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Beagle Puppies That Need Homes

Hi all!  Don't know if anyone has already posted this (sorry if its a repeat, but if it has to go out a hundred times then so be it!)

An animal rights organisation has sent this on (OK, it was the ALF actually), and although it hasn't been verified, it is definitely worth looking into if anyone has the room in their homes or the love in their hearts for a puppy (or 2) that needs a home.


Dear all,

Alza Corporation, a Johnson & Johnson Company is closing their Mountain View, CA facility.

The animal test facility has 40, 16 month old beagle puppies that DESPERATELY need good loving homes.

These dogs were NEVER tested.

If you know of anyone, a rescue or are interested in helping give these puppies homes, please contact Rick Bible at

The facility manager will have to put them to sleep if no homes are
found by OCTOBER 15TH!!!


Pilar Mateos
Personnel Office
Diocese of San Jose
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 301
Santa Clara, CA 95050
408 983-0149
408 983-0203 Fax

Thanks for the research, md!  Quick on your feet over there!

I can only hope with fingers crossed that the downsizing means a lot less animal testing is going to happen....

A girl can dream, can't she?


Thanks for posting this Amanda!

I'll send your post to Michael Mountain, the director of Best Friend's Animal Sanctuary in Kanab Utah.  They are such an awesome group/sanctuary. They helped me many times in the past...mostly by sending out alerts on their Best Friend's Network of animal activists once even taking in dogs I personally rescued...they had a private pilot who lives in Florida come pick up dogs in Atlanta and fly them out to the sanctuary when nobody in the whole state of GA would/could help me.

With this many dogs in need of a home, they have the connections to send out a Best Friend's Alert to all their members on the West Coast...and probably the space to take the ones that can't get homes right now.


Ah cool Davedrum!  Thanks for that!  I think, however, that they have already been contacted, as the original thing I read said that Best Friends hadn't verified the information.  I wasn't familiar with the organisation, so I didn't include them in the post that I put up.

They sound like a pretty awesome group, though, so I'll go donate now.  Anyone who is willing to fly dogs across a couple states to find them houses is pretty effin' OK in my books.
Thanks for the heads up!


Yeah, they are really cool Amanda!

Let me tell you how cool I think they are:
One dog they took in from me (whom I'll never forget) was Patches. I found him hiking one day in the North Georgia mountains. He was stuck and trapped in a f*cking bear trap!!!!!! He was very weak when I found him, and must have been stuck for days....(I SOOOO love that they let them use those BARBARIAN traps in this state)!!! He stayed at my vets for weeks and ended up having to lose his front right paw (so his nick name was Stumpy  ::) )....he was SO sweet....a Beagle mix. I really wanted to keep him as part of my pack...but my Alpha dog Star would not accept him for some reason....he kept making him submit and it was not the life I wanted for Patches...a life of being intimidated by Star...but that is how it works when one has a pack sometimes....and on the other hand i can not keep every dog I find....(though I really felt so bad for him and wanted the best life possible for him).

When I first contacted Best Friends about him...they send out an alert to all the rescue groups subscribed to their network in GA. They all said they had no room for a "special needs" dog. I have to say, he was far from being a special needs dog....he accepted what happened to him and ran around just fine on three legs (+ a stump). He really had a heart of gold and loved everyone.

They then offered to take him in....they even offered to reimburse me for his medical bills from a special fund they have set up....I declined...i just told them to PROMISE ME to get him the best of homes. They flew him out there...they told me they changed his name to Cracker Jack (b/c they already had a Patches there).....they also called me the day someone showed up to adopt him and let the person speak to me....they wanted his whole story. They live in N. CA. and I still get emails from them a few times a year.

So yeah....your donation will be well spent can rest assure that they will use your dollars to help the animals....Thanks for donating!  ;)


Aaaaawwww, if thats not a story to warm the cockles of ones heart, then I don't know what is!!!  I love a happy ending.
Well the website wouldn't take my card (think it has to do with a foreign billing address), so I have to donate in the form of things that they need (which is great that they put on their site by the way!) and send them there.
Thanks for the story.  Gotta go hug my dogs tight now.

PS- Georgia sucks a fat one.


Thanks for posting this, AmandaBrooke.  I had heard about it through the SouthBayVeggies Yahoo! group and inquired about adopting.  The coordinator informed me today that "all are spoken for", which I would assume means they were placed in homes rather than shelters.  So... good news!  :)


YAY!!! That's GREAT news!  Absolutely wonderful- thanks for the update!


Thanks for posting this, AmandaBrooke.  I had heard about it through the SouthBayVeggies Yahoo! group and inquired about adopting.  The coordinator informed me today that "all are spoken for", which I would assume means they were placed in homes rather than shelters.  So... good news!  :)

that's funny seeing as how it was a hoax....scroll down after the lab puppies one..


So they're still test material.  How sad.

In any case, it was better to be safe than sorry.

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