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ACK Orange!

I have a quick question. The skin on my fingers is turning a yellowy more orange color. What is this from???  :(

Turmeric?  What have you been cooking with?  Or is it more from the inside?


If you've been eating a lot of carrots, that could do it too. :)


nicotene or dandelions?! 


Sorry, really, though, no clue!  Ring_of_fire had some nice thoughts....


beta carotene ~~~> yellow
lycopene ~~~> red

so goes the story of the orange man =)

curry powder stains horribly too (probably the turmeric, I guess).

I don't know about the fingertips, but yellowing skin (and eyes) are a sign of jaundice, which can happen just by taking a new drug or taking more of anything you normally take. Livers are like that...


If you've been eating a lot of carrots, that could do it too. :)

Is 3 carrots a day too much? That might be it


I tend to develop an orange tint after too many carrots... And yes 3 whole carrots everyday would be enough to do it to me!  I don't mind too much, I loves me my carrots!  :D

Lay off the crunchy orange guys for a few days and see if it helps...


I tend to develop an orange tint after too many carrots... And yes 3 whole carrots everyday would be enough to do it to me!  I don't mind too much, I loves me my carrots!  :D

Lay off the crunchy orange guys for a few days and see if it helps...

Darn carrots are my FAVORITE!!!!  :D


Not only the carrots, but other foods we veggies eat a lot of can contribute to the coloration of the skin, often seen in the hands and soles of the feet on myself.  When I used to do a lot of juicing sometimes my whole body would be a nice healthy orange.  LOL

It's not something to be overly concerned with.  If you think it's your diet back up on foods wtih carotene.  I'll try to find some info on the net for you.

Later:  here's Wikipedia's definition (remember Wikipedia is non-scientific, but erasy to understand)

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