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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



Sex?!  SEX?!

Oh lord have mercy.  Now I must know details.  But again, I'm nosy.  Bordering on voyeur.

That's so exciting!

eta: Type of sex? 


I love how she just throws "sex" in there like it's..."cooking."  ::)  I mean, I figured it was included since she did preface the discussion with lack of orgasm talk.



I love how she just throws "sex" in there like it's..."cooking."  ::)  I mean, I figured it was included since she did preface the discussion with lack of orgasm talk.


I know!


Heli, get out of the freaking cooking threads and get in here!

eta:  Wanna hit the chat room, ladies?


Heli, get out of the freaking cooking threads and get in here!

eta:  Wanna hit the chat room, ladies?

Sorry. :-D



not fair.....why oh why wasn't I around for chat room!!  Aaaaaaaargh!
I feel so out of the loop.


not fair.....why oh why wasn't I around for chat room!!  Aaaaaaaargh!
I feel so out of the loop.

You will have to get her to explain.


not fair.....why oh why wasn't I around for chat room!!  Aaaaaaaargh!
I feel so out of the loop.


Heli, I have been excited for you!  Anticipated every update...and I missed the juicy stuff!


I am so very happy for you though.  You are realizing what a beautiful and desirable woman you are.   :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>>


Ugh... I think I am over the guy I have been dating for the past month or so. He is totally needy. In fact, I told him last night that he was needy. I don't know if that was mean. Whatever.

Also, I went out the other night and I got to talking to this guy and I really liked him. At the end of the night, I gave him my number, but I think that he put it in his phone wrong because I told him my number and after he put it in his phone he said, "Okay, I am calling you right now" so that I could have his number. I didn't check my phone right then though. I figured I would check it and save it when I got home. When I got home, I didn't have any missed calls. Ugh! 


I called jean shorts boy today to telll him that I just "didn't feel a connection" when we met.  His response was "yeah, i thought there was gonna be more of a connection too, but I was gonna give it one more date."  I hate doing that.  :(  He did thank me for calling and telling him rather than sleeping with him to see if i felt a connection  :o or just ignoring his future calls. 


That's so funny coming from a guy (and, yes, I am type-casting):  Thank you for not sleeping with me if you don't feel a connection.


First of all, I just finished reading all 70 pages of this thread and HOLY SHIT, I've missed alot!!!

Second, yay Heli - I'm so excited for you!!! 

Third, it is time for me to join this group.  Part of this is self-imposed and part of it is geographical (in that there aren't any options where I live).  My fwb, who lived 2 hours away and just recently moved up to the Northwest is no longer and option. 

This is probably a good thing since I became more attached that I planned.  I knew going into it exactly what it was and that neither of us wanted a relationship, but I allowed myself to think about the "what if".  I'm terrified by commitment and the idea of dating/marriage literally freaks me out.  So, I'm not exactly sure why I began to think that maybe NP and I would work out - especially when he has way more issues (personal, sexual, emotional) than I do. 


Oh as for dating horror stories - I've got a few (these are all from within the past few months):

#1 - met for coffee at Starbucks and he was the gayest man I've ever met (I spent most of my college years hanging out in the gay bars of Dallas - I know a gay man when I see one) and yet he was trying to sell himself off as straight . . . yeah, i don't think so

#2 - sold some kind of "natural healing" products that cleans out intestinal worms - thought I'd be into it since I was a vegetarian.  He spent over 45 minutes telling me about said intestinal worms and even brought me a sample of the product (this story is actually quite funny and has a whole lot more to it)

#3 - is an avid hunter and fisher; thought I wanted to know more about how he processed his own meat when I made a sarcastic passing comment (after 3 glasses of wine due to the date being so bad) about "oh, you must have your own meat grinder, huh?"  He proceeded to tell me how the ENTIRE effing process is done.  (then I ran into him a few months later at a charity event and didn't recognize him - another funny story)

#4 & #5 are both students of mine who seemed to think it appropriate to try and kiss the yoga instructor (that'd be me) . . . one of them while in the studio with other students around  :o


jewel, we should form a sisterhood.  I'm you in your fwb story.  What I need to do is go balls forward in spite of my issues and try having a real relationship or none at all.


Ugh... I think I am over the guy I have been dating for the past month or so. He is totally needy. In fact, I told him last night that he was needy. I don't know if that was mean. Whatever.

Also, I went out the other night and I got to talking to this guy and I really liked him. At the end of the night, I gave him my number, but I think that he put it in his phone wrong because I told him my number and after he put it in his phone he said, "Okay, I am calling you right now" so that I could have his number. I didn't check my phone right then though. I figured I would check it and save it when I got home. When I got home, I didn't have any missed calls. Ugh!   

that sucks!  you should totally do a missed connection on craigslist to find him..  i think you were totally in the right to end things with the needy guy - and it's probably good for him to hear it, too.

lotus- that sleeping with him comment that guy said is so weird.. do people do that?  im pretty sure if i felt no connection with a person the last thing id want to do would be to have sex with them to confirm it.. how awkward would that be?  im glad you dumped him and his shorts.  it sounds like you have better on the horizon anyway..  

ps. i actually have a crush on someone!  weird!  im afraid if i talk to him though ill find out he's like 23 or something.. right now we're at the 'smiling at eachother as we pass on the street' phase.  thats one of the downsides to looking younger than you are.. guys that are too young for you are attracted to you.


Ugh, jorts boy turns out to be a douche.  I can't put my finger on why, but what he said is kind of conceited.  Like, damn, bitches be all over me once they experience my sexual prowess!  I mean, from what you've said, he doesn't sound like he is exactly oozing sex appeal with the jorts-belt-tuck (henceforth JBT). 

*Napoleon Dynamite voice*  "Thank you for totally not taking advantage of my hot bod and letting it's oozing masculinity sway your judgment, you crazy ass nympho.  I never want to speak to you again!  Gosh!"

I'm sure that's not remotely how it was, but I have this really funny image of jorts boy as Napoleon Dynamite and I'm clinging to that.

Good for you for telling him what's up.  Amen.  I'm glad.  Moving on!


Second thought for jewel.  If you get another fwb, get someone closer than two hours away!  Half a day is gone by the time you or he got there, got off, and got back.  That's a lot of time commitment for a fwb.  The brilliance of fwbs is the convenience factor.


fwb?  :boooo: 

That's not the MA spirit!  No GC's. 

I kid.  :-*


But isn't it easier taking your time to get to know someone, via frof, if you aren't horny?


you have a point there.. but the fwbs probably get in the way of any worthwhile frof candidates.



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