Weekly Giveaway: rePETe Sling Bag from Chico Bags! humboldt_honey is the winner!
I recently learned some disturbing news that I'm going to share with you because I'm a giver. Did you know that a common estimate for global consumption of plastic bags is more than 500 billion annually? Isn't that INSANE? I'm usually pretty good about bringing my own bags to the farmers' market but now I'm a thousand percent serious. From now on, I'm toting my veggies (and other more unhealthy things that may or may rhyme with "candy") home in the rePETe Sling Bag by Chico (http://www.chicobag.com/p-42-chicobag-sling-repete.aspx). The old, ugly reusable bags I usually use are getting a vacation of indeterminiate length; Mama's got a brand new bag! It's sturdy, hip, and you've got to have one, too. You'll need it to lug home all the good stuff to make enough soup and salad to last you into the next decade. You don't want to go back outside in weather like this, your mother wouldn't approve.
To enter to win a bag, let me know what your favorite rainy day movie is!
Giveaway ends on Tuesday, January 26th at midnight, PST! Winner will be chosen at random!
Good luck!
On rainy days around here,I bake bread ,make a nice pot o' soup& curl up with my 3 year old daughter, and a nice cup of Red Rooibos tea and watch Disney classics like Escape To Witch Mountain... That is what we are doing today!! :)>>>
I really dig the sling bag!!
The Breakfast Club, or Dazed and Confused. Sigh. I want to young and high, I guess.
The Princess Bride!
Nothings better on a rainy day - or a super cold day - than cheesy 80's horror movies.....Cheerleader Camp is one of my favorites.
Since I'm home with kids, its usually a VeggieTales marathon. Which I actually like to watch.
I like to rent and watch an entire season of a show like Lost, Heroes, Supernatural, Firefly...
Titanic! :)>>>
Favorite movie - Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. And plenty of vegan snacks.
I love Chico bags. I gave the original style out to friends/relatives/co-workers as gifts and now I'm gifting them the Vita style (which is larger and has a longer handle that fits over the shoulder). Even if you don't win, get yourself vita Chico bags!
The Big Red One (not the reconstruction version)
Trivia: It was filmed in Israel and Ireland, but Lee Marvin's snow scene was filmed in SoCal mountains at Big Bear.
I like the classics! For a good one is Brigadoon!
I love Brigadoon, too!
There's nothing a woman hates more than her fiancee's best friend. He knows all the secrets she's going to spend the rest of her life trying to find out.
Fave rainy day movie? Hard to choose, but I'll say "Outsourced."
It's rare that there's a movie I really love. Give me a LOST marathon any rainy day.
My fav is "Practical Magic" with Sandra Bullock. Its a great reminder that we can manefest anything we put our hearts to.
Monty Python movies!
the best movie of all time has to be" gone with the wind" it is truly epic
anne of green gables is a fave.
i love baking and watching movies that i've seen a million times before on a cold rainy day.
I watch my favorite kids movies... like the secret garden or disney's robin hood. They're great to drift in and out of consciousness to.
My favorite movie is "the quiet man" with john wayne. i love to curl up on the sofa covered up with a compfy afghan and a pot of tea and some popcorn.
Depending on my mood I'd have to say either The Nightmare Before Chirstmas, Sweeney Todd, Pride and Prejudice, or any Beatles movie :D
Any Alfred Hitchcock movie, but Vertigo gets my vote.........I love black and white movies where dialog and acting carried the movie, not special effects.. I bring my own bag to Save-A-Lot every time, but not P&C stores... P&C are getting bought out after their bankruptcy so maybe I'll improve and take my own bags to the new store soon.....
Gary - In a Little Town in Northern NY
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the new one with Johnny Depp. Or something animated like Wall-E or Monsters, inc....yeah, I'm a kid still.