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Great video of Christian the lion!

It is freaking amazing!  Some of you may have seen this video before but it hit the net like mad today because it was on The View this morning and I saw this online today for the first time. 

This article explains the background and has a video.  Ignore the man with the idiot comments before and after the video.

More of the story is on with video playing music by Aerosmith and the whole story is all over YouTube including the full documentary in 10 parts, starring the real Christian and the guys who saved him from the department store.

I'm totally against people having wild animals as pets but these guys saved a baby lion they saw in a cage at a department store and brought him to Africa to live as he should be living.

Get out your hankies, folks!  Happy tears, in case your wondering. :)>>>

It should be played for the damn trophy hunters out there!

I cried like a baby when I saw this.  It just reminds me how amazingly intelligent animals are and how they do have feelings and memory for the way they are treated.  I know of a lot of people that really need to take a few minutes to sit and watch this...


Tears are still running down my face.  I watched it twice.  I'm curious because I didn't watch The View; when and why did this come up now? 


You could buy a lion at a department store only 39 years ago?!  That's ridiculous.
When I was little they still sold baby ducks and chickens around Easter (that was in Denver) they even do that anymore?  I hope not.
As cool as it would be (in theory) to have a pet
But that's a very sweet story/video.  I'm glad the lion went back to the wild.


It's really something to see, isn't it!!! :)  I think if you can watch this and not shed a tear, or at least get choked up, one would be pretty cold-hearted.

swoop1970, I absolutely agree with you!

biodancer, I don't watch The View, either, so I don't really know the answer to that.  I read a lot of comments from people saying they saw it on The View and had to look it up online.  I had the impression that it was the huge number of hits it had on YouTube that got the media's attention but I'm not sure. 

It's a wonderful thing to see, whatever the reason!

permanentgrin, In London you could and apparently didn't need permits at that time.  The department store, Harrod's, got the lion cub from a zoo, and had other exotic animals they were selling, too.  Thank goodness these guys at least got Christian out of that situation and got him back to his real 'home.'

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