Weekly Giveaway: rePETe Sling Bag from Chico Bags! humboldt_honey is the winner!
I recently learned some disturbing news that I'm going to share with you because I'm a giver. Did you know that a common estimate for global consumption of plastic bags is more than 500 billion annually? Isn't that INSANE? I'm usually pretty good about bringing my own bags to the farmers' market but now I'm a thousand percent serious. From now on, I'm toting my veggies (and other more unhealthy things that may or may rhyme with "candy") home in the rePETe Sling Bag by Chico (http://www.chicobag.com/p-42-chicobag-sling-repete.aspx). The old, ugly reusable bags I usually use are getting a vacation of indeterminiate length; Mama's got a brand new bag! It's sturdy, hip, and you've got to have one, too. You'll need it to lug home all the good stuff to make enough soup and salad to last you into the next decade. You don't want to go back outside in weather like this, your mother wouldn't approve.
To enter to win a bag, let me know what your favorite rainy day movie is!
Giveaway ends on Tuesday, January 26th at midnight, PST! Winner will be chosen at random!
Good luck!
Beetle Juice.
When it is a day like that, I either get all philosophical and watch something like Waking life, or I really want to get old school and watch Hitchcock movies. North by Northwest is my favorite.
Thanks for mentioning those bags. I am going to get one for my son for when he rides his bike to the store.
My favorite rainy day movie would be watching criminal minds that I just got!!!
One of my all-time favorite movies is When Harry Met Sally.
I LOOOOVE Secret of Roan Inish with a pan of brownies.
The Muppet Movie. Totally.
Nick and Noras Infinite Playlist for sure. It's my late night movie too. Well, maybe it's just my all the time movie.
Or Juno if I get tired of that one.
The movie question is super hard - but I have several old movies that I like to fall back on to bring me comfort on a rainy (or snowy, or freezing rain) day. Right now I'm thinking Harold and Maude.
Okay, Mrs.Doubtfire if I need to laugh, American President if I want to feel betterand Gone With The Wind if the week has really sucked. Sometimes I restate the lines in Gone With the Wind to be politically correct by todays standards. I crack myself up. Anyway, those are my secret indulgences.
Now and Then
The Rocky Horror Picture Show for sure! it never gets old, and the music perks up any rainy day!
cute bag, btw! :)
I love Doris Day movies! Rain or Shine.
i LOVE the nature collection! http://www.chicobag.com/p-43-chicobag-nature-collection.aspx
i might just buy one if i dont win it! they're so cute. thanks for letting us know about this company.
i love grease. ever since i was a little girl i can watch that movie over and over and over again!
Hey, DC just implemented a law that requires stores and other establishments to charge customers 5 cents for each "disposable" plastic or paper bag-- cool, huh? I've been usually very good about remembering my reusable totes, but now I'm practically PERFECT. (I mean about the bags. No wait, I mean perfect in general. :D)
Anyway, my favorite rainy-day movie is either Broken English or Purple Rain-- excuse the pun on the latter, I just really freaking love Prince
Isn't ANY day, rainy or otherwise, the perfect day to watch and rewatch "PS I Love You?" It's my favorite.
My favorite "Rainy Day Movie" is always and undeniably... HIGH FIDELITY!! Not only do I love John and Joan Cusack, but who wouldn't love a comedic take on love and lost relationships with a killer soundtrack!! Plus a little Jack Black thrown into the mix. LOVE IT! :D Thanxx VegWeb for all you do :-D
I like to watch "Man Without a Face" with Mel Gibson when it is raining. I think of Maine and it was filmed in Maine, the music is just so soothing!
When Harry Met Sally
mean girls!!!! well mean girls is good for any day, but really good for rainy days. as is the little princess.