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Who's YOUR comedian?

I'm a big fan of stand up comedy. Who are you guys fans of? What're your favorite skits?

Ricky Gervais.
Eddie Izzard.

And he's not standup but Rowan Atkinson.  :)>>>



And Rick Mercer (he's like Canada's John Stewart).

You are so right Laurabs!

How can I forget about Rick Mercer! He seriously kicks some comedic asses! We all remember when he tried to make Stockwell Day change his name to Doris Day! And the going into the river naked with Bob Rae? What else... and the Jean Poutine incident... hehe

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I don't know who Dane Cook is.


This is a sort of okay clip (less dumb and unfunny than usual):

and some random clip I don't feel like watching through


Jon Stewart, Adam Sandler and Wil Ferrel.

I just love Adam Sandler's "Lunch Lady" and "Opera Man"


i hatehatehate stand up comedy. except demetri martin. i love him. i want to find him and take him home with me and make him tell me funny jokes when i am sad. with guitar.


Dave Attell
Ralphie May
I'd love to see this chick on SNL or something.


Demetri Martin and Mitch Hedberg...definately..  "What is a Sesame? We don't know...we never let it grow" -Mitch Hedberg =-)


I'm always amazed at how much of my daily vocabulary comes from the following three standup shows...

Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill (LOVE HIM.)

Robin Williams: Live on Broadway (funny here, until you realize that what you see here is basically his ENTIRE schtick. Ever.)

Dana Carvey: Critics' Choice (oldie but goodie. I used to do his guitar schtick for my friends in college).


I would have to say Jim Gaffigan and Dane Cook, though I'm out of circulation and haven't heard anything new from either of them lately.


Stephen Wright rocks!
I really love vintage Bill Cosby, when he was working the nightclubs. He could have people rolling on the floor for 45 min at a time and never use one single word of profanity. It's a real shame that I saw him on Jay Leno a few months ago and he has become a caricature of himself...he repeats the same old jokes, his mind's very sad. I know it comes to all of us, and he's like in his 70's, but he should have retired before he started embarassing himself in public.


Billy Connolly!! Innappropriate much? Hell YEAH. ;D

eta: Have heard that the topics he often covers are not popular humour for you Americans. I HOPE some of you are able to enjoy Billy. ;)b


Here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order (I'm sure I would come up with zillions if I thought hard enough):

Lewis Black
Chris Rock
Dave Chapelle
Richard Pryor (of course)
Paula Poundstone


mitch hedberg was a genius and had a great future in comedy before his passing, he is missed


You are so right Laurabs!

How can I forget about Rick Mercer! He seriously kicks some comedic asses! We all remember when he tried to make Stockwell Day change his name to Doris Day! And the going into the river naked with Bob Rae? What else... and the Jean Poutine incident... hehe

THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER! I wish our Minister for Public Safety (Day) was named Doris!


Ricky Gervais.
Eddie Izzard.

And he's not standup but Rowan Atkinson.  :)>>>

Shocked the life out of me to see Eddie Izzard play a very serious, vengeful role in "The Revenger's Tragedy." Him and Christopher Eccleston and Derek Jacobi in the same movie. A Jacobean tragedy, at that. Seriously surreal directing, and our Eddie did an outstanding job.


Geez, this is tough.

Eddie Izzard
Robin Williams
Dave Chappelle
Brian Posehn
Eugene Mirman
Zack Galifianakis
Eddie Murphy
Demetri Martin
Bill Hicks
David Cross
Dave Foley
Bruce McCulloch
Scott Thompson
Mark McKinney
Kevin McDonald
Steve Carrell
Rainn Wilson
John Krasinski
Trey Parker
Matt Stone

This list could go on forever, so I will stop it here.


demitri martin was in flight of the conchords.  other than that.  i dont know much about him.

i dont like too much stand up.  if people are being made fun of, i tune out, i dont particularly enjoy listening to people make fun of others.  so.  after that tidbit.  i do enjoy comedians like david cross, mitch hedberg, michael showalter, michael ian black, david wain (stelllllaaa!), and all of the stand up comedians my boyfriend listens to while making breakfast.  michael has good taste too : )

whoever really likes ricky gervais, you would also really like the show extras.
and for the dave foley fans out there!  you should totally download news radio!  what a good show.


mitch hedberg.  even though he's dead.


You are so right Laurabs!

How can I forget about Rick Mercer! He seriously kicks some comedic asses! We all remember when he tried to make Stockwell Day change his name to Doris Day! And the going into the river naked with Bob Rae? What else... and the Jean Poutine incident... hehe

THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER! I wish our Minister for Public Safety (Day) was named Doris!

I wouldn't necessarily feel safer (not that I am in any particular danger right now), but I would certainly be entertained everytime I would hear his name, then I would be singing, Que sera, sera all the time. (Not that I'm doing that right now, anyways)  :P


This list could go on forever, so I will stop it here.

I know, man! I freaking LOVE stand-up comedy.

My list:
Demetri Martin
John Leguizamo (I have such a crush on him)
David Cross
Sarah Silverman
Steve Carrell
Carlos Mencia (shut up!)
Dave Foley
George Carlin, ofcourse ofcourse



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