morning and it seems that there are quite a few brands/options to choose from.  Of course I'd like a vegan paint if possible (and it seems doable from my research this morning), but what other features should I be looking for specifically?  Any brands that people have tried and liked?  Any negative experiences wth a particular product?

Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions/tips!


i am new to veg*nism, but i am trying to figure out what animal products might be in paint?

embarrassing...this coming from a girl who worked in the home depot paint department at one time!



I don't know the answer, but I'd like to add I'm interested also.  In Blue Vinyl, the documentary about vinyl siding, the narrator buys some eco-friendly paint.  If it comes to it, I'll fish out the DVD and try to find the brand she used.


I've seen milk paint touted as an old fashioned, natural, non-toxic, etc. alternative to regular paint.  That's probably what hopfrog is trying to avoid.


I bought a "no VOC" paint from Sherwin Williams a couple of weeks ago and painted our bedroom. Usually I get a headache after painting, not this time. There was a bit of a smell, but not unbearable. I do not know if there is a vegan paint and what type of animal products would be in a paint?


Sorry.  I was referring to more natural paints often containing milk ingredients which I'd like to avoid, not standard paints (I have no idea if there are animal ingredients in regular paint--though it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were).  Really, I was thinking of non-petroleum based paints.  I need such a small amount of paint, that I'm not really worried about cost.  The room I'm going to paint will never get wet and we live in a dry climate, so I think a clay-pigmented paint will be ok.  I'm looking at this:

Usually I'm cheap--but I really want to try something like the above out, and wanted to know if anyone had tried something like it.


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