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pub crawl snack ideas

My friend is having a pub crawl for his 40th B-day. It will be on Valentines Day & I volunteered to help bring snacks. The birthday boy already requested that I make Skinny Bitch peanutbutter potato chip cookies, but I'm trying to think of a couple other things that would be fun. Typical snacks are cookies, candy, chips, pretzels, that sortof thing. It has to be good at room temp, yummy to omnis who are out drinking & can't be too messy. I could go with over the hill & valentines as themes. I was thinking maybe some valentines candy & sugar cookies either shaped like hearts or shaped like tombstones (if I can find cookie cutters) & write things like over the hill on them. Any other ideas?

Yesterday I made agave nuts for my family and they gobbled them up:  I mixed about 1/4 cup agave with a teaspoon of vanilla and a splash of canola oil and a pinch of salt.  I took a big handful of each of cashews, almonds and walnuts and coated them with the agave mixture, spread them on a parchment lined baking sheet (sprinkled a bit more salt on them) and baked them for about ten minutes at 350 (actually, I did it in the toaster oven at 325 which is more like 350 in a regular oven).  When they cooled they were very yummy.  You could even put chile powder, cayenne, cajun spice or smoked paprika on them to make them more savory.

I think you can also find actual recipes for baked spiced nuts if you look online.


you could do a bunch of popcorn and pack it into smaller bags.. but that could be bulky.  maybe you could find a dog bone cookie cutter and make that into some sort of over the hill reference.. bones of dead old people -- just frost em white or cream colored and accent with black and write on them.



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