Posted by lime green on Dec 09, 2008 · Member since Apr 2007 · 634 posts
the lower picture was just in my little sidebar recipe spot.
nice icing, lemme guess bleach flavored?
the lower picture was just in my little sidebar recipe spot.
nice icing, lemme guess bleach flavored?
Hah! I had a feeling the link was going to lead to that picture...
What the hell is that banana doing?
I am disappointed the cumcakes only take 10-15 minutes prep time...
but does serve 12.
Hah! I had a feeling the link was going to lead to that picture...
Does that banana have balls? ???
Hah! I had a feeling the link was going to lead to that picture...
Does that banana have balls? ???
i dont quite understand why the end of his wenis is bright red... maybe its a banana thing : )
LOL at the banana peeling his banana.
LOL at the man frosting on those cupcakes. Seriously the same thing that I thought of when I first saw it.
What the hell is that banana doing?
I am disappointed the cumcakes only take 10-15 minutes prep time...
but does serve 12.
if you had to serve 12, I bet your prep time would be less than 15 minutes too
I browsed the Natural Harvest recipes. How does one have a dinner party? Do guests cum early (hehe) and then food is prepared?
...Do people REALLY cook with spooge? ???
Yes. Why else would my cookies be smiling?
Do they only use man spooge?
I'd eat some girl spooge cookies.
;)b :P
dude, i don't know. there are way too many people being serious on the comment thread on that book.
...Do people REALLY cook with spooge? ???
Um... how do you get your protein?
...Do people REALLY cook with spooge? ???
Um... how do you get your protein?
beans and....
and rice?
...Do people REALLY cook with spooge? ???
Um... how do you get your protein?
I don't think I've ever laughed this much on vw. I've heard somewhere that getting a girl to drink your jizz is a way to make you irresistible. Maybe the author is a guy trying to jizz his way into a girl's heart. Figuratively speaking.
I don't think I've ever laughed this much on vw. I've heard somewhere that getting a girl to drink your jizz is a way to make you irresistible. Maybe the author is a guy trying to jizz his way into a girl's heart. Figuratively speaking.
So you're saying the way to a girl's heart is through cupcakes with jizz frosting?
I don't think I've ever laughed this much on vw. I've heard somewhere that getting a girl to drink your jizz is a way to make you irresistible. Maybe the author is a guy trying to jizz his way into a girl's heart. Figuratively speaking.
So you're saying the way to a girl's heart is through cupcakes with jizz frosting?
I'll just pass on the cupcake if I like you, you know? The cupcake makes it sort of weird.
I don't think I've ever laughed this much on vw. I've heard somewhere that getting a girl to drink your jizz is a way to make you irresistible. Maybe the author is a guy trying to jizz his way into a girl's heart. Figuratively speaking.
So you're saying the way to a girl's heart is through cupcakes with jizz frosting?
Of course. But I think it would be a good idea to tell her before she ate it. Or after. Or when she realizes she just ate cum injecteted cupcakes.
or you could just surprise her and get it all in her eyes
(not safe btw)