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Happy Cows come from California????

I'm sorry, but I just needed to vent! Every time I see that stupid commercial for dairy stating "Happy Cows come from California", I get really annoyed! The commercial paints this divine environment in which the cows live...they walk around freely eating grass and basking in the nice warm sun while they socialize with there friends. Not that I'm ripping on lacto-vegs because I myself consume dairy from time to time, especially cheese (I'm having a hard time getting off cheese). But really, is there any such thing as a happy dairy cow? Just goes to show the power of advertising in america. I mean how many people do you think really buy into the crap on those commericals! It just pisses me off.

Agreed.  Worst commercials.  I don't see how they are even legal. 


Um... Don't the cows also talk?


Um... Don't the cows also talk?

They don't just talk- they can fake french accents to hit on the girl-cows.


Those commercials made me feel kind of the same way, Pooh. It's so misleading.


Yeah these commercials are really annoying, not to mention misleading.
The strangest thing about them is that, around here anyway, I've never see dairy products that say "From California Cows" or anything like that. So I don't get the point... But maybe it's like those K-Mart commercials that I see from time to time even though there hasn't been a K-Mart anywhere near here since 2002.


Um... Don't the cows also talk?

They don't just talk- they can fake french accents to hit on the girl-cows.


Those commercials made me feel kind of the same way, Pooh. It's so misleading.

yup Jeanacorina that is my point! The cute liitle talking cows make people feel all warm and happy inside. Like 'lets go out and buy some dairy from the happy cows'! Or 'oh, there is nothing wrong with dairy, look how happy those cute little talking cows are from California'! So annoying....!


And like, I legitimately just DON'T GET what the commercials are trying to say.  If you look at the website, there's no actual claim anywhere that California cows are treated better or anything of the sort.  It's like someone just said, "Let's make some happy cartoon cows to market our product!  Weeeeee!"  And now there are all these commercials that talk about some hypothetical happy cows who are just, well, happy, but all the while it has the undertone (especially to people who are conscious of where their food comes from) that California cows are somehow differently treated than others.  They never actual say that, which is probably why they get away with it, but it's implicit.  It's really low of them.


I totally hate those commericials, too, but I think it's really an interesting tactic they are using to market California dairy products.  They aren't saying "The best tasting cheese/milk/etc. comes from California".  They're focusing on how the cows' lives are (whether or not they are telling the truth).  It shows that the advertisers obviously know that on some level their customers are concerned with the cows' welfare and want to make sure they've got that part covered (again, whether or not they are telling the truth).  They think that by saying their cows are happier than midwest cows, then that will somehow increase their sales.  I find that very interesting...

It's the same as the little blurb and cartoon on Horizon Organics dairy products--they have undertone of humane treatment of their cows, but the dairies they buy from are basically factory farms that use organic feed.  But they are connected to the "organics" market and therefore feel the need to also claim good animal welfare practices, but again it's a lie.


It's the same as the little blurb and cartoon on Horizon Organics dairy products--they have undertone of humane treatment of their cows, but the dairies they buy from are basically factory farms that use organic feed.  But they are connected to the "organics" market and therefore feel the need to also claim good animal welfare practices, but again it's a lie.

Another good point about organics.... the USDA has definatley done a good job of painting a wholesome and humane picture of anything labeled organic. I know alot of people are naive enough to automatically think anything marked 'organic' is humanley raised and very healthy.


They're focusing on how the cows' lives are (whether or not they are telling the truth).  It shows that the advertisers obviously know that on some level their customers are concerned with the cows' welfare and want to make sure they've got that part covered (again, whether or not they are telling the truth).  They think that by saying their cows are happier than midwest cows, then that will somehow increase their sales.  I find that very interesting...

Yup, that's wha' I'm saying!  Exactly.  It's kind of creepy and devious the way they've done that.


Apparently you can also buy Happy Cow merchandise...

Sweeeeet... ::)


apparently they're trying to make us all forget that the cows that had to be moved around by forklifts and water torture only to be fed to schoolkids in their cafeteria lunches ALSO came from California...


i thought PETA was suing them over the ads? or was that a dream? i heard that a while ago...

No, same!  I thought they were judged to be illegal.  But I definitely saw one the other day.  What gives?


Apparently you can also buy Happy Cow merchandise...

Sweeeeet... ::)

Sign me up....can't wait to sport a California Happy Cow T-shirts around town..... :P


i thought PETA was suing them over the ads? or was that a dream? i heard that a while ago...

No, same!  I thought they were judged to be illegal.  But I definitely saw one the other day.  What gives?

Hmmmm...I hadn't heard that before! If PETA is that would be awesome! They just need to hurry up and pull the commercials because they really get under my skin!


Oh good lord.

It's crazy the way we depict the animals our "food" comes from as absolutely thrilled to have us exploiting their bodies.  It's such a bizarre thing for us to do as rational human beings.  It reminds me of a PPK member's blog--Suicide Food.  He posts about all the cases he can find where a happy, smiling animal is offering up its body parts to us.  It's really sad.

We humans have some issues.  The whole human race needs a collective visit to a therapist to sort out the psychological issues that cause us to act like that.  Except vegans.  They get that day off to bake cupcakes.


What really gets me is how we are socially conditioned to have some animals as pets and exploit/eat others. I mean in India they worship cows and in China they eat cats and dogs!
We call ourselves a civilized society but look at how we treat our animals....all to save a buck. Ask any farmer/rancher why they do what they do to there animals (like de-beaking for example). I guarantee the number one response will be 'because it's cheaper' or 'more cost effective'....always money. So apparently in the good ole US of A (and elsewhere I'm sure) it's okay to mutilate and torture animals to save a buck. I know one farmer who shoots and poisons praire dogs on his property becuase his labor horses step in the praire dog burrows and break there ankles....That costs him money soooooooooooo he poisons and shoots praire dogs. Great idea  ;)b


dude  ::puppy:  :)>>> suicidefood blog

Oooh, did you already know of it?  Or do you  :)>>> it now that I showed you?


Peta did sue them but the case was lost--apparently you can't sue for false advertising--how is that legal? Basically it's crap--this is just another instance of the meat/dairy machine dropping there placid, engoraged penis on the american public by bribing...I mean "donating" money to politico's who have influence in the broken court system. We all know false advertising is illegal--so why the hell wouldn't you be able to bring suit against a company to make them stop? They should have to pull all their ads and have to release information about the true conditions (compiled by a independant source so as not to be biased) they should also be fined and their products should have to state they come from indrustrial factory farms! But hey, that's my opinion....
Sheep Escape


I know they are all crap, but some of the commercials kinda make me giggle...


I know they are all crap, but some of the commercials kinda make me giggle...

That's what makes them so sick.



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