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Moms decide which child will eat and which will die, meanwhile . . .

there's a "Thanksgiving" luncheon with much gorging on bird flesh and other foods that  many Haitians and Africans couldn't even imagine having to eat going on just down the hall from me.  I hate this upcoming "holiday".  Not only does it no longer have very much to do with most people being thankful for what they have, it's origins is in a bunch of pathetic Pilgrim's begging Native Americans for food to prevent them from starving and later wiping said Native Americans off the face of the Earth! 

Here's the link to the article in CNN that provoked my disgust and outrage:

I've been thinking about fasting on Thanksgiving and donating the money I would've spent on food to a charity to benefit such children/families.


I'm surprised they didnt list companies like monsanto as a problem.  I know that it's definitely been a problem in India. 


I'm surprised they didnt list companies like monsanto as a problem.  I know that it's definitely been a problem in India. 

Well, you know if they went into everything that's a problem, the article would be the size of War and Peace.  That's how f*cked up our world is.  I keep telling my husband to give Obama a chance.  I believe that he will make some serious efforts to change the course we're on.  McCain would have just carried on steering the ship of state into more sh*t storms.

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