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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



:-*  Sounds nice!  ;)b

My comment is: Just continue to do what feels natural, and communicate. Oh, and have fun!

My question is: This was occurring inside the bar place? Were lots of people right around you? Did that make you uncomfortable? I'm probably just imagining it incorrectly. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Oh boy!  She's turning into an exhibitionist already!  Go Heli!!!

By the way, I laughed out loud while reading your post and audibly cheered for you.  ;)b


*pause* Uh, I don't know how much detail you girls want to hear, here! :o ;D and I don't know how to describe this stuff without sounding high-schoolish?! *shrug*

I'd like to hear details about the fondling.....   ^-^

Neck kisses and fondling in public!  Ooh, c'est scandaleux!  You saucy minx, you!  K couldn't resist your womanly allure.

For what to do back, you should mirror what the other person does.  People kiss they way they want to be kissed back.  If he gives neck kisses, just mirror what he is doing--same with all other actions (above the belt....).  Guarantee he will think whatever you are doing is awesome because it's exactly what he does.  Take cues from him.  It's pretty much fail proof.


unless he's a really shitty kisser - don't continue the cycle.

congrats heli- im so happy for you!


unless he's a really shitty kisser - don't continue the cycle.

Right right right.  True.  Hahaha  ;D

Heli, what didn't you like about this kissing on the lips?  A particular action or sensation, or was it more of a feeling?  What kind of kissing was it?  Was there tongue?  :P :-*


My question is: This was occurring inside the bar place? Were lots of people right around you? Did that make you uncomfortable? I'm probably just imagining it incorrectly. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Oh boy!  She's turning into an exhibitionist already!  Go Heli!!!

By the way, I laughed out loud while reading your post and audibly cheered for you.  ;)b

Tehehe... well, the bar was shaped like a long, narrow 'L' and we were in a booth halfway around the corner bit. I sat between K and a wall, so he shielded what he was doing from most people's view. I couldn't help but shoot a few glances past him to see if anyone was looking, but I didn't notice anyone noticing, really. ;D

I'm glad you enjoyed reading about my adventures! :D

Re: my womanly allure... yeah, I was a little surprised at that... see, I worry a bit about my body shape, but K doesn't seem to have a problem with it being a bit, er, well-padded. ::)

Re: kissing... it didn't help that I had no idea what I was doing. How to describe it? Um. Very little tongue, a bit of suction, a bit of (almost) nibbling... ;D ??? I have no basis for comparison, to know if K is a good or bad kisser. I'll wait for more experimentation, I guess. I just know that that was the only touch-thing which felt like... nothing, i.e. didn't make my body react.

Re: fondling... I want to express my newbie amazement at how differently one's skin feels when another person touches it, instead of oneself! I am very pleasantly surprised; and I wonder if this is why my few past attempts at masturbation led pretty much nowhere. Maybe it's just how I'm wired - it's gotta be someone else's hands, or the skin just feels like skin. Go fig.


Re: my womanly allure... yeah, I was a little surprised at that... see, I worry a bit about my body shape, but K doesn't seem to have a problem with it being a bit, er, well-padded. ::)

Where I'm from, we call that "fluffy."  :-* And a little extra is a good thing!


With any luck, I am going to have a happy update soon.   ;)b

:) I can't wait!


With any luck, I am going to have a happy update soon.   ;)b

:) I can't wait!

+1... yay for romance. :>


This one goes out to the LADIES:

Rock it, girls!


This one goes out to the LADIES:

Rock it, girls and Camillus!

Yeah! ;)b


woo hoo heli!  I actually clapped my hands reading your post and cheered (and think I may have woken N up as it s inly 6am here!)
Sounds like you had a fantastic birthday!  K sounds really cool.

Re: fondling... I want to express my newbie amazement at how differently one's skin feels when another person touches it, instead of oneself! I am very pleasantly surprised; and I wonder if this is why my few past attempts at masturbation led pretty much nowhere. Maybe it's just how I'm wired - it's gotta be someone else's hands, or the skin just feels like skin. Go fig.

I think that this could be true - I've never had much luck with masturbation either, but if it's someone else then no problems!


Re: fondling... I want to express my newbie amazement at how differently one's skin feels when another person touches it, instead of oneself! I am very pleasantly surprised; and I wonder if this is why my few past attempts at masturbation led pretty much nowhere. Maybe it's just how I'm wired - it's gotta be someone else's hands, or the skin just feels like skin. Go fig.

I think that this could be true - I've never had much luck with masturbation either, but if it's someone else then no problems!

Yay! we're both weird! :)>>> 8-)

But srsly... it was nice to learn this new thing about myself! All hope is not lost.


hey - you callin' me weird! RUDE!

but too true!


Umm, is it really American of me to ask if you own a vibrator?


I smiled with a little tear of joy while reading your post, Heli!  The whole PDA thing is sooo hot!  So glad this was a positive experience for you.  I've never been a big fan of the sucking-kissing style, but it sounds like you guys have the communication thing down, so you can always communicate what you think you might like in that dept.  I'm sooooo happy for you!


I smiled with a little tear of joy while reading your post, Heli!  The whole PDA thing is sooo hot!  So glad this was a positive experience for you.  I've never been a big fan of the sucking-kissing style, but it sounds like you guys have the communication thing down, so you can always communicate what you think you might like in that dept.  I'm sooooo happy for you!

:-* ;)b

Umm, is it really American of me to ask if you own a vibrator?

Heheh, I don't. I've just never been into the kind of shop where they can be purchased. :chinup:


Heheh, I don't. I've just never been into the kind of shop where they can be purchased. :chinup:

You can buy them online, you know... ^-^
That's a really good idea, too, if you are interested in exploring your sexuality in other ways than your hands. 

I think the other reason that masturbation has been unsuccessful for you is that you didn't have a memory bank of experiences to base it on or the desire to do it.  You didn't even have a memory of the emotion of being sexually aroused/desired, so masturbation would be something purely mechanical for you.  Which is fine sometimes, but if you really want it to feel like "something" then you need to have the mindset.  I find masturbation way more pleasurable--or rather, pleasurable in a different, more satisfying way--when I am with someone at the time and have recent experiences/sensations/emotions at my fingertips.  No pun intended.  ^-^

Then again, masturbation isn't essential to life.  *shrugs*

This is such fun!  I love this thread.  I do.


Cam - Love the profile.  You do okc quizzes like I do fb quizzes.  I did the top one of yours where you're 55% slut.  I'm 59% slut.  We're slut mates. (eta:  And I got 70% on the gaydar test.  I might join okc just to log the quizzes.)


Thanks for sending me over here, heli.

So, about the kissing.  There are a bunch of ways people kiss.  I think the worst way is when they get their lips really hard and tight.  The medium way is for kind of tight lips, but not overly so.  The best way is when, for most purposes, the lips are loose.  Like you could pout them out and run the side of your pointer finger over them to make the behbehbeh sound.

There's also the speed of the kiss.  Fast kisses are okay sometimes, but they lead to tighter lips, so I prefer moderately slow kisses with loose lips.  And light biting of lips.  I'm not sure if you like tongue.  I didn't when I first started kissing.  If you're going for tongue, practice moving your own tongue around in your mouth to find what you like.  I discovered that a light tongue stoke along the roof of my mouth gives me shivers - which is a good thing to know.

Kissing is a big indicator.  The guy I hooked up with (story on fb) was a medium to tight lipped kisser.  I knew then that he'd be a lousy lay and the field test proved me correct.


Haha, hh, I love your three-category kissing system.  Very nice!

Kissing is a big indicator.  The guy I hooked up with (story on fb) was a medium to tight lipped kisser.  I knew then that he'd be a lousy lay and the field test proved me correct.


The last boyfriend that I had, for about 2 years was, honestly, the worst kisser I've ever had.  He was an ok "lay."  But honestly being a bad kisser negates everything.  He would just kind of smash his lips into mine without moving them--blahhhhhhh gross.

K and I play this kissing game.  Well, he plays it with me mostly.  He goes to kiss but then he pulls back so it's like a chasing thing.  It's the best thing ever.  :-*


K and I play this kissing game.  Well, he plays it with me mostly.  He goes to kiss but then he pulls back so it's like a chasing thing.  It's the best thing ever. 

Yes.  And this.



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