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Liquid Smoke Substitute and Nutritional Yeast in French/Dutch

Sorry for the random title but it pretty much sums up my questions...

I moved to Belgium 6 months ago and cannot find any liquid smoke.  I read that you can sub 1 teaspoon of honey plus a dash of worcestershire sauce.  Has anyone tried??  Any other suggestions?

AND I have founf great little natural foods stores here in Brussels, but I still have not found nutritional yeast.  And that's not exactly something you can plug into google translate.  Any locals have any tips?  Thanks!

Can you maybe find smoked sea salt?


nutritional yeast is called voedingsgist or edelgist in dutch (yeast is gist) i dont now if can you can
buy this in belgium, but healthfood stores in Holland do sell it  (its not that far from brussel)
i dont think you can buy  liquid smoke around here, i never heard of it


Thanks :)


Along the same liquid smoke line, what section of a grocery store do you find it in? I was kinda looking, since I made this turnip & greens dish a while back that was supposed to have it, but I didn't have any so left it out.


Along the same liquid smoke line, what section of a grocery store do you find it in? I was kinda looking, since I made this turnip & greens dish a while back that was supposed to have it, but I didn't have any so left it out.

i've found it near the bbq sauce section, it's in a little bottle so it's hard to miss.


Along the same liquid smoke line, what section of a grocery store do you find it in? I was kinda looking, since I made this turnip & greens dish a while back that was supposed to have it, but I didn't have any so left it out.

i've found it near the bbq sauce section, it's in a little bottle so it's hard to miss.

Yeah. I looked for it several times before I actually found it on the very bottom shelf with the barbq sauces, and other such things. It IS in a very small bottle. Someone at the store would know!


Along the same liquid smoke line, what section of a grocery store do you find it in? I was kinda looking, since I made this turnip & greens dish a while back that was supposed to have it, but I didn't have any so left it out.

i've found it near the bbq sauce section, it's in a little bottle so it's hard to miss.

and by "hard to miss"  i meant "easy to miss"...  woops


I guess it wasn't there then--I searched the BBQ section for about 10 minutes. I ended up buying some BBQ sauce (oops), but didn't find any liquid smoke. I always feel weird asking people where things as soon as I approach them to ask I'll forget what I wanted to say. It has happened...
Hm, but I'll check out some other stores. Maybe Vons or something? Smoke flavor intrigues me.

Eta: Found it! Haha, but the checker didn't know what it was...she thought it was for starting fires with. This was after she threw my apples :(


Sorry for the random title but it pretty much sums up my questions...

I moved to Belgium 6 months ago and cannot find any liquid smoke.  I read that you can sub 1 teaspoon of honey plus a dash of worcestershire sauce.  Has anyone tried??  Any other suggestions?

AND I have founf great little natural foods stores here in Brussels, but I still have not found nutritional yeast.  And that's not exactly something you can plug into google translate.  Any locals have any tips?  Thanks!

I haven't been able to find nutritional yeast (voedings gist) in Belgium yet. So far no one seems to know what it is at any of the shops that I've tried.  I am going to Amsterdam this next weekend so I will report back if I find any there!



I live in Brussels and found nutritional yeast the other day in a Bio shop, (Edelgist) the thing that I am not sure if it is any good because I never had the original thing in the 1st place ( I am new to this).
It was a shop far from the centre and I went there with a friend, I will ask her and come back to you, but please let me know if you find liquid smoke.

Good luck!


Took me forever to find liquid smoke because it's a tiny little bottle and I overlooked it several times. Now I see it everywhere (even Target and Walmart carry it!)

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