*updated* Liberty Chicken to visit Veterinarian
On of my sweet, sweet ladies- Liberty chicken, of the genus chikenus henumus- has to go to the vet's tomarrow. :( She was looking a little sick because of maulting, and event hough I initially thought she was looking better-- I'm still just worried about her. Her feathers don't seem "right" they are kinda fragile. She just started laying eggs again the other day, so that was good...but she's sneezing now, the little darling... :(
When I called the vet yesterday (she has to see a bird specialist- not the vegetarian veterinarian that I like so much for my dogs) the tech on eh phone was being really short and snippity with me- like she didn't want to hear what my concerns were with the chicken...so i set up the appointment but I just kept worrying and worrying. I could just imagine going into the vets and having to educate THEM about chicken health.... ::) so I called back and asked "whats the vets qualifications to work with chickens exactly?" the lady assured me the vet had lots of experience with them and knew what he was doing...and assured me that he "hadn't simply taken one class on chicken health in college"
I felt like a pest, but- please--- I'm the one who's ultimately responsible for this hens health and I don't want some idiot to look at her and tell me something useless... >:(
So, Liberty Chicken gets to ride the public bus with me tomarrow... :) I was thinking about putting her in a sling rather than carring her in a carring kennel, because she will be closer to my body that way....plus, people on the bus always poke their fingers into kennels- if she is in a pouch they might just think its a baby...I dunno...I'm nervous... :o
I felt like a pest, but- please--- I'm the one who's ultimately responsible for this hens health and I don't want some idiot to look at her and tell me something useless... >:(
When it comes to your health, the health of your babies, or the health of your animal babies, you CANNOT BE ENOUGH OF A PEST! You have to do whatever it takes to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Good for you!
So, Liberty Chicken gets to ride the public bus with me tomarrow... :) I was thinking about putting her in a sling rather than carring her in a carring kennel, because she will be closer to my body that way....plus, people on the bus always poke their fingers into kennels- if she is in a pouch they might just think its a baby...I dunno...I'm nervous... :o
And good luck with that!
Awwww! Poor Ms. Liberty! I hope she's going to be OK! Send her kissses from us and let us know how she does with the specialist!
So, Liberty Chicken gets to ride the public bus with me tomarrow... :) I was thinking about putting her in a sling rather than carring her in a carring kennel, because she will be closer to my body that way....plus, people on the bus always poke their fingers into kennels- if she is in a pouch they might just think its a baby...I dunno...I'm nervous... :o
Can you take animals on the bus? I'd go with whatever method Ms. Liberty might like more. Is she like a kitten where she's settle down snuggled against you or is she like my cat, who would squirm?
If you get to the appointment and the staffpeople are still rude, I'd let the vet politely know about it at the end of the examination. I hope the vet is more competent than the staff.
I hope you feel better, Liberty!
awwwwwww, poor lil' chickey-poo! :'( I hope you both make it through this with as little bullshit and pains-in-the-arse as is possible. As if having a sick feather-baby wasn't bad enough, all this stress with the vet's...sheesh.
I'm pretty sure if I saw a woman on a bus who was snuggling a pet chicken in a sling, it'd move me to tears. that image is just so beautiful to me.
Hang in there, Liberty Chicken! :-*
I adore (not a word I use) the image of a chicken being carried in a baby sling! The idea of those soft feathers and little chicken-noises...I wish I could go with you as a bodyguard.
When a chicken rides the bus, is that "poultry in motion"? ??? ::)
When a chicken rides the bus, is that "poultry in motion"? ??? ::)
I would boo that if I wasn't laughing so hard.
i did carrier her in a sling, as that makes chickens so much calmer than havening all that air swooshing by them. I then threw a blanket over my shoulder (and her head) and most people assumed it was a baby (which worked very nicely as I had to go into a store after the appointment... ;) but for a few people who were paying attention, they got to see that I was allowing her head to poke out...She fell asleep on out way home and I felt just like a I imagine a parent would carring their sleeping child home!
Unfortunately, the news at the vets was not good. Liberty Chicken is one sick chick... :( She has a systemic infection that has been causing everything from swelling in the feet, to fragile feathers to swelling in her upper digestive tract. She also has Guardia...which one usually gets from contaminated water...it affects the lower half of the digestive tract. I told the vet she was indoors and that I didn't see how she would have come into contact with contaminated water, but he said it could have been spread by one of my rescues to the other animals...maybe even to ME! So, she is slightly underweight and we are not sure if it is because she has difficulty digesting or if shes getting out competed for food...Oh, and her nails were long ::) what else is new...I'm so bad about keeping up with nail clipping!
The vet showed me how to manually help he digest her food int eh upper GI...that involves giving sterilized water and massaging her crop...it is kinda invasive because you have to shove this long syringe all the way down her throat! Then he showed me how to give oral antibiotics, which she is to take 2 times a day for the next 10 days....and I'm also treating the Guardia with a medicine in the water so that all three hens will get it. I also have to give her iodine/water baths. And I have to watch my dogs for signs of Guardia (I have not seen any signs though thankfully) if I do, i have to send a stool sample off and possibly start treating them...I'm worried because the other day when I was cleaning out the chickens bedroom, the dogs got into the waste and ate some of the chicken litter! :-X Hopefully that wont be necessary because I spent $300.00 on Liberty Chicken yesterday and don't have a lot of extra funds at the moment...The staff, at least was wonderful and competent. Maybe the girl the other day was just having a bad week or something...
Poor little Liberty Chicken...I bet she feels like crap... :'(
Aww...I'm sorry to hear about your sick chicken baby :'( She'll pull through this, though, even though she feels icky right now. The giardia was almost for certain from your rescue dogs--we've had so many rescues come into work with giardia--poor puppies. They can recover pretty quickly though, so don't stress too much over it. And if you do end up needing to treat your doggies, too, I'm sure there are folks on here that would love to help you out if needed--you do a lot for the critters, and it can get really expensive very quickly.
Give Liberty Chicken some extra lovin' from the VegWebbers!
Aww poor chicky-girl! You're such a good mommy though--I'm sure she will get better under your watchfull eye! Will you have to help her digest for the rest of her life, or will she be better once treatment is done? I hope all is well soon!
Hugs and kisses for you and Liberty!
Poor Liberty Chicken.
Giardia is nothing to laugh at-- if you start feeling ill, or (here comes the grossness) your poop turns pale yellowish and floats, or you start running a high fever, please go to the doctor. I had a nasty bout with it when we lived in Peru and was soooo sick.
Contaminated water is easy to come by, and yes, having rescuees around will increase your chances of encountering it. Bacterial illnesses pass quickly between hosts. Do treat the other chickies as well, to protect them. And good for you, getting her to the doctor quickly! Well done, chickenmommy!
oh gosh...now I'm all worried for you and your animal babies This will be a test of strength for you, I'm sure...but I know you'll be a great mom and help Liberty Chicken feel better and pull through, and it will only strengthen the bond between you and your babies.
Poor y'all! What a bummer! I know how hard it can be to provide good care, and then be charged boocoos...I told DH that the next mammal we acquire gets pet health insurance...they don't insure birds here, or Sweetheart would have his own policy!
My little girl is such a good patient! I've been giving her the medication faithfully The vet didn't think i could do that by myself but I just wrap her up in a towel, shove her between my knees and open her beak....I was so scared that she was going to start avoiding me...but she still comes right up to her momma when i go in the bedroom... :) I dont think she looks any better yet. :( but I expect it will take some time....I wonder if I should stop giving her kisses? ::) Its just her little chicken head is so irresistibly kissable... :-*
What a wonderful mommy you are. Remember to take care of yourself as well. Lots of hugs for you and all of your children.