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thai passion, austin

i know they have other locations, but a new one opened up in southpark meadows (btw, i live 5 minutes from the shopping center).
well the food is amazing. thai is my favorite. i've been there 3 times, including last night, since it opened a month ago.
the thai passion noodles with tofu is my favorite. they have a lunch and dinner menu. the dinner menu is pricey. ($10 and up). it's worth it though.

kelsi and others in austin, do you all live downtown? if you do, i'm jealous and can i love in with you?

i actually live in a really small town an hour and a half north on 183.  yuck.  but i do come into austin probably too often. 

is this the thai restaurant right on 6th street near congress?  that one was so good, but i have no idea what it was called!!

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