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Advice on vegan dish to take to a potluck-type picnic

Hi all!  I'm a lacto-vegetarian, transitioning to a vegan diet.  During this transition period I am eating as vegan a diet as possible and eating dairy products only when a craving hits (this is the same method I used when quitting smoking, becoming vegetarian, and eliminating eggs from my diet, it seems to work for me!).  Okay, now that we have that out of the way, an academic club I belong to at my university is having a picnic in a couple of weeks.  We each need to bring one dish.  I do prepare vegan recipes for myself at home, but none of those would be very good dishes to bring to a picnic, as well as the fact that most of the people in this club aren't vegetarian and probably wouldn't like the foods I eat on a normal basis.  Being new to veganism, I also don't know very many recipes yet. 

Can any of you give any advice on good vegan picnic-type foods?  I send my thanks and appreciation in advance!

pasta salad is always good.


i took potato salad to a lunch at work (i work in a ranching town) they loved it!! i used a the recipe on the side of the nayonaise jar.  it was pretty good!

0 likes obvious!  I always over-complicate things.  I was thinking all these complex casseroles and the like that only I would be interested in eating. 

Both pasta and potato salad are perfect picnic foods.  I may bring both!


My mom makes these puff pastry spinach, garlic, mushroom, better than cream cheese things, and everyone always asks for the recipe. Similar to these...

There are more on here, too. I also like to make a rice pilaf mix, and add roasted veggies with garlic and a bit of balsalmic. It is great at room temperature. Bean salad, texas caviar and chips, pigs in a blanket--no one will know they're vegan, garanteed.


Speaking of potato salads...

French potato salad (this site) is my go-to vegan offering for an omni summer potluck.

I brought it to a potluck picnic this weekend--other vegan dishes present included a big platter of roasted veggies (YUM!) and tabbouleh.


I would make Lucidanne's lentil and rice makes a ton and is delicious. 

Could someone smarter than me post the link...i never can get it to work.


the quinoa black bean mango salad in veganomicon is great and makes alot too - although some people might not recognize the quinoa and be freaked out by it.  otherwise, it's really healthy & filling - and it looks pretty too!


the quinoa black bean mango salad in veganomicon is great and makes alot too - although some people might not recognize the quinoa and be freaked out by it.  otherwise, it's really healthy & filling - and it looks pretty too!

I took that to my sister's graduation party last weekend.  I thought 2 cups of quinoa would be too much, but nearly all of it was eaten.  Everyone loved it (eventhough no one knew what it was.  ha).    I think I mentioned this on another thread, but next time I'm gonna sub pineapple for the mango next time as a cheaper less pain in the ass alternative. 


The Cheater Baked beans from Vegenomican is really good and easy to make...


Calico Beans. Seriously.

Every time I take them to omni cook outs, they disappear. People are always startled to learn they're vegan. My friend's "steak and potato" always asks if we're bringing them to gatherings. He can't bring himself to make vegan beans himself... but he'll certainly eat them

Now playing: Eluveitie - Inis Mona
via FoxyTunes


The picnic happened already and I took vegan potato salad, as well as vegan tomato, cucumber, and dill salad.  Thanks to everyone for the great ideas!

This group will be having another picnic soon, and you've all provided me with new ideas for that one, too!  You guys are great.


Calico Beans. Seriously.

Every time I take them to omni cook outs, they disappear. People are always startled to learn they're vegan. My friend's "steak and potato" always asks if we're bringing them to gatherings. He can't bring himself to make vegan beans himself... but he'll certainly eat them


Okay...I just read the recipe for this, and I want some of it IMMEDIATELY if not sooner.  :D


This edamame and asparagus salad with mint is something different and super fresh.  Skip or sub the cheese. Double or triple it for a big group.


This edamame and asparagus salad with mint is something different and super fresh.  Skip or sub the cheese. Double or triple it for a big group.

This is what I am talking about!!!!!!!!

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