Posted by lime green on Dec 09, 2008 · Member since Apr 2007 · 634 posts
the lower picture was just in my little sidebar recipe spot.
nice icing, lemme guess bleach flavored?
the lower picture was just in my little sidebar recipe spot.
nice icing, lemme guess bleach flavored?
eta? estimated time of arrival?
i tried to make it work but i can't
now i have to go make delicious drinks and find a boyfriend
i'll figure it out when i get home
eta? estimated time of arrival?
i tried to make it work but i can't
now i have to go make delicious drinks and find a boyfriend
i'll figure it out when i get home
eta = edited to add (AC uses it all the time, so I Urban-Dictionaried it to find out what it meant because I thought estimated time of arrival as well.
drinks + boyfriend = good plan.
Have fun!
eta = edited to add (AC uses it all the time, so I Urban-Dictionaried it to find out what it meant because I thought estimated time of arrival as well.
:) This is cute. hh told me the meaning..when I didn't know.
I told my friends about this. They laughed for daaaays