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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



"Hey, what are you wearing?  Oh really?  I'm actually on the toilet right now... I think I have the flu..." 

Something like that should get you both ready to rumble.

LMAO - somehow I'm thinking that's not gonna work for him (or me, for that matter)  :-D


Random question - does phone sex count as sex according to the MA??  I'm thinking it's technically like masturbation with some guidance . . . no?  

If phone sex is allowed, then does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations on how one does this?  NP (fwb who just moved out of state) and I talked yesterday and he suggested this . . . I've never done it and I'm totally open to it (no pun intended), but have no idea how to go about it.  I'm so clueless that I could seriously use a manual on the how-tos.

Oh, I asked that question a while back.  It's up to you.  I mean if he was already your fwb then you're really not hurting/changing things. 

How to:  really, there's no wrong way to do it!  You kind of have to feel out what set of vocab your guy likes to use for different body parts.  We all have words we like and words we don't (tits versus breasts, etc).  I know one of my boy friends would have never, ever used certain words which I quite like.  But in general, anything sexy you can say is good for him.  Like, say, if you were with him right now, what would you be doing?  Be detailed/visual.  Flatter.  Talk about how doing those things would feel.  Tell him what you would want too, that's important.  And talk about what you're doing right then while you're thinking about those things.  You don't have to be fake or use a pornstar voice.  And since you already have a memory bank of experiences with him you can always recall certain times and how good they felt, and what you did, blah blah blahhhh.  It's fun!

For some reason I really choke when having phone sex with my current boy.  This has never happened to me before, and it's a weird feeling!  Things just get stuck on the tip of my tongue.  Maybe I just need more time.  Or maybe it's because I like him quite a bit.  I dunno.    It's bizarre. 


You know me BP, everything's awkward with me, but you can talk about whatever you like.  :^


First, go find or purchase a "him" sized phallic object, then start some sexy talking over the phone.  For instance, "Hey, what are you wearing?  Oh really?  I'm actually on the toilet right now... I think I have the flu..." 

Cams, I am so turned on right now!!


*snip*"you're going to make me vegan creme myself" (*high fives self for that last one).

my MA has ended. that is all i am gonna share since cammers knows my LF and, well, it is kinda awkward for me to be like "oh hai stories!"

or is it? he can answer that question. or we can talk about it IRL

bp - like the use of 'vegan creme' - nice!

also, please give us the stories - cammers look away for the next page or so!


KMK - I figured the question had been asked before but I wasn't up to re-reading all 70+ pages for the specific rules :o

Thank you for the advice, that's so helpful!  I need to vocalize all the things we normally do - I can handle that.  I just don't want to blow it my first time around and then there never be a second time (damn - the puns are just arunnin' in my head). 

I hadn't thought about email sex, but that might not be bad . . . do you ever worry about there being an electronic trail of it, though?  I completely trust him, but he's a bit funny about email/online stuff. 

Hee hee - I LOVE the vegan creme . . . that's the best BP!!


email sex is also fun if you have a private place/email to indulge in it over. like, not your work email address but a private one. private office. i think it is easier because you can think things out a bit and type them out.

yes.  or messenger/webcam.  ;)b



i gotta go check my email!


Pics emailed to AC and PPC.  Anyone else who wants to see, PM me here, or on Facebook.

o hai!


Awww, he's cute! He looks really sweet (and young?). He looks especially young in that first picture.


eta: I forwarded it to kmk.


You're talking about the pic and I haven't gotten to see yet!


Awww, he's cute! He looks really sweet (and young?). He looks especially young in that first picture.


eta: I forwarded it to kmk.

almost 29!!!

I thought that too, but not so much in the other two pictures. 

btw - moratorium is 5 days into expiry.  ^-^



Spring is such a great season to visit someone for a day with an overnight bag.  Are you going to do outdoor things?  Have fun!


BTW - I am leaving in about an hour to go see him for 'the day'.  (Overnight back is packed.)  If you don't hear back from me tonight, you'll know things are going well.  ^-^

Yippppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!  :D  8-)

He'll age well, I bet.  ^-^


have fun mdv!!!  ;)b


Woohoo! Good for you, mdv! :D


You guys will appreciate this:

Funny thing is, there is no "every time"--I haven't seen K for a month.   ::)
Anyway, we take it as a compliment.  
Note the passive aggressive underlining.
I think "demoralizing" would have been a fitting addition.   ;D

I think this speaks for itself.  I had a good weekend.   ;)b


you should send that to !


you should send that to !

I totally am!


You guys will appreciate this:

Funny thing is, there is no "every time"--I haven't seen K for a month.  ::)
Anyway, we take it as a compliment. 
Note the passive aggressive underlining.
I think "demoralizing" would have been a fitting addition.  ;D

I think this speaks for itself.  I had a good weekend.  ;)b

if you guys are making noise past 10 pm they could file a report with the police for violating noise codes and their right to peace and quiet in their home....just saying, it could be serious  :o



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