new to veganism
Hey everyone!
I'm new to veganism (sp?) one month tomorrow actually! :) and i could really use some help. I have no clue what to eat! I eat quite a bit of fruit, and I've virtually got lunch and brekky covered, but tea...oh what to eat for tea! I live in a very small country-bumpkin town, and although my mum is very understanding, the rest of the natural known world...not so much. Anyway, my dinners have consisted mainly of vegetables, brown rice and vege burgers. Cuz i live in the middle of nowhere, and no one is a vegan, it is very hard to actually find stuff to eat :( So, can anyone help me? Any ideas for some yummy teas? thanks in advance and i look forward to becoming part of your little, would you call it? :)
EDIT: oh yea due to a illness i suffer from i also hafta avoid processed sugar as much as possible, so that makes it even harder lol
make sure you have soy milk once a day.
in a small town, you may not be able to get some of the varities of food that we can get at health food stores and such.
if you like rice and beans a lot, there you go.
and you can make them anyone you want.
baking is fun too. just check out all the recipes.
but remember, protein and calcium is extremely important.
take care of yourself. :)
of and of course you are part of our "vegan family." ;)
there have been a few threads about what people eat on a day to day basis. this is the only one I could find (because I started it and remembered its name).
hope it helps!
here is another thread
thanks for the replies guys! those threads definitely helped :) and i have soy milk with my bran each morning..but i couldn't drink it on its own, yucky! thanks for the help :)
Oatmeal is also a good breakfast food, esp with the cooler weather. You might want to try snacking on some nuts and seeds. Other easy to find foods may be pasta, bread, and different grains like barley. I really like making a veggie soup with barley and let it cook all day, the barley gets a great creamy texture
I rarely cook and haven't run into difficulties.
No cook breakfast: If I eat breakfast, I'll start my morning with some plain Wildwood soy yogurt, mixed with a rice/spirulina protein powder, cut grains, and blueberries.
No cook snack: Raw fruit.
No cook lunch (minor mixing): Vegan tuna or eggless egg salad on veggies.
Egg Salad:
No cook snack: Raw fruit or premade vegan cream of broccoli soup.
Welcome, Kelsey!
Forgive me for being so damned American; I know what "tea" is in Europe, but what are the requirements for the food portion of "tea time"?
Cakes, scones, etc? Or is that really ethno-centric of me to think that? Which, I guess you couldn't eat anyway because of the sugar? What did you used to eat at tea time? It's pretty easy (I've seen in other topic/threads) to veganize foods.
If soy milk isn't your thing, you might want to try almond milk-- mmmmmm, I can drink that straight.. but then again, soy milk wasn't that bothersome either. Then again, I don't drink any milk much... ah well.
Again, welcome!! VegWeb ROCKS!
I know you will love our community! Check out all the great recipies, I'm sure you will find lots of yummy meals for tea! Um...when exactly do you have tea?
try choc soy milk! :P
as for tea time... there are vegan scones on here.
and you could make cute lil cucumber sandwiches w/ tofutti cream cheeze. thats a classic, right? with the crusts off, of course. :)
capture, methinks tea is at like 3pm. w/ a plethora of toast points, sandwiches, a few sweets. its so cute, huh? :)
capture, methinks tea is at like 3pm. w/ a plethora of toast points, sandwiches, a few sweets. its so cute, huh? :)
I totally want to start a tea time here... just so I have an excuse to make cute little snacky things and tea.
here is another thread
woohoo!! that's my topic!
When you say "what are we having for tea?" - tea in Australia is another word for "dinner". I'm not really sure why we say it :P
When you say "what are we having for tea?" - tea in Australia is another word for "dinner". I'm not really sure why we say it :P
Ahhhhh!! Thank you Miss Jones!!
Well then, Kelsey, there are many FANTASTIC low/no sugar tea/dinner recipes on here! I guess it depends on what types of foods you like? My personal favorites were General Tso's Tofu (can you get tofu where you are?) or Chana Masala (indian beans/rice), making new interesting salads/dressings, wow, there is really just so much to do, veganism is not all that limiting except for the obvious egg/dairy challenge I guess....
veganism is the best. ^
had to say it.
Hi I am new to this Q & A Posting. I have a bit of a problem here. Every time i post a question and i come back after a bit to see if there were any replies. My question is not there anymore:( What an i doing wrong.
Pls Help
I'm not sure what you might be doing "wrong", per se, smley.
To post, start at the beginning- (home page) then click on the tab on top "Recipe Q &A" then click on "New Topic" on the right....
Try again? You can do it! All new places are a little confusing at first :)
Welcome to vegweb!
Wow guys thanks for all the replies! :) Lol yea she's right, in Aussie, tea is dinner. Didn't mean to confuse you! :D My main problem is for DINNER ;D my family cooked things like spaghetti and meatballs, curried sausages, steak and veggies. So unfortunately, my mother's idea of a "yummy vegan tea" is the same bowl of veggies every.single.night. ::) i want to be able to enjoy my meals, and breakfast=ok, lunch=ok, i virtually live off fruit and veggies for snacks and lunch, so I'm a bit worried i might be missing out on some vitamins if i eat the same things every single day? :-\ You can buy vegan meats here, but they are INSANELY overpriced ($5.00 for 2 vegan hot dogs!!) and we really can't afford that. i printed off plenty of recipes i thought i could try, but it's incredibly difficult to cook me food (i can't have dairy, eggs, meat, processed sugar and perhaps soon i may not even be allowed things like vege chips!) so yea..quite a dilemma here lol. It ain't easy being vegan in such a meat lovin world. *violins proceed. thanks for all the advice guys, and i will have a look out for that almond milk..rice milk is a nonentity here. i am hesitant to try tofu..can someone tell me what exactly it is and what's in it? Bloody restrictive doctors orders lol
Tofu is great, it's a relatively tasteless and squishy mass of soybeans, from what I remember it is the part left over after extracting the milk. There are tons of ways to prepare it- if you're wanting to marinate and cook as if it was meat, you want extra-firm. There are many great recipes on here for things like tofu stirfrys, tofu bacon, tofu meatloaf, tofu lasagna, etc. Give it a try!
As for dinner/tea, don't limit yourself! Spaghetti and meatballs can easily be replaced by spaghetti with tomato sauce and peas (a favorite) or sauce and beans, or olive oil, garlic and sauteed greens or veggies. There are lots of vegan curries on this site- chickpeas, cauliflower, lentils and potato come to mind. For steak, there isn't really anything that's gonna give you that ironey blood flavor : P but you should try tofu or seitan, I'd say they are more like chicken though.
If you're interested in nutrition, check out - it has a quiz to tell you what your diet might be lacking and a great list of nutrient dense foods.