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Why are people so mean!!!??? (kitten rescue)

I found a kitten abandoned in the parking lot of the apartment complex that I live this morning, and being of a soft heart I couldn't just ignore the poor baby.  It was under someone's car just meowing it's little heart out.  God I felt terrible when I heard it.  Of course I had to help.  I coaxed it out from under the car and took it up to my patio and gave it some food, water, put a spare little box out for it, and a cloth cage to hide and sleep in.  The little guy was hungry and ate a whole can of cat food, for a little guy, he can eat!  But now what do I do?  Every time I would go inside he tried to follow me, and then would just sit out there and meow, I finally just had to leave.  I can't let it inside, I already have two cats, and am at my maximum, I can't adopt a third one, that would be too many.  So I am thinking of taking him to an animal shelter, but he may not get adopted.    What should I do with the poor guy?

do you know anyone who has cats who may not mind an extra? since he is a kitten and it is almost christmas you would probably have good luck trying to find a loving home (since there are probably lots of people who want them around now)... maybe a craigslist type ad? just make sure you know they have good intentions and won't just ditch the kitten once in gets to be a cat (hopefully people who have previously had long term cats).


Well here are your choices: take him in yourself, take him to the shelter, try to place him with a friend, or leave him where you found him. The only viable one in your situation seems to be a shelter. I know, it's tough, but it's better than leaving him on the street to starve, freeze or get attacked by another animal or crazy person.

You also might call your vet, but I bet they'll just tell you to take it to the shelter. My vet hates the holidays because the "Christmas present" pets so often get taken in for "grooming" or whatever and the person never returns.


Awww! He is a sweet little feller! Kittens always have a good chance for adoption--and look how sweet he is! I think your best option is to take him to the shelter. Don't feel bad, you did a wonderful thing!!!



if you live near austin and can wait until january 1st for when i return to texas, my boyfriend and i could possibly adopt the kittie, if he/she gets along with our dog, who is actually scared of cats for the most part.


darn - all these threads or mentions of rescuing little kitties. why can't I adopt a cat? sigh... because I'm not allowed in my renter's agreement and one of my roommates is allergic.

I'd take that lost kitty home if I could.


Have you contacted any no-kill rescues in your area? Kittens do have a better chance of being adopted than adult cats, and they are usually easier to find a foster home for as well.

Here's a couple Houston rescues I Googled:

If they can't take in the kitten, they might know of other rescues that have space. Good luck! He's such a cute little guy!


he's a cutie kitten. i think they tend to get adopted (everyone wants babies vs. adults).

my only concern would be the "holiday" adoptions like other mentioned.  >:( if you do post to craigs, ask for an adoption fee (i think PETA recommends doing this) to keep people looking for a "free pet" out of the mix. if they will pay for it, then they want it. alternatively, you could ask for a fee but then tell them after you have agreed to let them adopt him that you don't want the money but that you used it as a way to screen people who really wanted to care for it.

Yes, ask for a fee.  Have it include the bowls etc.  People have been know to collect free pets and then sell them to labs.  It is very important to make them pay a fee.  Then it isn't worth their while to sell to a lab.  They once caught a 'sweet' grandma doing just that.  Selling them to a lab.

If you have to go the shelter route, make sure it is a no kill shelter.  If it is, have them call you before so you can pick up the kitty and try something else.

Christmas is the worst time for giving pets.  The shelters tend to be full in February and March because of people that regret getting a Christmas pet.  Seemed right at Christmas.  Then they realize living animals need care and are work.

Impulse buying at Christmas and Easter (bunnies and chicks) is huge.  No one should ever get a new pet at Christmas.  It should be an IOU.  Christmas is too hectic and overwhelming for a young animal.  They get mauled by everyone and they are just babies.  They need to adjust to being without their siblings, and to get mega sleep.

Good luck in finding the kitty a home and thank you for rescuing the sweet little thing.

No animal ever asked to be born. No animal should ever have to endure what ignorant people put them through.  No animal should ever feel hunger.  No animal should ever feel unloved.

You did a good thing.  Thank you!



I had a dream last night that I found the little kitty and brought him home with me. he ended up snoozing on my bed, all nice and warm.

sigh. all animals need love - and I've got so much to give. it makes me ache a little that I can't give it  :'(

hope everything goes will with the baby cat. let us know what you decide to do.


Here is an update on the kitten situation.  I tried to take him to an animal shelter but he is only 1.12lbs, too small, if I would have left him he would have been euthanized.  So they asked me to keep him for a week.  I said okay.  Then I remembered about the employee bullitin board here at work, so I put a posting up, saying that I will take $20 for him, and said that the reason I want money is to make sure that he goes to a good home.  But still $20 is less than they would have to pay at a shelter.  He is too small to get shots and neutered.  He is such a sweet kitten, I hope that he find a good home.  I am doing all I can, but I still don't feel like it is enough, poor baby, he just wants to be loved.


Yes, ask for a fee.  Have it include the bowls etc.  People have been know to collect free pets and then sell them to labs.  It is very important to make them pay a fee.  Then it isn't worth their while to sell to a lab.  They once caught a 'sweet' grandma doing just that.  Selling them to a lab.

Oh. God. in. Heaven.  :'( :'(

I know. I know it happens. Two of my sister's dogs mysteriously disappeared. She lives within half an hour of one of the largest animal-husbandry and vet universities in the States. She works in the soil lab of that university. She told me that she put up photos of her dogs all over campus.

Her dogs never resurfaced.  :'(


I know. I know it happens. Two of my sister's dogs mysteriously disappeared. She lives within half an hour of one of the largest animal-husbandry and vet universities in the States. She works in the soil lab of that university. She told me that she put up photos of her dogs all over campus.

Her dogs never resurfaced.  :'(

A vet university?! Please don't tell me that they buy animals from random people who likely stole them...I mean, yes, they are going to have to conduct research on animals since they are learning to treat animals, but I would hope that they bred their own animals or got them from a reputable source...


if you live near austin and can wait until january 1st for when i return to texas, my boyfriend and i could possibly adopt the kittie, if he/she gets along with our dog, who is actually scared of cats for the most part. guys (snowqueen and hiimkelsi) should do this! That would be a wonderful solution, and if they already know he's not giving your kitties any sickness, maybe you could hold onto him for just a few more weeks...or maybe hiimkelsi knows somebody who might live nearby who could take him off your hands until she can go and get him?  ::) Sorry, trying to be helpfull...not bossy! :P


If you are near the Central MA area, I can take him, after January 1st. We are moving to a bigger house....and I will have more room. Thinking of fostering kitties.... so many need help  :'(


if you live near austin and can wait until january 1st for when i return to texas, my boyfriend and i could possibly adopt the kittie, if he/she gets along with our dog, who is actually scared of cats for the most part. guys (snowqueen and hiimkelsi) should do this! That would be a wonderful solution, and if they already know he's not giving your kitties any sickness, maybe you could hold onto him for just a few more weeks...or maybe hiimkelsi knows somebody who might live nearby who could take him off your hands until she can go and get him?  ::) Sorry, trying to be helpfull...not bossy! :P

Oh what a great idea that would be! Ther is just so much vegweb love going on here it is amazing! I really hope it all works out!

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