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Thanksgiving 2009 what's on the menu?

let me drool over your ideas!

We never do any kind of meaty item - like a tofurkey or anything - we usually just eat all of the mom veganizes everything, so Andy and I can eat - everything but the turkey....but this year I'm gonna make pumpkin pie....I just made my first one last week and it was amazing!  I think my favorite Thanksgiving side is the stuffing.  I crave stuffing and my mom makes its so damn delicious!


thanksgiving doesn't exist at the bottom of the world.

but my family's Christmas dinner is a big meat-dominated feast, so it sounds kind of similar and I always just have the roasted veges and salad. I've never made anything special, but if we ever actually have Christmas at our own place I will.


My Daughter in law is cooking the turkey :'(...I REFUSE to do it this year, I'm doing all the sides, and they will be vegan ;)b my family dosn't know that, but hey what they don't know won't hurt them >:D I'll tell them after they finish eating ;D

fresh veggie tray
stuffed mushrooms
Green bean casserole
corn casserole(a Paula Deen recipe I made Vegan ;D )
cranberry sauce
my famous mashed potatoes
steamed cauliflower
fresh fruit tray
pumpkin cheesecake
pecan pie


I always make the seitan roast w/gravy from this site  and baked sweet potatos.  Besides that...who knows!!!


this is going to be my first vegan thanksgiving (its been vegetarian before that), and my in-laws are coming for dinner!!!  they are big-time meat eaters, but i told them no turkey in my house and they're ok with it.  i'm actually doing a practice run this weekend, and pretty much sticking to the basics:

-green bean casserole (does anyone have a good trick to veganize the cream of mushroom soup?  i saw a recipe on this site i was going to try, but if anyone has any better ideas...)
-mashed potatoes
-sweet potatoes
-tofurkey (never had the big chunk of it before, but i like the deli slices so hopefully it's as good)
-something with cranberry sauce
-some kind of salad

i'm kind of nervous about this, i've only recently started cooking at all and i really want to make this food good so that the in-laws see that vegan can be yummy!!  if anyone has any helpful hints or advice, please let me know! :chinup:


We do Thanksgiving with my parents, though this year my partner's mother is coming as well. She's from a remote area in Syria. My family has been in Texas many generations. Let the sitcom style hilarity and cultural insensitivity ensue!

Anyway, my mom makes a turkey and desserts, but my sister (she's vegetarian, but makes everything vegan for me) and I do the rest. My family is actually very open minded and nice about the whole thing. They really don't care if something has cow's milk or soy milk so long as it's delicious. For the family dinner we're making:

Mushroom-walnut pate from Vcon
Roasted eggplant dip
Rosemary bread (from VWeb)
Mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy
Butternut squash bisque
Green beans with grilled leeks and smoked almonds (my dad's favorite)
Cranberry-apple sauce with caramelized pecans
Roasted veggie and seitan pot pie
Panko crusted tofu nuggets for the kids
Apple pie and mini cheesecakes!

I think I gained 10lbs typing that...


i will probably make a vegan taco tip, pumpkin pie, homemade ranch, and stuffing


I'll be at my boyfriend's parents/relatives thanksgiving parties, so they'll unfortunately do most of the cooking... but after last year's not-being-able-to-eat-anything-but-dry-mashed-potatoes for three dinners in a row, I'm definitely insisting we at least bring *one* dish I can eat! Ideas are:

-Pumpkin curry (yum!!)
-The excellent/really popular vegan gravy recipe on this site
-a vegan pumpkin pie
-a vegan stuffing of some kind
-some green beans (that aren't cooked in bacon grease!)


I'm not sure who will be making what yet (I guess we should get that all sorted out soon...), but I'll probably be conscripted into making the Ultimate Pumpkin Cheesecake again (I'm tired of it, but everybody likes it, so...). I want to make a different pie! I was thinking of switching to the Pumpkin Pecan Pie from My Sweet Vegan, since it looks awesome and has pumpkin "creme." Test run this weekend :)
I might be making the potatoes too... not sure what I'll do there. Just mashed? Roasted? Meh, only potatoes.
I *want* to make the "Salisbury Seitan" from the RFD cookbook, only because it is super amazing and fatty, but I might get too lazy for it in the end.

I always vainly hope there will be no turkey... but of course there will be. The thing is, most of them don't like turkey a whole lot anyway, or take a little piece and that's it. But it's the traditional thing, so there's always a whole turkey there :( what a waste.


-green bean casserole (does anyone have a good trick to veganize the cream of mushroom soup?  i saw a recipe on this site i was going to try, but if anyone has any better ideas...)

Oh please, please try this one instead of trying to replicate the mushroom soup one.  It's four thousand times better!  My omnivorous family requests it now.


mamaanna: your menu sounds absolutely delicious.  I am drooling!

I also agree with erinmonster5, all I ever care about at thanksgiving is the stuffing!  I make a mean stuffing too, different types of bread, apple juice, veggie broth, tons of dried nuts, tons of dried and fresh fruit, and lots of seasoning.  I usually end up with a plate that is half veggies, half stuffing :P


I also agree with erinmonster5, all I ever care about at thanksgiving is the stuffing!  I make a mean stuffing too, different types of bread, apple juice, veggie broth, tons of dried nuts, tons of dried and fresh fruit, and lots of seasoning.  I usually end up with a plate that is half veggies, half stuffing :P

That sounds really good.  :)


-green bean casserole (does anyone have a good trick to veganize the cream of mushroom soup?  i saw a recipe on this site i was going to try, but if anyone has any better ideas...)

Oh please, please try this one instead of trying to replicate the mushroom soup one.  It's four thousand times better!  My omnivorous family requests it now.

I second veggydog.  That green bean casserole is really good.  I never have leftovers.

This year, I'm hosting my parents and grandparents the weekend before Thanksgiving.  So far the menu is:

Holiday Lentil Loaf with mushroom gravy (both from vw)
My grandmother's cornbread dressing (veganized by moi!)
Instead of green bean casserole, I'm working on veganizing my mom's broccoli casserole
Sweet Potatoes with Apples and Walnuts (from vw)

Probably no cranberry sauce b/c my grandma only likes the jellied kind from a can (although, maybe I'll indulge her).  I will probably add a few more things, but this is what I know off the top of my head. 

Cams and I are also spending Thanksgiving with his family.  I'm sure we'll cook something together to take to that . :)


The Alb crew is getting together at rabidchild's house and having vegan Thanksgiving today.  I'm bringing crock cheez (of course) and roasted brussel sprouts, but there is going to be a nice selection from the other potluckers.   I'm pretty dang excited!  I hear there is going to be all the normal stuff, like stuffing, mashed potatoes, tofu loaves, and some exciting desserts too!  Yay!

P.S. Yeah, Lotus and I are going to cook up a storm, me thinks.


I'm thinking about a Squash Casserole for Thanksgiving after learning how to make one(it was also gluten-free) in a vegan cooking class at Whole Foods. It was fabulous.


Of course you'd have pumpkin things vh. haha.

I'm thinking some type of stuffed squash with sage and yummies. I might get a Tofurky as usual, just because its the one time i can get them and leftovers are always fun. Andddd, thats probably all. Hah.



Okay I think we're gonna have

The gluten roast (from this site, we had it for Christmas last year. OMG yummy. It's under the "Seitan" category

Potatoes, carrots, celery and onions cooked in with the roast

Gravy Made out of the juices the roast was in

Baked Vegetable Stuffing (from this site)

Vegan Green Bean Casserole (from this site)

Non-tofu pumpkin pie (from this site)

And a raw vanilla creme to drizzle over the pie  =-)


lotus and veggydog ~ i tried that green bean casserole recipe and you're right it was SOOOO good,  even my husband the skeptic found it good enough to serve his parents.  thanks for the advice!

OH and also, i decided against the tofurkey, it was a little to salty or i'm going to do a practice run of THIS this weekend:  it sounds so gourmet!



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