Article:Vegan Parents Guilty of Murder
This article might get your blood boiling! I guess feeding a baby some crap produced by Gerber is the way to go. They fail to mention that they were just not "feeding" the baby at all. When I saw this on the local news back home in Georgia a few years ago, they showed a refrigerator with no food and empty kitchen cabinets. The baby was born in their bathtub, and never went to a doctor in it's short life. This was not a "vegan" problem, it's a problem about people that never should have had a child in the first place. It's just being reported as a vegan problem (see the headline).
PS: If you want to see how racism is still alive and well in Georgia (which it is), scroll down to the comments and read the one by the "jerk" blaming the Jews! >:(
I find the title very prejudicial.
How far would they have gotten if they titled the article "MURDER VERDICT FOR BLACK PARENTS " or "MURDER VERDICT FOR JEW PARENTS" ?
Sorry, but that's all I can say. Labels really piss me off.
Ferret Resources:
Mahatma Gandhi:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
sounds to me more like they might not have known how to raise a vegan baby. with merrick he gained weight the first yr then until probbably last sept he started gaining weight again. the last time we had a wic apt the nutritionist brought up his weight and i told her that since his dr isnt that concerend about it that i wasnt and she just looked at me like i was crazy. i know i was also small for along time but i always ate until i was full so b/c of that i know merrick will be on the small side until he gets into his late teens early 20's.
Why didn't she breastfeed? Apple juice and soy milk for a newborn? This is sad. I don't think this had anything to do with them being vegan... maybe both sides are using that as an excuse. I know sometimes it's hard for new mothers to breastfeed....maybe it was that? Was she undernourished and therefore couldn't nurse? I think poverty, lack of education and maybe some strange beliefs (anti-hospital, etc) played a part in this...... it's too bad for all three of them :'(
Ahhh! Yes, Yogaferret, the title leads people to assume things about lifestyles that they may know little about. And some of those comments! One response said:
"The reason we are at the top is because we can put them (animals) in a cage, walk up to the cage real close and pull the trigger. God made animals out of meat so we can eat them. Silly herbivore, us omnivores like a good steak."
And then the "hang them" response. *sigh* I wish people were more educated and tolerant about each other.
Obviously, what happened to the baby was horrible, but strangely, I think I'm more upset about the comments. It almost seemed like a joke to me...the people who wrote those comments were SO judgmental! I just couldn't believe the malice in so many of those comments! I think the parents were definitely in the wrong, intentional or not (as you know, sometimes our actions or inactions have unintended consequences), but it really bothers me that people are so vengeful. I wonder if those people who say "let the parents starve to death slowly" or "eye for an eye" would feel the same way if it were someone in their family? Probably not. In my experience, people who are so quick to judge are usually the same people who make excuses for things in their own (or their family members) lives...and I'm judging THEM...because I am better than they are ;)
The word vegan is completely out of place in that article. It's written as if vegans as a whole don't know how to properly feed a child. Most vegans, as well as most parents-to-be have studied nutrition in depth because that comes with the territory. These people seemed to be extremely uneducated and their actions governed by some sort of paranoia about germs in hospitals, nothing to do with not using animal products. Just to clarify, the article said the mother did breastfeed some (most likely not nearly enough) and gave the baby soy formula , but he was not thriving and they refused to get medical help. I'm not sure about murder, but it is neglect for sure.
Riiight... "It's not a vegan issue," but they use the word "vegan" nine times in a fairly short article.
Most of the comments weren't so bad (Roger Desjardins excepted). They seem to realize it was a child neglect issue and didn't focus as much as I thought they would on veganism.
this article pisses me off, this situation and horribly sad unfortunate event has no ties with veganism, simply irresponsible and bad parenting. The caloric and nutrient demands of an infant weren't properly practiced or supported.
And it is a sad misrepresentation of veganism
i just got shit (sorri) about this from my cycling team :-[
ridiculous...why veganism related...why? information that has NOTHING to do with this horrid situation...phbbt
I live in metro Atlanta, so I've been hearing this story quite a bit recentlly. The local news spent as much time describing veganism and what vegans don't eat as they did reporting on the actual murder/neglect trial. I'm glad that they got the right definition of vegan, though. While vegans might be getting it pretty hard right now, people are still learning that veganism exists. I'm trying to find the good, honestly I am.
This is a sad representation of veganism, and vegan parenting in particular. How naive and uneducated can you be to think that soy milk and apple juice will suffice all the nutrients your newborn needs. AND HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE YOUR CHILD IS SICK AND DYING?! this whole mess is quite sickening, vegan or not. the parents were very neglegant
My DH pointed this article out to me last night. He seemed to accept it when I told him that those parents would probably have been bad parents even if they were omnivores. They're just too stupid to be entrusted with a life totally dependent on them. :( It's a damn shame that it happened but a well-balance vegan diet is the best way of eating for anybody of any age. I think you could kill a baby by feeding him/her liquified prime rib if you force fed a lot at too young an age! Meat will eventually cause the death of most of the omnivores I know either through heart disease, obesity related diabetes or cancer.