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good for Prince Charles!

Finally, somebody wants to ban some fast food!....

I heard this on the BBC the other day when he said it (and I think I mentioned it in another thread). I was you suppose he said it in Abu Dhabi because he felt safer there--like no one was going to riot about it!  :D


Well, it's not like the Prince has any real power.  There's a few British people who post (I think), what about it?  Would the British public riot if one of the members of Parliament actually introduced a law to ban Miickey's  Death on a bun.


Well, the Royal Family may not have any real "power" but they have the public eye and everything they do pretty much catches attention.  Prince Charles is an avid environmentalist, so that, I have to respect.


Isn't Charles still a fox hunter?  I know he used to play polo (maybe still does.)  Polo seems to me to be as abusive to horses as any rodeo sport.  I guess someone can be an environmentalist and still be an animal abuser.  The rest of his over-exposed personal life is equally sickening so I guess I'm glad he won't be my king someday.  (I only have one King anyway and that's Jesus!)


Tintexas - I thought Elvis was the King?  ;)

Don't be fooled by his enviro credentials, he's not so resourceful with his staff - even has someone who puts toothpaste on his toothbrush ... has only just started paying taxes and then at a reduced rate because of his "charity" status ... and yes the Royals love to shoot and hunt things ... Vive la revolution ...


I guess it's not so good to be king, look how Elvis ended up!  He died in 1977; I'm not one of those nuts who believe he's still alive and occasionally peeking out of the 2nd floor windows at Graceland!  Then there's the first King Charles of England; he lost his head.  And our own "king" George W.  I concur with Natalie about him!  Of course, the behavior of most of my fellow Texans embarrasses me. 


in my humble english opinion, prince charles generally comes across as a bit of a divot, and i've found he isn't respected by a vast number of brits. he's renouned for being a big 'odd' (to say the least) as well as an environmentalist, and i think like the vast majority of his family, he comes across as being very out of touch with the real world.

many younger people in britain don't seem to support, or pay much attention to the monarchy, or listen what they say- i think they've witnessed them talking out of their bottoms, not paying taxes, living it large, getting away with murder, making faux pas (phil the greek, charles' dad, is the king of faux pas) and well...(erm.. what else do they do?) waving and shaking peoples hands while cutting ribbons, opening buildings, supporting charity and raking in a lot of money, for a long time.

while the queen technically has ultimate power and can override anything our government does, she doesn't interfere. i doubt prince charles latest comment will make much odds to anything. his sons have been known to frequent mcdonalds, and as well as saying that he thinks 'banning it would be a good start' charles has also been caught on tape declaring his wish to be reincarnated as a tampon- which kind of takes any degree of seriousness in my mind, out of anything i see him recorded as having said since.

i also don't think banning mcdonalds really solves the root of the problem either. like the image accompanying the article showed, a cornish pasty is just as unhealthy as a big mac. ban mcdonalds and people will still get and eat junk from somewhere else- ok, having burger bars in schools is clearly a stupid idea, but so is serving doughnuts, soda, grease ridden pepperoni pizza slices, wilted drab salads, and boiled to death cabbage. we need to teach parents and children about proper nutrition, and make it tasty, cheap, and easy for them to put into practice, and we're failing at that.

my schools 'food technology' cookery lessons in a pretty well off area in england, 15 years ago, consisted of teaching 11 to 14 year olds how to make hot chocolate in a microwave, scrambled eggs in a microwave, toasted sandwiches with a toaster, how to put toppings on and grill a pizza, and once we made basic muffins and covered them in icing. also, once we made curry, with a potato, a carrot, an onion, and some curry powder. wow. we didn't learn very much at all about kitchen skills, budgeting, nutrition, menu planning, how to shop, the need for variety in the diet, about different sorts of foods and ingredients from around the world, making food fun, etc.... and not much has changed, from what kids tell me.

seriously, i think thats where we need to start. free, non dairy and meat industry funded nutrition courses for parents to be, with big incentives (free stuff) and mandatory high quality food technology lessons in schools.


hoodedclawjen, what cracks me up is that Phil the Greek and our Queen Sofia who is also a member of the greek royal family, are actually of Danish extraction! Constantine's parents were Danish. Isn't that a hoot?? It certainly explains Sofía's look...


hoodedclawjen, what cracks me up is that Phil the Greek and our Queen Sofia who is also a member of the greek royal family, are actually of Danish extraction! Constantine's parents were Danish. Isn't that a hoot?? It certainly explains Sofía's look...

holy mackerel.. i just looked sofia up on wikipedia, and i see she's married to her third cousin, and that she's a pescatarian. its scary how much she looks like phil, and the amount of inter marrying that appears to exist between the european royals is somewhat disturbing too. hooray for inbreeding.  :D  :o

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