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Animal Kill Counter

This is the Animal Kill Counter from  It shows the number of animals killed for food just from the time the page is opened and doesn't include fish or sea animals.  Click on Refresh.  It's mind-boggling how fast the numbers go up! :(  I think it shows that it can't possibly be humane at such an incredible pace.  Not that I think killing animals would be OK, if it were 'humanely' done at a slower rate.

You can put it on MySpace or Facebook or websites and blogs.  I have none of those but a lot of people do, as do many wonderful AR groups.

i have bunnies & two thousand bunnies had been killed since i opend the page by the time i closed it.


that's insane.  i had it open very briefly.  only long enough to read *some* of it.


Horrifying numbers. Also, great site! I live in the bay area, so it's a nice resource for veg*n dining and information.


added it to da blog, thanks


Did you know that the USDA categorizes rabbits as poultry?  This is to avoid treating them humanely at slaughter, just like chickens.  The Humane Farming Association placed a huge ad in the NY Times (I think) in 2005 about that.  It's still on HFA's front page so it must still be the case.  If you click on the bunny picture, you can see the ad, which has no graphic pic at all, just the cute bunny pic and the information about this, though that is graphic in description. 

Glad someone can use this even though I know we would all like to see the numbers go down to zero in all categories.  Yes, it's really horrible how many animals are killed and how fast.

Thought maybe someone would like the S.F. dining info, too.


I really hope that many people see this and it sends them the message that too many animals are being killed unnecessarily.  I added it to my facebook page. 


I added it to my myspace. Thanks!


does anyone else not see it on the website?

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