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VegNews Trip to India! Who is in!?

I want to go on this sooooo badly! Here are the details on the VegNews Goes to India! For the full itinerary, check out:

Don't miss this opportunity to travel to exotic India with VN publishers and expert guides from VegVoyages.

If you enjoy adventure, history, culture, and delicious vegan cuisine, this is the trip for you. Join VegNews publishers Joseph Connelly and Colleen Holland as they host the journey of a lifetime—expertly guided by VegVoyages' India afficionados, Zac Lovas and RK Singhji. An intimate group of VegNews readers will explore the fascinating state of Rajasthan along with India's capital, New Delhi, and the breathtaking wonder, Taj Mahal. Other highlights include:

    * • Stay at a Maharajah's palace
    * • Dine at the best veg eateries in India
    * • Meander through colorful bazaars
    * • Learn Indian history
    * • Sleep on a world-famous overnight train
    * • Enjoy daily yoga classes in stunning settings
    * • Take a rickshaw through bustling city streets
    * • Visit an animal sanctuary
    * • Hike a national park teeming with wildlife
    * • Have dinner with a local family
    * • Stay in a picturesque village
    * • Take a vegan cooking class
    * • And so much more!

**12 days/11 nights**
Just $1295 per person

Price includes all meals, accommodations, transportation in India, site entry fees, guides, yoga classes, live music and dances, donation to Animal Aid, and airport pick-up and drop-off. Only airfare, visa, and personal purchases are up to you!

I actually can't express how much I would love to be on this trip. Seriously.
Unfortunately, there's not a hope of having that much money to spare, so I will just have to splurge out on Indian food at home instead.  Hopefully someone from vw can go, then we can live vicariously through their photos/stories : )




Sounds awesome. Can't go, but I'll dream...


Laura, Are you going? I really want to go and I an seriously considering it. I'm just wondering how to come up with the cash. Round trip airfair to Delhi is about $1,300. The tour cost is very reasonable though.


That is very reasonably priced.  I'm shocked by that atually.  I'd try to go if I wasn't a single mom.  (Well that and the yoga thing.)  I wish there were more vegan-friendly family vacations available. 


Oh. My. Goodness.
:( I'm so sad that I don't have that much money. I would LOVE to go there. I'm about $700 short. :(

Ah, just took a gander at the website and sorry folks, it's sold out.


I can't even find the info on the VegNews website anymore.


oh man, I hope we can hear about how it goes! I actually looked up airfare from Berlin and it was only like 500 euros so I was quite tempted but it still cost too much altogether. sounds incredible though.


Looks like they are sold out.  

VegVoyages is the trip I took to India last November.  India is an awesome country of contrasts, polluted and dirty, beautful, primitive and technologically advanced.  I would love to go again.  Those who know know I'm now obsessed with Bollywood.

It's great having someone who speaks Hindi that can order you vegan food because veganism is not well understood by the common people there.  "Strict vegetarian" there means "ovo-lacto vegetarian" to us.  For ovo-lacto vegetarians it's a haven.  That part of the country has many vegetarian only establishments.  

When I went it was only me and one other woman, and there were some things I didn't like, such as going into people's private homes for meals.  The "have dinner with a local family" part I didn't like.   That was very uncomfortable, perhaps because it was just me and one other person.   I had a couple of other issues and cut the trip short, but no regrets.  India is amazing. 

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