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my friend the goldfish died

my friend ninja, one of my goldfish, died yesterday and noone seems to get it that it's actually upsetting for me and that fish are not expendable entities  >:( ... i just wanted to vent how sad i feel in an environment where its less likely to be entertaining for people

he was only a year old and he is survived by digby and gordon, who seem fine and hopefully won't get sick too.


my first pet ever was a carnival goldfish, and when he died a month after i got him, i cried and my brother made fun of me. it's not fun when people think fish arent real pets.  *hug*


Though you can't hug a fish, you do form bonds with them.... My family raised and bred some growing up....after worrying over the slightest temperature/pH shift, you begin to realize just how much you can care for them.


thanks guys... it feels better to know i'm not the only one in the whole universe that gets sad about fish!


Sorry about your goldfish, Eese. About those people who don't understand, let them all talk. They have no clue!


aw, i'm sorry to hear about your fish.

give the survivors some extra love from me.


aww.. :'(  I'm sorry.
I've had few fish in my life, but I always wished that they could be hugged and snuggled, because they really can be such special friends.
I hope Digby and Gordon stay well.

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