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Please help me use up Ingredient X.

Ahoy folks! I thought I'd start a thread where you can ask for recipes and advice on how to use up an ingredient (e.g. a vegetable, fruit, grain, bean, etc.) of which you have lots and lots and lots; or which is new to you and you don't know where to start with it.

I'll go first. :P I have many, many tasty carrots from the farmers' market which I need to use before they go soft.

Recipes, please.

I know, I know, carrots - simple - should be a no-brainer... but I was not fond of them for a long time, simply because I'd never known anything but raw or steamed carrots with very little flavour. I like to do INTERESTING things with them. They're so adaptable! Gimme your adaptations! :D

I've made the bok choy without sesame oil before and it is still good, I used olive oil once when I was out of sesame oil.  I think it just needed more spices to compensate.  Lots of garlic, pepper, hot sauce and garlic.


i have inherited a bunch of corn on the cob, and while I like corn on the cob as is and off the cob....what are some other cool things I can do with it?


i have inherited a bunch of corn on the cob, and while I like corn on the cob as is and off the cob....what are some other cool things I can do with it?

I'm planning on making the VwaV corn bisque this week; you could do that. I've also made the corn fritters, and they are really, really good.

eta: corn chowder-


you can cut the corn off the cob and make black bean corn salsa


Corn fritters
Corn relish (red peppers, onion, garlic if you like it, with a touch of oil and vinegar)
Corn pudding
My mom used to boil the ears, cut the corn off the cob (scraping of course) and fry it up with some onion and maybe garlic if you like it.
You can roast the ears in the husk in a VERY hot oven (like 500º) for about 20 min. Husk at the table, drizzle with olive oil. Salt and pepper. Make a total ogre of yourself (since "make a pig of yourself" isn't vegan, and ogres have less manners than pigs).
You can boil the ears in a mixture of spices sold as "crab boil" without getting any critters involved (which would be shelfish, anyway). I would cook them in the same pot with some potatoes.

Gee, now I'm hungry. ::)


who knew you could so so much with corn!?!?  I'm so excited.  I'm makin chowdah fo lunch ~^_^~


Corn indeed freezes well.  I have a couple of cobbs in my freezer right now. 

I cooked a good corn dish from Vegan Soul Kitchen....I won't violate copyright laws, but it was basically sauteed corn, jalepenos, garlic and cumin in olive oil.....tasty side dish.


Tofutti sour cream.

I bought a tub for the Sour Cream Chikn Enchiladas on here but I have about half the tub left and I can't think of anything to do with it. I'd make delicious chip dip, but I'm trying to stay away from chips (if they get in the house, I eat them in like a day  :-[ ). While I was in the grocery store the other day I thought of something and I think it was a dessert ish recipe, but now I can't remember what I thought of. Help :(


Sour cream potato salad. :hotforyou: Mebbe with chickpeas.


Tofutti sour cream.

IMO the stuff's indistinguishable from Tofutti cream cheeze. So... sandwich spread? Cheesecake?


Can't help you.....I think it's nasty.  I think I've heard people using sour cream for like green onion dips though?


fermented bean curd

SirD, I'm very odd as you know but I like fermented beancurd just on the side, particularly if I'm eating something that came out rather bland, like a rice dish or whatever. I take a tiny bit on my fork and scoop up some of the dish, and pop it in. It is an acquired taste but one that I quickly acquired. In any case, it keeps for ages in the fridge in a tightly-covered jar.

i wanted to add that i found a great way to eat this.  As in the case with Yabbitgirl, i found i acquired a taste for this rather quickly. 

I take a small piece of regular tofu and some of the fermented tofu, and i add some soy mayo and mash everything together with a fork.  Sometimes i add a bit of lemon juice, sometimes not.  I also like to play around with spices - some hot curry, black pepper, mustard - whatever suits your personal taste buds

I basically use that as a spread between 2 pieces of toasted sprouted bread and it's *great*.  Not only is it great, but as i having it in the morning - it's quite filling because of the fiber from the bread, plus i'm getting protein, plus it's healthy (i believe) due to the sprouted bread and also i believe eating fermented foods in general is very good for the digestion.


Tofutti sour cream.

I bought a tub for the Sour Cream Chikn Enchiladas on here but I have about half the tub left and I can't think of anything to do with it. I'd make delicious chip dip, but I'm trying to stay away from chips (if they get in the house, I eat them in like a day  :-[ ). While I was in the grocery store the other day I thought of something and I think it was a dessert ish recipe, but now I can't remember what I thought of. Help :(

personally, i  :)>>> love  :)>>> tofutti sour cream, it's taste so close to what i remember the real thing tasting like.  i have a tendency to use it in the same fashion that i'd use regular sour cream - that being... slice up a banana, mix it with the sour cream and - wallah - delish! :P


@ponycakes: The other thing I thought of: why not just make a chip dip... and use it as a dip for veggies instead?


fermented bean curd

bit behind the ball I know, but I just spotted this recipe for 'blue cheese' which calls for fermented bean curd if you're interested..?


fermented bean curd

bit behind the ball I know, but I just spotted this recipe for 'blue cheese' which calls for fermented bean curd if you're interested..?

OMgoodness - thank you for this.  You can't see me but you'll just to trust when i say that upon seeing this i did a little of  :-D and  ;D and soon i'll be sure to be doing lots of  :^ (yes - i am just that easily amused/enthused by food!

thank you!!


I wish I had your sour cream! I want to make a spinach dip because I bought a loaf of pumpernickel bread. I think its just sour cream, chopped spinach, onion soup mix....and some seasoning? My mom used to make it in a pumpernickel bread bowl-yum!

Now, who can help me use up one yellow pepper, 2 orange ones, and 2 hungarian red peppers? And a few small hot peppers if need be?


There are a few recipes on here for spinach dip made with silken tofu.  I've made this one: and it was quite good.

Now, who can help me use up one yellow pepper, 2 orange ones, and 2 hungarian red peppers? And a few small hot peppers if need be?



l2a, fajitas? chili?


Now, who can help me use up one yellow pepper, 2 orange ones, and 2 hungarian red peppers? And a few small hot peppers if need be?

Some kind of salsa? Roast them, and make spicy orange pasta sauce! Or pepper jelly, though five peppers might not make much!



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