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Happy Cows come from California????

I'm sorry, but I just needed to vent! Every time I see that stupid commercial for dairy stating "Happy Cows come from California", I get really annoyed! The commercial paints this divine environment in which the cows live...they walk around freely eating grass and basking in the nice warm sun while they socialize with there friends. Not that I'm ripping on lacto-vegs because I myself consume dairy from time to time, especially cheese (I'm having a hard time getting off cheese). But really, is there any such thing as a happy dairy cow? Just goes to show the power of advertising in america. I mean how many people do you think really buy into the crap on those commericals! It just pisses me off.

It reminds me of a PPK member's blog--Suicide Food

- - - - - KMK

i'm keeping score.

Haha, you have a spreadsheet, I'm sure.


agreed... with pretty much all everyone said. i get a little sick when those commercials come on too.

just wanted to note that from what i've seen, seems like they're trying to say that it's the sunny california weather that makes the cows 'happy,' which lets them produce better dairy products. regardless, i have also never seen dairy products with california logos on them or anything so i don't really get the point. i bet the whole general dairy industry is behind it, bc as mentioned by others, just the happy depiction and the quaint cow conversations give people a warm feeling about buying/consuming dairy. just leads to more horrible misconceptions with grave consequences.

i wish someone, even if it's PETA, had the resources to air commercials about where dairy really comes from (didn't get to check capture's links yet, maybe they could be like some of those). i'd donate for that! hopefully they wouldn't be too over the top, which i'd be afraid something  by PETA would be... (not that i'd mind personally, just that it tends to make people angry, defensive, and actually more likely to buy dairy)


i wish someone, even if it's PETA, had the resources to air commercials about where dairy really comes from (didn't get to check capture's links yet, maybe they could be like some of those). i'd donate for that! hopefully they wouldn't be too over the top, which i'd be afraid something  by PETA would be... (not that i'd mind personally, just that it tends to make people angry, defensive, and actually more likely to buy dairy)

See, I think that's illegal.  Commercials exposing the dairy industry like that.  Aren't there like food disparagement laws? 

Yeah, people shut down in the face of exposes of these industries and try to rationalize that, "Oh, they just picked the worst example of a dairy farm, that's totally not how it is."  Even though that IS how it is.  It's terrible. 


See, I think that's illegal.  Commercials exposing the dairy industry like that.  Aren't there like food disparagement laws? 

hmm, didn't think of that, like the oprah dissing beef thing. seems about right.


Yeah, people shut down in the face of exposes of these industries and try to rationalize that, "Oh, they just picked the worst example of a dairy farm, that's totally not how it is."  Even though that IS how it is.  It's terrible. 

for sure. or they'll use one or two examples of small farms where it's not on such big scale and there's some room for the cows to move around, or where the cows might be treated a lot 'better' and use that to 'negate' counter evidence. it gets to a point where i'm just like, i don't care how nicely you think the cows are treated, i don't need to be drinking milk that the cows are forced to produce, which is really intended only for their own offspring.


Yeah, people shut down in the face of exposes of these industries and try to rationalize that, "Oh, they just picked the worst example of a dairy farm, that's totally not how it is."  Even though that IS how it is.  It's terrible. 

for sure. or they'll use one or two examples of small farms where it's not on such big scale and there's some room for the cows to move around, or where the cows might be treated a lot 'better' and use that to 'negate' counter evidence. it gets to a point where i'm just like, i don't care how nicely you think the cows are treated, i don't need to be drinking milk that the cows are forced to produce, which is really intended only for their own offspring.

Yup!  Regardless, it's "rape cow, cow gives birth, take its baby, take its milk, repeat until cow dies."  People will do anything not to admit that!


Oh good lord.

We humans have some issues.  The whole human race needs a collective visit to a therapist to sort out the psychological issues that cause us to act like that.  Except vegans.  They get that day off to bake cupcakes.

I think the whole human race needs a visit to the slaughter house so that they can see how "happy" those cows really are!


The problem with counter commercials is that you would be hard pressed to find a network that would air them. The best bet would be a really well made web site that had the funding to promote itself and gain high traffic. Any web designers?


Oh good lord.

We humans have some issues.  The whole human race needs a collective visit to a therapist to sort out the psychological issues that cause us to act like that.  Except vegans.  They get that day off to bake cupcakes.

I think the whole human race needs a visit to the slaughter house so that they can see how "happy" those cows really are!

By "slaughter house" did you mean slaughter house AND dairy farm?


The problem with counter commercials is that you would be hard pressed to find a network that would air them. The best bet would be a really well made web site that had the funding to promote itself and gain high traffic. Any web designers?

That's a good idea! You know you can purchase your own domain name at for a nominal fee. My hubby did that for his side CPR business.

On a side note, I don't think it's that counter commercials wouldn't be aired by networks, its that no one will fund counter commercials in my opinion. I'm sure huge money houses, like the USDA help pay for air time for those stupid happy cow commericials. I don't know that non profit orgs like PETA have the money to pay for major network air time.


The problem with counter commercials is that you would be hard pressed to find a network that would air them. The best bet would be a really well made web site that had the funding to promote itself and gain high traffic. Any web designers?

On a side note, I don't think it's that counter commercials wouldn't be aired by networks, its that no one will fund counter commercials in my opinion. I'm sure huge money houses, like the USDA help pay for air time for those stupid happy cow commericials. I don't know that non profit orgs like PETA have the money to pay for major network air time.

I think it's probably both.  I mean, the networks don't want to risk having their meat/dairy advertisers put their ads on another network if counter commercials are aired.  Too much $$$ loss...


I like the idea of a website, but could an individual be successfully sued over it? These commercials have irked me for a long time and I'm happy to see other people who want to make a change over them.



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