Ask me random questions
Posted by Charbot Kimzoid on Dec 05, 2008 · Member since Feb 2008 · 3769 posts
I'm bored at work and will answer them with the most creative response that I can think of.
I'm bored at work and will answer them with the most creative response that I can think of.
what the hell is brown stuff rice?
I don't really expect an answer..just being pissy.
what do you think of AL being CL..on an idiot holier than thou revenge for showing her colors trip?
What does this mean?
Just take the L out of the A and C and you will figure it out.
what the hell is brown stuff rice?
I don't really expect an answer..just being pissy.
what do you think of AL being CL..on an idiot holier than thou revenge for showing her colors trip?
What does this mean?
Just take the L out of the A and C and you will figure it out.
haha no!
al is really a and c l is a previously poster that stole recipes.
what the hell is brown stuff rice?
I don't really expect an answer..just being pissy.
what do you think of AL being CL..on an idiot holier than thou revenge for showing her colors trip?
What does this mean?
Just take the L out of the A and C and you will figure it out.
haha no!
al is really a and c l is a previously poster that stole recipes.
I must have missed something.
However, on a side note, this pineapple is delicious.
Why does the body ache so badly when a fever is on the rise?
Ohhh, I get it! Nah, I don't think so. Just an idiot, on her own right. re: AL and CL
Somebody please fill me in on the whole AL/CL thing.
Chef Lindsey?
Somebody please fill me in on the whole AL/CL thing.
Chef Lindsey?
Somebody please fill me in on the whole AL/CL thing.
Chef Lindsey?
And AL?
Why does the body ache so badly when a fever is on the rise?
It's kinda like a warm-up for the torment and torture that your body will be going through.
Somebody please fill me in on the whole AL/CL thing.
Chef Lindsey?
And AL?
This is AL... witness her latest 'reviews'. ::)
I know we shouldn't keep discussing this, but...why would a person make a recipe "a couple of years ago" and wait to pan it in a review till now, "a couple of years" later? Or am I being obtuse?
I know we shouldn't keep discussing this, but...why would a person make a recipe "a couple of years ago" and wait to pan it in a review till now, "a couple of years" later? Or am I being obtuse?
No, yabbit, the person in discussion is the obtuse one, not you. ;)
Somebody please fill me in on the whole AL/CL thing.
Chef Lindsey?
And AL?
This is AL... witness her latest 'reviews'. ::)
AL sucks.
part of me fears that newcomers will see this hatefest and think that VW is a bunch of bitches... but really, the vast majority of us only hate on the haterz..those who make the first offense. Then We move on and carry on in our typical lovefest fashion. :)>>>
Q: What must I do to "get my groove back?"
...and when might I expect that to happen??
Q: What must I do to "get my groove back?"
...and when might I expect that to happen??
Watch this:
Then go here:
Why am I continuously hungry, even though I eat like a fat man? Also, will this eating stuff make me look like a fat man?
Why am I continuously hungry, even though I eat like a fat man? Also, will this eating stuff make me look like a fat man?
Surely it depends on what you're eating. Lettuce, probably not. Chocolate and cakes and ice-"cream"--in the long run, perhaps.
Note to self: eat like a healthy man.
Why, after living years in the south, does the accent still drive me up the wall?
Why does the school's internet keep booting everyone off? It says it's at full strength, but it only lets people connect with limited access, which does not let you actually open any websites.
Why am I continuously hungry, even though I eat like a fat man? Also, will this eating stuff make me look like a fat man?
HA HA HA.....I eat like a fat man too!
I eat like a regular man, but I'm still fat.
:-\ :-[