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movie reccomendations?

so the BF and i will be living together for about a week starting Friday night (house sitting) and he wants to watch a movie. All the movies i have, we have watched. And even though i'm 22 i am still a child at heart and love all the animated and disney stuff, but he is not for that, even though he's 21... (he acts like he's 40 already jeez... men...  ::) )

has anyone seen any DVD movies that they really loved lately? i haven't seen anything good come out lately that i would wanna watch except Music & Lyrics but he kinda sneered at that suggestion, and the same reaction when i suggested Pan's Labyrinth.

so any suggestions? thanks in advance (cuz i gotta go to work now lol)

Sounds like he doesn't like any of the "chick flicks" which is too bad because Music & Lyrics was cute and I also enjoyed The Painted Veil and Charlotte's Web.  :)

Movies that he might like...The Lost Room. It's actually a 6 part mini series from Sci-Fi, but it's out on DVD. If he likes action, what about the Die Hard movies? What kind of movies does he actually like? I think you should get to pick one you like too! ;)


Just as a warning, Pan's Labyrinth, though a great movie (one of my favorites so far this year) is not really a "child-at-heart" type of movie (not Disney material, so to speak). It deals with some serious issues, and is graphic at times. But it is a wonderful movie.

I don't know what kind of movies your boyfriend watches, so it's hard to give you a suggestion. Off hand I'm thinking that The Whale Rider and The Secret of Inish Roan are two beautiful movies that are both cute/childlike, but also sophisticated enough maybe for your boyfriend. Both movies are lovely, wonderful, magical, inspiring movies.

I so want to see The Painted Veil. I think Ed Norton is the best actor of his generation. He's so versatile and always picks great roles. I liked him especially in Down in the Valley and Fight Club.

Edit: Oops, I meant The Secret of Roan Inish!


I forgot to say...we will be watching The Messengers and Norbit this weekend.

I so want to see The Painted Veil. I think Ed Norton is the best actor of his generation. He's so versatile and always picks great roles. I liked him especially in Down in the Valley and Fight Club.

I have really come to like Edward Norton. He's kinda cute too!  :D My husband and I were both pleasantly surprised by The Painted Veil. It didn't have the ending I wanted, but it had a really nice story.


Just wanted to add .. I'm also a huge fan of Edward Norton! Which reminds me - "The Illusionist" is fairly new on DVD (only a few months I think) and it is AWESOME. It has mystery and drama and romance so it's good for guys and girls. And Edward Norton is awesome as usual in it.


So glad to see that there are other fans of Ed Norton on this board! I saw The Illusionist a couple of months ago in the theater. I thought Norton was the best part of the movie. I didn't like the woman in it for some reason--Jessica something? Ed Norton conveyed amazing chemistry and romance toward her, and I felt like she fell short in her response to him (i.e., she was boring). And yet it was still a very romantic movie (due to Ed Norton, I think). I don't think I'm giving anything away by saying that the ending was superfluous (Paul Giamatti recounting/explaining everything that led up to the ending--didn't think that needed to be explained--I think most people figured it out on their own at that point--it was like they were doing a rehash of the Usual Suspects ending, but everything in that movie did need to be explained in the end in that particular case, because it was such a brilliant movie). Sorry for the long post--once I get on the subject of movies, I get seriously long winded.


I'm not up on all the latest flicks, but what's wrong with a classic like Casablanca or Rear Window, or something of that nature? I know the last time I was stateside in 96, I asked the fellow in the local video store if they had any Bogart films for sale--and do you know he had no idea who I was talking about!!!  !!!!
If you want something really funny but classic --The Trouble With Harry. I love it.
And don't be scared by that face the BF is wearing. Sometimes it's a defense mechanism, they're afraid to be caught liking the child-at-heart stuff. It took several years but I have broken my DH of the "macho man" thing and his favourite book is now The Wind in the Willows.


I'm not up on all the latest flicks, but what's wrong with a classic like Casablanca or Rear Window, or something of that nature? I know the last time I was stateside in 96, I asked the fellow in the local video store if they had any Bogart films for sale--and do you know he had no idea who I was talking about!!!  !!!!
If you want something really funny but classic --The Trouble With Harry. I love it.
And don't be scared by that face the BF is wearing. Sometimes it's a defense mechanism, they're afraid to be caught liking the child-at-heart stuff. It took several years but I have broken my DH of the "macho man" thing and his favourite book is now The Wind in the Willows.

I second Rear Window. Awesome movie. I've seen that so many times since I was a kid, and never tire of it. Grace Kelly...what elegance.
There are so many good Hitchcock movies to watch...


Pan's Labyrinth is hardly a movie to watch if you're still a 'child at heart'. it is quite graphic in spots, but overall is one of the best films i've seen in a while.

Watch Ferngully  ;)


Have you seen Willow? It is older, not sure it is on DVD, it sounds like it would work though. I watched it as a child, enjoy it now and it has just enough action to be enjoyed by a 'man'. IMO


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Bourne Identity (not as good as the book, but hey, you get to watch Matt Damon!)
Dogma (if you aren't offended by humor at the expense of religion)
Happy Gilmore
Harry Potter movies

or you could take a peak at our thread on bad movies, and get a good chuckle from a few of those.


Sorry, I don't get many chances to watch anything too new. 

P.S.  Don't gripe that your guy acts too old.  Most of the time I find myself wishing that mine would grow up.  ::)


thanks for all the recomendations.

Pans Labyrinth would probably be a different thing for me to watch, but even though i still like all the kiddie cartoons (nickelodeon and cartoon network) i sometimes watch things like that because i am so into the art aspect. i've seen pictures and my sister said it was awesome.

Ferngully would be a shining example of something he would refuse to watch ;)

and we both loved V for Vendetta.

its' really hard to say what he likes. we were trying to figure it out last night. every time i would suggest, he'd say " ehh.. no" and everytime i asked him to suggest he couldn't think of anything!! frustrating!

i'm not sure how he would feel about Bogart films, i for one am a serious Audrey Hepburn fan (and i think Bogart was pretty hot), he didn't mind watching some of My Fair Lady on tv but i don't think he'd sit through a whole film

this is starting to frustrate me, i think i need to go bake something lol

but we've seen most of the movies mentioned (Bourne, Dogma, Happy Gilmore, Harry Potter) that Willow movie freaked me out cuz i watched it when i was a lot younger.

we watched movies every date for the first like 4 months of our relationship you'd think i'd have SOME idea of what he likes

i know we've recently enjoyed "Stranger than Fiction" and "Finding Neverland"

has anyone on here seen and enjoyed "Fairy Tale"? the one about the girls that "saw" fairies. i loved that movie so much


My husband and I recently watched The Station Agent and both enjoyed it a lot.  I just went to IMDB to link to it here and under fun trivia it says "Peter Dinklage is a vegetarian; the beef jerky he eats in the film was actually made from tofu."


Why, thank you, prettyin!  What about Pushing Tin?  Grosse Point Blank?  High Fidelity?  I kinda had a thing for John Cusack movies at one point, can you tell?


if you want a classic film recommendation or somerthing not mainstream or from someowhere other than America I can be of much help.

Great independent films:

12 & Holding
Boys Don't Cry
Half Nelson
The Last King of Scotland
United 93

Great classic films:

Sunset Boulevard
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Bicycle Thief
On The Waterfront

Great foreign films:

City of God
Broken Wings
In the Mood for Love


documentaries, i didn't even think of it! here are some ones i've viewed and enjoyed recently:

The Devil & Daniel Johnston
Deliver us from Evil
Jesus Camp
Shut Up & Sing
Piece by Piece
Scottsboro: An American Tragedy


How about Little Miss Sunshine--funny, quirky, hip. A little something for everyone.


god he is so freakin frustrating!! i emailed him that list and this is what i got (we talked on the phone about it)

My Summer Of Love  -- he doesnt want to watch lesbians  ::)
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2  -- seen them and he doesnt want me drooling over johnny and orlando all night
Breakfast At Tiffany's  --i've seen it like 10 times
Supersize Me! --we've seen it 3 or 4 times
Bowling For Columbine --i've seen it and we both dont like michael moore
House Of Wax -- not horror fans
Pulse -- ditto
Indiana Jones -- "nah" he said
Catch Me If You Can --ii've seen it, i can't remember if he saw it, i loved it so it could be a possibility!
The Replacements -- he has seen it, not my kind of movie
Norbit --neither of our kind of movie
Chocolat -- i've seen it, and again the johnny depp thing lol
Little Miss Sunshine -- we've seen it

i never thought picking a movie would be so difficult but i really really appreciate all the effort you guys are giving me lol


My Summer Of Love  -- he doesnt want to watch lesbians  ::)

Gee, I thought guys liked that!  ;) :D


Give up on movies.  Play video games instead.  Or cards.  Or board games.  Sorry, but this sounds exactly like what my ex and I went through at the video store, which is a part of why he's the ex.  I mean, he couldn't just shut up and watch 1 freakin movie that I was interested in? 



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